ret paladin rework

Ret paladin rework

As the title suggests, what was the point of the rework? You hook us with a lot of great ideas and proceed to gut the entire rework inside of three weeks. What was the point of the passive-aggressive nerf before the weekend on the eve of ret paladin rework patch?

Noooo its not negative Its insulting We got a decent rework but got mastery nerfed to the ground so we now have no bis stat. How much AOE can you do at all in std single target raid spec The important factor for me would be It's similar. Ret can't go for Hybrid builds without massive loss to the other profile.

Ret paladin rework

My name is Masky. I am a long-time retribution paladin main who has raided with the spec on and off at a decent level since Legion. Throughout the years I have done my utmost to minmax this spec to bring out the strengths of it. This has been a greatly enjoyable playstyle for me, and as I understand it many others, as it has been extremely rewarding to execute properly. Like many others I was very excited for the retribution paladin rework as the spec had been suffering from some glaring faults for a very long time. I was excited to get a broader defensive toolkit and some much-needed QoL updates. By far the biggest win for retribution after the rework is the defensive capability of the spec. The spec got a huge boost to its passive defensiveness and was given another great defensive cooldown to use. On top of this the spec was given some small QoL changes like a longer divine steed, and divine steed no longer being on the global cooldown. This makes retribution in general feel pretty good play, with a clearly defined weakness in snappy movement and forced displacement of your character. As I am a DPS player, my biggest concern with this rework is the new damage profile that retribution has been given.

Bodhi-silvermoon June 11,am Good damage, especially in aoe, and 3 holy power, ret paladin rework, so you could immediately use a finisher. I really hate having to play CSAA it makes me miss pressing crusader ret paladin rework, what i would do is remove the 2 charge of crusader strike and have it a lower cd and deal more damage instead of having mutiple cd on 1 ability makes that ability not fun to press like double judgment, On top of that it would make a good comparison to CSAA for those who likes automatic damage instead of pressing buttons.

By Staff , January 28, in News. Blizzard have announced some big changes coming to Retribution Plaladins with the next content patch, with a rebuild of the talent tree from the ground up! Check out all the details below:. Rebuilding the Retribution talent tree from the ground up means significant changes ahead. However, the talent tree itself will not be available in our first PTR build s , so initial testing on the PTR will be missing important context. Button bloat : Retribution Paladins currently have a fairly large number of abilities, and some of these feel unnecessary and inefficient. Stacking modifiers : There are currently several talents and abilities that provide stacking bonuses, which can make for a confusing and messy playstyle that deals extreme burst damage, but in return leaves your core abilities feeling unsatisfying and under-tuned.

Rebuilding the Retribution talent tree from the ground up means significant changes ahead. However, the talent tree itself will not be available in our first PTR build s , so initial testing on the PTR will be missing important context. Button bloat : Retribution Paladins currently have a fairly large number of abilities, and some of these feel unnecessary and inefficient. Stacking modifiers : There are currently several talents and abilities that provide stacking bonuses, which can make for a confusing and messy playstyle that deals extreme burst damage, but in return leaves your core abilities feeling unsatisfying and under-tuned. We intend to significantly change this. We want your core abilities to feel good and powerful when used in all situations. Survivability : Retribution Paladins currently have one of the highest death rates across all forms of content.

Ret paladin rework

On January 27, World of Warcraft announced a rework of the Paladin's Retribution specialization that will arrive in an upcoming patch. The news came just three days after World of Warcraft Patch Though Retribution provides excellent burst damage and utility in any given situation, it has some glaring weaknesses.

Danone maaş

We are one of the most predicable specs with both mobility and dmg CDs…. That was completely passive, but it was pretty nice as it added quite a bit of secondary stats, and haste is really cool. These comparisons are all done with There is not gameplay feedback from those abilities, just damage. Feedback on the retribution paladin rework Classes Paladin. I would love to have alternative builds focused around buffing Divine Hammer with Sanctify or making Judgment much stronger with Judgment of Justice and Judge, Jury and Executioner , but these talents are so undertuned that it's just not feasible to experiment with them. For almost every other class a DR of that power would be minutes. Buffing Execution Sentence would make skill expression more pronounced as a well performed Execution Sentence would contribute much more to your damage on average than a poorly performed Execution Sentence would. On top of this the spec was given some small QoL changes like a longer divine steed, and divine steed no longer being on the global cooldown. Searing Light was already stated as getting a similar bonus, they just didn't have the activation method worked out so it hasn't been implemented yet for us to test. Zeus-kiljaeden March 18, , pm Although we wont know for sure how it all is until the big brain number crunchers come out with what is best. Go to topic listing. Ret just has 2 charges of steed and it is laughable that if you cast a slow or snare on a Ret during steed there is no speed advantange from steed, so steed is normally required to be used with blessing of freedom for steed to function. We have 7 classes getting looked at in PvE, with Mistweaver, Preservation and Frost Mage getting the most changes, while Marksmanship and Survival get flat buffs.

By Staff , February 15, in News. Blizzard have gone in-depth on today's changes to Retribution on the PTR, detailing all the improvements, from total number of buttons to stacking modifiers, utility and more.

Check out all the details below:. Zeus-kiljaeden March 18, , pm This drawback hasn't been a huge issue for damage in Aberrus since it's an extremely single target oriented raid, but it's unlikely that future content will mask this weakness to the same extent going forward. Same foe stats - they are very boring now for ret paladin. It's likely that for many specs listed there are builds that lose a much lower percentage to still do reasonable AoE damage; this graph's purpose is to illustrate how bad of a situation Ret is in relatively rather than try to make fully representative comparisons between all specs. Arahgon-maiev March 18, , am 9. Abilities like crusader strike should stay, as a filler, otherwise you are going to be spending a lot of time on auto-attack… furthermore, the abilities that line up with burst like final reckoning and divine toll are actually the fun ones. Wake of ashes reset removal was bad. Vanguard of Justice's strength in PVE is sort of hidden. Well i mean, your rotation is gameplay.

3 thoughts on “Ret paladin rework

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