scp 777

Scp 777

He is to be supplied scp 777 any and all things that he asks for, scp 777. He is to stay in a room resembling a Japanese dojo with a tank of sharks, except the tank is in the floor.

Special Containment Procedures: The area known as SCP is to be contained behind two 2 meter tall electrical fencing. Motion activated turrets are to be placed within the area in order to prevent any instances of SCP from escaping the containment area. No liquids are allowed within the area known as SCP Any civilians approaching SCP are to be interrogated and subsequently dosed with Class-A amnestics. For the sake of secrecy, SCP is to be represented as a military bombing range on all maps of the area, and any satellite imaging is to be doctored by dedicated staff to represent the area as such.

Scp 777

Upon discovery SCP was seen with an intense light illuminating his palms which were placed on an elderly mans chest who appeared to be suffering from cardiac arrest. When his hands left his chest the task force assigned to bring him in saw the elderly man simply rise to his feet as if nothing had happened and he had suffered no cardiac arrest. After doing so SCP calmly and cooperatively allowed himself to be detained and taken to base [Data Expunged]. SCP appears to age differently then humans after he claims to have been roaming the earth for over years. He claims that every Angel year, or how he words it, is equivalent to [Redacted] Human years. SCP has never showed any form of hostility and in fact assisted staff and guards in simple tasks if he noticed such a fixing ventilation inside of his containment or treating small wounds, with the permission of the lead researcher. As of now SCP has basically free access to he facility he is located in and might as well be considered a part of the team as one of the best if not the best healing professionals we have seen. Credit the artist. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. My Rating :star: :star: :star: :star: What I Like Candy, Snuggling, assisting others, keeping people safe Dislike Demons, rude people, intruding tests. Likes 8.

Upon scp 777 SCP was seen with an intense light illuminating his palms which were placed on an elderly mans chest who appeared to be suffering from cardiac arrest. SCP Author.

SCP is a keter class scp that takes the shape of a casino, even having slot machines, horse bids, and other ways of gambling, not to mention it also has its own staff that work at the scp. These beings are referred to as scp as they have know abtainable records of who they are or where they came from. SCP was first spotted at two locations at once. These locations are are redacted , Colorado and redacted ,Georgia. Both locations in the USA as well as the other locations that it has been spotted.

Upon discovery SCP was seen with an intense light illuminating his palms which were placed on an elderly mans chest who appeared to be suffering from cardiac arrest. When his hands left his chest the task force assigned to bring him in saw the elderly man simply rise to his feet as if nothing had happened and he had suffered no cardiac arrest. After doing so SCP calmly and cooperatively allowed himself to be detained and taken to base [Data Expunged]. SCP appears to age differently then humans after he claims to have been roaming the earth for over years. He claims that every Angel year, or how he words it, is equivalent to [Redacted] Human years. SCP has never showed any form of hostility and in fact assisted staff and guards in simple tasks if he noticed such a fixing ventilation inside of his containment or treating small wounds, with the permission of the lead researcher.

Scp 777

Regolamento FAQ. Scrivere un Articolo SCP. Tradurre un Articolo SCP. Artisti Autori Traduttori. Archivio del Corriere. Laterale Superiore.

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Someday I'll even atone for the vague sins I committed upon you during my dark and troubled past that led to your decision to join the Galaxy Federation to spy on the Foundation in hopes that you could someday kill me. When you have a draft that you know for sure the audience will like, bring it to Drafts Critique Forum. Guide Hub. SCP typically collapse and become inanimate if not provided with further moisture after twenty-four 24 hours, although this timescale seems to be longer in smaller instances. My Rating :star: :star: :star: :star: What I Like Candy, Snuggling, assisting others, keeping people safe Dislike Demons, rude people, intruding tests. The video opens with Darkblade deep in meditation, his sword across his knees. You get to fetch coffee, keep my weapons polished, and generally make the rest of us look awesome by comparison. When he is attacked in any way, water shields will appear around him and deflect the attack back to the attackers. SCP was first spotted at two locations at once. Research Assistant Corbette bursts in with purple highlighted hair and white foundation on. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Shortest Top Rated. Interview is taking place to ascertain SCP's nature. I just kept on running.

If you have found this document in error, you now have 60 seconds before deployment of lethal auditory-visual cognitohazards. Otherwise, please enter your secure phrase.

The center of SCP? Result: Water is applied to mixture. Sand takes slightly longer to animate into a juvenile great white shark. SCP destroyed without incident. The prizes are artifacts that allow the user to ascend to godhood. The SCP its self also seems to be able to teleport between time and space which makes it impossible to contain. Append content without editing the whole page source. Blade's power of water, as well as his supernatural skill with a Katana, protects him from all harm. My extremely stereotypical rival is entering, and I must see to it that his desire for power remains unfulfilled. Any traces of violence at the scene are gone, as well as the corpse. He has flowing white hair with green highlights and crystal blue eyes that reflect a dark past. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences.

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