ronnie mccnut video

Ronnie mccnut video

Ronnie mccnut video McNutt May 23, — August 31, was a year-old American man and US Army Reserve veteran from New Albany, ronnie mccnut video, Mississippiwho committed suicide by shooting himself under his chin on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on various social media platforms due to its inherent shock value. TikTok was also slow to respond to the video, which had appeared in many user feeds and constant re-uploads, leading to many users choosing to boycott the platform.

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Ronnie mccnut video

Ronald Merle McNutt May 23, — August 31, was a year-old American man and US Army Reserve veteran from New Albany, Mississippi , who committed suicide by shooting himself under his chin with a Remington Model bolt action rifle on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on various social media platforms due to its inherent shock value. The case became notable for both the callous attitude expressed towards McNutt's death by some Internet users, as well as Facebook's slow response to the video, which had been shared to numerous other platforms and amassed a large view count before finally being taken down, though the video can be still found on various shock websites. TikTok was also slow to respond to the video, which had appeared in many user feeds and constant re-uploads, leading to many users choosing to boycott the platform. He worked at a Toyota plant. He had a variety of mental health problems, such as depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD , the latter of which was a direct consequence of his time served in the Iraq War in and On August 31, , McNutt began a Facebook livestream. His best friend, Joshua Steen, noticed the stream. He did not initially find it unusual as McNutt had routinely done livestreams in the past, but he became alarmed when he realized that McNutt was intoxicated and holding a single shot rifle. Facebook refused to cut the stream, claiming that the stream was not in any violation of its platform's guidelines, as Ronnie McNutt had not yet fired a fatal shot. As the stream went on, McNutt's mobile phone rang frequently. The last call he received was from his ex-girlfriend, which he answered, leading to a brief argument between the two. After she ended the call, McNutt took hold of the gun and addressed the audience for the last time, saying his last words, "Hey guys, I guess that's it. About a second before he shot himself, the phone he'd left on his desk began to ring. The stream had been captured by multiple viewers.

After she ended the call, McNutt took hold of the gun and addressed the audience for ronnie mccnut video final time, saying his last words, "Hey guys, I guess that's it.


Ronnie McNutt May 23, — August 31, was a year-old American man and US Army Reserve veteran from New Albany, Mississippi , who committed suicide by shooting himself under his chin on a Facebook livestream, which went viral on various social media platforms due to its inherent shock value. TikTok was also slow to respond to the video, which had appeared in many user feeds and constant re-uploads, leading to many users choosing to boycott the platform. He worked at a Toyota plant. He had a variety of mental health problems, such as depression as well as post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD , the latter of which was a direct consequence of his time served in the Iraq War in and On August 31, , McNutt began a Facebook livestream. His best friend, Joshua Steen, noticed the stream. He did not initially find it unusual as McNutt had routinely done livestreams in the past, but he became alarmed when he realized that McNutt was intoxicated and holding a bolt action rifle.

Ronnie mccnut video

Now, he is fighting for answers from the firm and other social media platforms where clips of the suicide are widely available. He reported it to Facebook during the livestream, at Mississippi time - two hours after the video had started, and half an hour before Ronnie killed himself. He said that he didn't get a response until , when Facebook told him that the video did not violate its community guidelines. Josh Steen said the social network had an opportunity to stop the stream when Ronnie misfired his gun before - which he says is a clear violation of the guidelines. Mr McNutt was a year-old army veteran who had seen active service in Iraq, and subsequently dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD and other mental-health issues. He had recently broken up with his girlfriend and had been drinking on the night of his death.

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The stream was captured by multiple viewers. It makes you a POS". His best friend, Joshua Steen, noticed the stream. Quad-Cities Daily. Retrieved March 25, Retrieved January 2, The video was downloaded and posted online, and the spread of the livestream started. JamsterGuy 2 months ago. Police Chief Chris Robertson reported that his officers had secured the perimeter and evacuated nearby residents before attempting to communicate with McNutt via speakerphone, to no avail. Rosemary 1 year ago. Noor 3 months ago. The ronniemcnutt hashtag had The incident was compared to the filmed suicides of anchorwoman Christine Chubbuck and politician R. Many parents reported that their children were highly distressed after encountering the video, with one girl becoming physically ill and needing to sleep with the lights on. Xenometer2 1 year ago.

His death was confirmed by his church, the non-denominational Celebration Church in Tupelo, Mississippi, which posted a statement about his passing. He was very caring, committed, loyal, dependable, and eccentric.

JamsterGuy 2 months ago. The Guardian. As TikTok caught onto the video with its algorithms , uploaders evaded detection by placing the video after pictures of unrelated, innocuous content. Rosemary 1 year ago. Tools Tools. Share Favorite Playlists Flag. According to Heavy , Facebook also initially refused to prevent the spread of recorded video of McNutt's misfire and suicide but later agreed to remove the videos from its platform. The stream was captured by multiple viewers. New Albany, Mississippi , U. Budd Dwyer. September 10, The stream had been captured by multiple viewers.

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