rwby cinder

Rwby cinder

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volumes 8 are unmarked. I want to be feared.

She is a member of Salem's Inner Circle and was the leader of her own faction. She is also the current Fall Maiden. Her machinations are the driving force behind the events of the first three volumes and cemented her as the primary antagonist of the Beacon Arc. She made her debut in the first episode of Volume 1 , " Ruby Rose ". Cinder used a special Grimm glove to steal half of the Fall Maiden's powers from Amber. During the Fall of Beacon , she gained the other half and killed Ozpin in battle.

Rwby cinder

Written by ReaverArklight. To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. Cinder Fall. Cinder's first name was Cinder Falleaf, she was born into the family but soon after her Mother died and her Father left the family, resulting in Cinder being sent to Madame Falleaf in the Glass Unicorn at the age of 10 where she served as a Slave for 5 years and used as an example to the other Faunus Maids as to what happens if they disobey. Soon A Huntsmen named Rhodes found her during a secret mission to confirm reports of child slavery at the Glass Unicorn, becoming attached to Cinder and teaching her how to fight. Due to her age and lack of proper upbringing, Cinder failed to understand what she did wrong, resulting in Rhodes trying to get her out before the authorities could arrest her and send her to the juvenile Detention Centre. Improper conduct by Atlas Soldiers and fear within both Cinder and Rhodes led to a direct confrontation with authorities and resulted in Rhodes's death at the hands of an Atlas Sniper, Cinder escaped but blamed Ironwood and Clover for what happened to Rhodes. By the age of 16, she was discovered by Salem and brought under her wing, spending the next few years becoming Salem's protege, secretly learning Dark magic to control Grimm. At the age of 17 Cinder recruited Mercury and Emerald and by 18 began organising her master plan to bring down the Kingdom of Vale. However she was now and her Empathy was beginning to develop thanks to outside contact, using a special parasite Grimm, Salem gifted Cinder the ability to steal Maiden Powers at other expense of hampering Cinder's emotional development and Mind controlling her. Yet despite that, she ended up befriending Ruby and her friends, critically Pyrrha Nikos who she ended up empathising with and Admiring Greatly even though she planned to kill her from the start. Her Morality began changing as a result of all the outside world contact and Mercury's deceptive attempts to push her toward betrayal so he could claim prestige and earn Salem's favour, allowing him to reclaim his lost semblance through her magic. Despite everyone's best efforts even Ozpin's well-placed words, The Parasite and Cinder's own Greed and lust for power won out causing her to destroy Beacon and follow through with killing Pyrrha.

Though this specific weapon set has not been used since the Fall of Beacon, her continued use of bladed weapons clearly demonstrates the remaining influence, rwby cinder.

Growing up in an environment of violence prior to being taken to the Glass Unicorn, Cinder spent her early years as a malnourished slave while being forced to wear a shock collar, subjected to electric shocks as a form of discipline while barely supplementing her diet with scraps. In a desperate bid for freedom, Cinder stole a sword from the visiting Huntsman Rhodes, who sniffed her out and offered to train her in hopes of a future as a Huntress. Her health would greatly improve during her training with Rhodes, building up her athleticism with regular exercise and sparring sessions. Sometime afterwards, she was recruited by the immortal sorceress Salem, submitting herself in a bid for the power and agency she so desperately craved. During this time, Cinder was implanted by a parasitic Grimm beetle that allowed her to forcibly steal Maiden powers, though this implant would be her undoing at Beacon. The latter would be replaced by a prosthetic Shadow Hand that was likely an outgrowth of the parasite, a mixed blessing.

Spoilers for all works set prior to the end of Volume 8 are unmarked. I want to be feared. I want to be powerful. And I refuse to starve. You're just not worthy of such power.

Rwby cinder

Cinder originally led a group of five individuals consisting of herself, Roman Torchwick , Emerald Sustrai , Mercury Black and Neopolitan. The ultimate goal of this group was to aid Cinder in completing Salem's orders as a part of her group. They were responsible for many crimes committed throughout Vale. The faction slowly dwindled following Roman's death at the hands of a Griffon and Mercury's promotion to Salem's Inner Circle , leaving the members down to Cinder, Emerald, and Neopolitan.

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During the Battle of Beacon, Cinder is badly injured by Ruby's power. When she confronts the Spring Maiden at the Relic of Knowledge's vault, she outright claims that the only person worthy of possessing such power is herself. This is Epipedobates anthonyi, a common dart frog in greenhouses, kept for biological pest control and the delight of tumblrians. She typically used her powers for additional attack vectors, solidifying material into projectiles and heating objects to the point of detonation. All clear indicators to her mistreatment within the Children's Home in Mistral and signs that she was being overworked and not fed properly. Don't you feel honored? You're back early. Inspired by Cinderella , her shoes are made of obsidian glass and flashbacks reveal that she learned the power and presence of a well-heeled power walk from the abusive stepmother who raised her. In her first battle during the pilot episode, she engages in a magical duel with Glynda, where she transforms whatever Glynda throws at her into a range of things that either become dust and scatter or attempt to strike Glynda and Ruby. I… know I haven't upheld my end of the bargain. She did not have her characteristic tattoo until after she stole a portion of Amber's Maiden powers. During the subsequent battle, Cinder admits that she's starting to remember Jaune; she calls him a dense idiot who doesn't know when he's out of his league.

In her childhood, Cinder Fall lived in an orphanage [1] in Mistral , where she scrubbed floors and was bullied by the other children and was implied to have also been starved and overworked by her caretakers. There, Cinder was introduced to the Madame's two biological daughters. Once there, the Madame explained Cinder's new duties and work of cleaning the hotel and delivering food to the rooms and making her position and responsibilities as her "step-daughter" clear.

She has bright amber eyes and is described to be very young. You're not the only one who wants Ruby dead. This is a ruse to gain their cooperation; as soon as she's achieved her objectives and no longer needs them , Cinder personally throws Neo into the Void Between the Worlds and traps Watts in Atlas' Command Center to burn to death. Cinder's mobility and maneuverability in flight was shown during her aerial battles against Winter Schnee and Penny Polendina , wherein she was able to outmaneuver the both and defeat them. It is also seen in "The Final Word". Later, when ambushing Amber, Cinder tells them to execute the attack exactly as planned. She can make extensive use of raw Dust without difficulty. Current Wiki. Cinder, in turn, is disgusted by his insanity when he gleefully butchers a Beowolf in front of her. As a fighter, her style and weaponry are extremely versatile and high performance, and she can be a cunning planner when she puts her mind to it. This obsession is deconstructed as her repeated failures to do so also disrupt Salem's plans, costing her Salem's faith and leaving her with few resources. She is also quite adept at piloting, able to fly a Bullhead during one of Glynda's attacks.

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