rules thesaurus

Rules thesaurus

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Synonimy i antonimy słowa rule w języku angielskim. These are words and phrases related to rule. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, przejdź do definicji rule. You must obey the rules of the game. Synonyms law.

Rules thesaurus

The question mark? That means that you can use it as a placeholder for a single letter or symbol. The query l? The number-sign matches any English consonant. For example, the query tra t finds the word "tract" but not "trait". The at-sign matches any English vowel including "y". For example, the query abo t finds the word "about" but not "abort". Enter a word, phrase, description, or pattern above to find synonyms, related words, and more. See Help or try one these examples: joyful sporadically small amount strong wind types of enzyme squishy, spongy, gooey. If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser, please re-enable it for this site. Here's how to do that on Chrome , Edge , and Safari.

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Doskonała komunikacja, perfekcyjne podejście do klienta, realizacja szybka i całkowicie zgodna z zamówieniem, do tego dobra cena, czyli całość na piątkę. Polecam, polecam, polecam! Świetny wybór, książki w doskonałej cenie i co najważniejsze błyskawiczna realizacja zamówienia - dodaję do moich ulubionych sklepów. Bardzo miła obsługa, szybko reagują na wiadomości pisane. Szybko rozwiązują problem i tłumaczą sytuację, oraz bardzo jasno i konkretnie piszą mail o każdej zmianie w zamówieniach. Kolejny raz robię zakupy w sklepie i jest super szybko, tanio i wygodnie. Aż żałuję, że nie mają innych propozycji, które mnie interesują.

Some common synonyms of rule are canon , law , ordinance , precept , regulation , and statute. While all these words mean "a principle governing action or procedure," rule applies to more restricted or specific situations. In some situations, the words canon and rule are roughly equivalent. However, canon suggests in nonreligious use a principle or rule of behavior or procedure commonly accepted as a valid guide. While the synonyms law and rule are close in meaning, law implies imposition by a sovereign authority and the obligation of obedience on the part of all subject to that authority. While in some cases nearly identical to rule , ordinance applies to an order governing some detail of procedure or conduct enforced by a limited authority such as a municipality. Where would precept be a reasonable alternative to rule? The meanings of precept and rule largely overlap; however, precept commonly suggests something advisory and not obligatory communicated typically through teaching. The words regulation and rule are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, regulation implies prescription by authority in order to control an organization or system.

Rules thesaurus

Words related to rules are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word rules. Browse related words to learn more about word associations. We have reached a tipping point in the culture where Americans are now trained to look to the rules instead of their own judgment. These Rules leaving out the Tenor serves for five bells; and leaving out the fifth and Tenor, they serve for four bells. But men, through neglecting the rules of health, pass quickly to old age, and die before reaching that term. Not only do children thus of themselves extend the scope of our commands, they show a disposition to make rules for themselves. By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.

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1 thoughts on “Rules thesaurus

  1. Between us speaking, in my opinion, it is obvious. I have found the answer to your question in

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