savoy cinema boston

Savoy cinema boston

Get in touch. Born inOscar has grown to be one of the UK's leading ticketing systems. Plus of course he can provide you with facts and figures for everything. Fast, savoy cinema boston, intuitive user interface for selling tickets, retail, vouchers, membership and more.

A chartered engineer by trade, Collington runs Savoy Cinemas, six cinema sites in the middle and north of England, after buying the flagship East Midlands Nottingham site in with his late mum. Astutely spotting that purpose-built multiplexes were cropping up all around the country and that this was the way forward for the exhibition business, a few years later they developed their first independent multiplex in Boston , Lincolnshire. And to add the cherry on top, instead of the usual leasehold arrangement, the site came with its own freehold. The company continued in this vein in the following years, buying four more sites in English towns Worksop, Corby, Grantham and Dorchester, with one further location currently in development. During the 40s and 50s, Nottingham was home to 52 cinemas; a fact starkly contrasted with the Savoy now being the only one left. And that it was one of the first independents to subdivide from one into several screens, a move that was initially experimented with by the Odeon in Nottingham, paving the way for others like the Savoy to follow. Sadly, many other cinemas in the vicinity suffered from a lack of investment and interest, falling by the wayside and going out of business.

Savoy cinema boston


Choice of when to use benefits.


Book Cinema Tickets. Films currently showing at this cinema:. Duke Paul Atreides joins the Fremen and begins a spiritual and martial journey to become Muad'dib, while trying to prevent the horrible but inevitable future he's witnessed: a Holy War in his name, spreading throughout the known universe. A family of ducks try to convince their overprotective father to go on the vacation of a lifetime. Follow Po on his wide-eyed adventures in ancient China, whose love of kung fu is matched only by an insatiable appetite.

Savoy cinema boston

Savoy Cinemas Official. Operated by: Savoy Nottingham Ltd. Architects: Reginald William Gaze Cooper.

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Savoy Nottingham During the 40s and 50s, Nottingham was home to 52 cinemas; a fact starkly contrasted with the Savoy now being the only one left. Counter, Telephone and Internet Sales Fast, intuitive user interface for selling tickets, retail, vouchers, membership and more. Oscar comes with a full set of reports covering all aspects of your operation. It makes all aspects of cinema point of sale and back office straightforward to use and manage. Create unlimited Membership types single, joint, life etc. We cannot recommend it highly enough - it has revolutionised our business! Optionally add graphics - such as your logo - to printed tickets via the graphical ticket layout designer. Take advantage of powerful but easy-to-use Patron Lists to target customers based on ticket purchase history, stated preferences, membership status and more. Byline: Helen Budge. Create Unlimited Seating Plans. From our very first exploratory phone call onwards the team have been superb - every query and amendment being dealt with quickly and intuitively Easy Performance Rescheduling. Conditional content - such as maps - can be included in the email based on items purchased. Use promo codes in your social media or print marketing to trigger discounts for your customers. Add a screen to the till to allow the customer to view their chosen seats for allocated shows.


A chartered engineer by trade, Collington runs Savoy Cinemas, six cinema sites in the middle and north of England, after buying the flagship East Midlands Nottingham site in with his late mum. Keep your eyes peeled to see what their menu looks like in the not-too-distant future. Retail Sales and Stock Control Sell food, drinks, sweets, merchandise, 3D Glasses and more all with full stock control Manage your stock effectively with complete stock management, delivery details and reporting. No request ever seems too much for the wonderful support team, making us feel valued as users, important as a cinema, and enabling a system that evolves as we evolve. Rocking with Recliners An area not to be overlooked when carrying out a whole or partial refurb is to ensure that the auditorium seating is up-to-date and complementary to the rest of the work carried out. The Savoy team made the process so easy — not mention giving our patrons a better experience in the process. This makes it easy to analyse and segment the database for marketing purposes Either email customers directly from within the system using the full-featured email editor and seamlessly include details of upcoming shows , or use third party tools. Support library No more clunky manuals; our extensive online Knowledge Base is intuitive and easy to navigate. We integrate with a number of payment providers, which allows you to take card payments at Point of Sale without having to enter the amount into a standalone card machine - it's both quicker and reduces the chance of mistakes. Membership and Loyalty Create unlimited Membership types single, joint, life etc.

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