sayori natsuki

Sayori natsuki

She is the Vice President of the Literature Clubthe protagonist 's childhood friend and a character sayori natsuki the player can write poems for.

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. A Doki Doki literature club chat fic where everyone is in a poly relationship and act like normal people outside of the canon universe. Sayori makes a group chat with all of the Members of the Literature club while she was getting ready for school. More or less think of it as one shots, but if I ever have an interesting enough idea I might make it an extra chapter or two.

Sayori natsuki

In game, there's not a big number of interactions between these two girls. Over the course of the game, both show an attraction to the Protagonist. If you don't pick Yuri when the Protagonist selects what girl he wants to help with the preparations for the club event, Yuri starts to sulk because she wasn't picked. Natsuki tries to cheer Yuri up, in the same way like Sayori would have done it. The Protagonist later even says that Natsuki tried to sound like Sayori. Sayori also does this another time, when Natsuki has a cookie in her hand. Even though Sayori already had a cookie, Sayori sneaks up behind Natsuki and takes a bite of the cookie. Natsuki gets flustered here as well, and proceeds to lightly scold her about it while Sayori gets embarrassed and apologizes. The two have numerous similarities. They both have color schemes that compliment each other nicely, Sayori has mainly salmon in her palette and Natsuki has mainly pink. Both girls also wear the same school uniform with a loop, and stockings. Both also have short hair and wear a red accessory in their hair and are the clubs shortest members.

Natsuki is immediately flustered by this, and says that Sayori shouldn't call her cute. Monika Sayori Yuri Natsuki. Despite this, sayori natsuki, Monika says she shouldn't be afraid and Sayori replies about how she sayori natsuki her" and wants to get closer to her.


Doki Doki Literature Club , released for PC in , remains a success as it captivates players with its brilliant game writing and cutesy character designs. Yet despite the latter, the story is far darker than it appears. The game's unique nature and design has blown the minds of players, who hasn't expected anything shocking from a seemingly lighthearted game. Replaying the game to see all the secrets hidden doesn't make the narrative any less frightful, saddening, and touching. Instead it only makes the fans wish for more, which has been granted with the new Doki Doki Literature Club Plus released on June 30, Every character has their own story, so read on to find out how each one ends. Sayori is the first main character the protagonist will see in the game.

Sayori natsuki

Act 1 mainly consists of romancing three of the four girls: Sayori , Yuri , and Natsuki. It is the only act without any horror elements, as Monika has not yet begun to break the game or alter the personalities of the other girls, with the exception of Sayori and the scene where she hangs herself as Monika's manipulations begin. Throughout the act, the game appears to be a stereotypical romance visual novel. In this act, the protagonist writes poems for Sayori, Yuri, or Natsuki. The protagonist talks to each of them and spends extra time with his chosen lover. Sayori usually likes the protagonist's poems regardless of whom he wrote them for. This is because of the way the poem game is designed, with most of the words giving Sayori bonus points, making it difficult for the player to write a poem that she dislikes. If the poems were all directed towards Sayori, she will believe that they were actually for Yuri, since she sees herself as unworthy of his love.

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Monika Sayori Yuri Natsuki. It's about expressing your feelings She tries her best to help everyone be happy and dislikes attention directed at her well-being because she feels unworthy of anything that others have to offer her. Both also have short hair and wear a red accessory in their hair and are the clubs shortest members. Maybe this is what Sayori meant when she said she likes my poems. The protagonist notes how there hasn't been much change in her, and the changes the protagonist notices in her later are due to Monika's interference, amplifying her depression and suicidal tendencies. And I love them because of their differences! It's recommended you play the game first before you read the article. It's serene and bittersweet. Doki Doki Incorrect Quotes Club!

Doki Doki Literature Club!

Sayori has also been known by the protagonist to obsess over activities that she loses interest in later. It is a common ship partner to an equally popular ship, Yurika , as a way to pair all four girls off. Remember Me. Being intimate with yourself Sayori DDLC. A Doki Doki literature club chat fic where everyone is in a poly relationship and act like normal people outside of the canon universe. More or less think of it as one shots, but if I ever have an interesting enough idea I might make it an extra chapter or two. The Protagonist later even says that Natsuki tried to sound like Sayori. This is proven by her absence in Act 2. And I love them because of their differences! It is worth noting that Act 1 establishes that Sayori sleeps in because of her depression, which is why she is often late for school. Doki Doki Incorrect Quotes Club! The protagonist seems to view her as an airhead and slightly annoying at the beginning of the game, but he starts to sympathize with her after she confesses about her depression.

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