Scp 6666

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

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Scp 6666

That way, no matter how scary or dark they get, you just have to survive until you wake up. Commissioned by O after the discovery of SCP , Project PARAGON's primary objective is the study and containment, if possible, of emerging anomalous activity that has until recently been masked to public view by thaumaturgical phenomenon originating from the "Flying City of Audapaupadopolis". Information gathered from SCPA revealed the existence of an antediluvian society of human beings, along with other species, which far predate anything found within the currently understood fossil record. This EROS entity is believed to be connected to both the strange and lonely woods and another ancient society of humans, which is believed to have existed concurrently with the Daevite civilization many hundreds of thousands of years ago. Under no circumstances are unauthorized personnel to be permitted access to SAFOS, and lethal force has been authorized against any personnel or groups who would attempt to breach the 1km exclusion zone surrounding SCP Periodically, fire teams must enter the super-exclusion area immediately surrounding SCP and use incendiary devices to slow the advance of SCP's root structure. Personnel involved in these fire teams are allowed only 15 minutes of sustained exposure to the SCP root system. Tower Delta is for aerial vehicle launch only. All observation of SCPA must be done remotely. SCP is comprised of a wide trunk and many thousands of arching branches reaching away from the center mass like a tree, though SCP does not closely resemble any known species of similar biological structures. SCP's trunk is roughly m in diameter, and the entire structure reaches a height of nearly 9. SCP shows no signs of life at a cellular level. SCP is inverted, suspended by its considerable root system from the top of a massive lithospheric void in the crust of the Earth.

All Things Lovecraft. If you… if you have found this man, perhaps you could let me know?

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. He was originally one of the four greatest knights of the powerful kingdom known as the House of Apollyon before he alongside the knights became corrupted by the Fae Princess, transforming into humanoid abominations. Unlike the other fallen knights, Hector continued to serve the House of Apollyon despite his curse and was determined to protect his kingdom at all costs from their enemies. Hector was born within the House of Apollyon, a powerful kingdom in the antediluvian times which expanded to most of current Europe, North Africa and northwest Asia. Eventually he became one of the kingdom's greatest warriors, and together with La Hire, Lancelot and Ogier became known as the four knights of the House of Apollyon, with Hector being the most revered of the knights and being associated with the season of Fall.

Guards are to be changed weekly, must pass a background check before being assigned to their post, and proven free of drug and alcohol addiction. SCP is to be entered only by D-class personnel in approved testing procedures or by approved Foundation researchers with level 4 or higher security clearance. Non-D-class personnel who enter SCP, whether or not they have revealed a prior history of addiction, must be observed by a guard at all times. If they show any sign of being affected by SCP, they are to be removed immediately. Description: SCP is a medium-sized Tibetan yurt, made of tied wooden branches and covered in yak leather. The interior ceiling is 2. The hut is circular in shape. The interior of the yurt has a dirt floor and appears to be as crude as the outside to the majority of observers; the branches that make up the yurt frame are wrapped in rabbit fur and tied with yak leather thongs. Periodically, SCP will change its location within the confinement area; this will happen only when not under direct observation, but remote viewing gives the impression of an entity inside the structure lifting it wholly and moving to its new position.

Scp 6666

It is the corpse of the goddess Titania and contains the demon warrior Hector associate of Lancelot , La Hire , and Ogier. It causes crazy dreams. Additional Context: Most of the SCP article is explaining the Antediluvian Era before the biblical flood when the Sasquatches ruled most of the world.

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I was far away from the lands of men then, but every flower on the planet bloomed at once, and then the rains began to fall. Impaled through a low-hanging tree limb is a small, emaciated humanoid figure with long, pointed ear tips and large eye sockets. What occurred three-hundred thousand years ago was a great migration of our ancestors from Africa and the fertile crescent, where they had settled after the recession of the floodwaters. Freitas: Well, sorry, it's not really smoke, even though it looks like it. As Hero closes on SCP, a hull-mounted flood lamp activates. Moments later Carrier hears Horizon screaming, before being quickly cut off. As the Foundation set base on the ceiling of the land where Titania hanged upside-down, Hector ignored them and kept using his massive lance to attack the dead tree. If it comes to it, I will… I will go away from here. Anyway, we've been following some anomalous activity over the last few years that has begun to escalate, and I'm hoping you might be able to answer some questions I have about it. He stands, shaking, and braces himself against the slab. We need to make sure we're on top of things here. You mean the Children of the Night? We don't have a way to bring people back from long-term CNS depression and while we've got pressurized suits that could potentially get our people in there, even the slightest exposure could be fatal if not treated immediately. Pauses I'm sorry, Alto, I… it's been such a long time. After a short period of time, Hero is given a green light and lifts off from the platform.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing

Red lights around its base, and people hanging on its limbs. We're still conducting materials testing to see if it can get through the poly shells on our insertion suits. Suddenly, the entire chamber is bathed in vibrant red light. SCPA, using all five of its free arms and its spear for leverage, grabbed both sides of the opening and pulled them away from each other. Exploration team begins setting up their camp using the inflatable positive-pressure habitation tent HAB and air ionizers. But moreover, my brother has been confined to that sarcophagus for a long, long time. You could try to sleep, but they'd be there watching you, eyes glued to you, and when you slept… it was worse. Everything below that pit is old. As Hero's sensors fully come online, SCP is visible in center frame. SCP Just, talking about it now, there are things that come back. After de Wees' death in , the set was divided into three smaller collections, one of which was sold to Amscott Carter in , one of which was part of a German historical exhibit at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum before later being removed and sold to an unnamed private collector, and one which was auctioned and sold to a Foundation clearing house. Light: Cheeky, Cain, but it's Sophia, please.

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