Ridgemont high pool scene

If you were a teenager when this first came out it was an unforgettable movie with one of the reasons being this very famous "pool scene" starring Phobe Cates. For more HD Dolby video's both music and other please subscribe to my channel.

It turned 40 on August 13, The coming of age movie also launched the film career of Cameron Crowe, upon whose book about going undercover at age 22 at a California high school it was based. Crowe wrote the screenplay and would later write and direct such blockbusters as Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous , earn an Academy Award and marry a classic rock star. The film, released Aug. Schmit, yet peaked at only 54 on the Albums Chart.

Ridgemont high pool scene


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Ah, the legendary pool scene. Back when Mr. Skin was dominating the early days of PG internet smut, he chose this as his No. While I did hear him on Gilbert Gottfried's podcast not long ago, I can't confirm if it still occupies the top spot. Maybe it's been replaced, but I can't imagine by what or whom. Alexandria Daddario in "True Detective" perhaps? All I know is that I'm the same age as Phoebe Cates so this moment is forever imprinted on my soul and will never be replaced.

Ridgemont high pool scene

A group of Southern California high school students are enjoying their most important subjects: sex, drugs and rock n' roll. Jeff Spicoli : What Jefferson was saying was, Hey! You know, we left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves - pronto - we'll just be bogus too! Get it? Sign In Sign In.

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One more… okay, rock stars… did you know that Nancy Wilson of Heart has a cameo in the movie? Robert Romanus was the ticket scalper, Damone. Director's Cut. You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge s :. My favorite song on the album. Share This:. Learn how here! Time just flies by. The coming of age movie also launched the film career of Cameron Crowe, upon whose book about going undercover at age 22 at a California high school it was based. Learn how your comment data is processed. It turned 40 on August 13, Newcomers' Community.

The legacy of the film " Fast Times at Ridgemont High " has proved to be an enduring one, with the movie being placed in the Criterion Collection and being widely viewed as a quintessential high school movie. And then it came out and it was this big hit, you know, where you'd go to the theater and people would say the lines with it, and people had obviously seen the movie over and over again," Leigh told The Daily News of the film's continued impact.

Coin Marketplace. Reply this comment. JST 0. By upvoting this notification, you can help all Steemit users. A classic film from the 80s with righteous babes and righteous 80s music. Crowe wrote the screenplay and would later write and direct such blockbusters as Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous , earn an Academy Award and marry a classic rock star. Your data will be safe! Click here to cancel reply. Latest posts by Best Classic Bands Staff see all. You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge s :. Award for the number of posts published.

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