Sandy hernandez

My name sandy hernandez Sandy Hernandez. I was destined to be a Chameleon! I was fortunate to do my student teaching at Cornerstone and given a teaching position the following school year!

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Biography IMDbPro. Play trailer The Roar of the Butterflies Sandy Co-produced her first short film ''Metamorphosis'' with Candy Santana founder of the production company ''Anima Azul''. Contact info Agent info Resume.

Sandy hernandez


New Customer? The Unexpecteds Agent Ramirez Post-production. Milly Quezada.


Growing up I had these images in my mind of helicopters at night. I thought it was a movie I had seen. I was born in Mexico City. My dad migrated to California soon after and for two years, he saved up money for the Coyote so we could reunite with him. My grandma and grandpa were the ones who crossed the border with me and my four-year-old sister. We got on a raft at night and went across the river. Once we were over on the US side, there was a car waiting for us.

Sandy hernandez

Three extremely courageous women stand up to one of the bloodiest dictators in Latin American history. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

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The Roar of the Butterflies. Expand below. Una Palabra TV Series. Videos 2. Conference Time Learn more. Milly Quezada. Dia de los Muertos Short. Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel. Trailer Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. Select a School. Metamorphosis Teaser. Related news. On My Block 7.

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Upcoming 5. Questions or Feedback? Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Redrum 6. Skip to Main Content. Create account. Expand below. Metamorphosis Teaser. The Calling 7. Please enable browser cookies to use this feature. On My Block 7. Upcoming 1.

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