second bank of the united states apush

Second bank of the united states apush

The Bank of the United States was a central bank proposed by Alexander Hamilton and established in Among other functions, the private bank issued paper money, completed commercial transactions, and collected government tax revenues as well as lent money to the government.

Despite its generally successful operation it was defeated in a renewal attempt in , on account of political considerations. The War of , however, demonstrated the need for a national bank and plans were formulated in by James J. Dallas, secretary of the treasury. Dallas' suggestions were watered down until in the end, the proposal was viewed as too weak and was rejected. Calhoun , chairman of the House committee on the currency.

Second bank of the united states apush

Located in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , the bank was chartered from February to January A private corporation with public duties , the bank handled all fiscal transactions for the U. Twenty percent of its capital was owned by the federal government, the bank's single largest stockholder. The bulk of the stocks were held by a few hundred wealthy Americans. The essential function of the bank was to regulate the public credit issued by private banking institutions through the fiscal duties it performed for the U. Treasury, and to establish a sound and stable national currency. Modeled on Alexander Hamilton 's First Bank of the United States , [10] the Second Bank was chartered by President James Madison , who in had attacked the First Bank as unconstitutional, in and began operations at its main branch in Philadelphia on January 7, , [11] [12] managing 25 branch offices nationwide by The efforts to renew the bank's charter put the institution at the center of the general election of , in which the bank's president Nicholas Biddle and pro-bank National Republicans led by Henry Clay clashed with the " hard-money " [14] [15] Andrew Jackson administration and eastern banking interests in the Bank War. The political support for the revival of a national banking system was rooted in the early 19th century transformation of the country from simple Jeffersonian agrarianism towards one interdependent with industrialization and finance. The political climate [24] —dubbed the Era of Good Feelings [25] —favored the development of national programs and institutions, including a protective tariff , internal improvements and the revival of a Bank of the United States. Calhoun of South Carolina and Henry Clay of Kentucky, was decisive in the successful chartering effort.

The bank's reaction to the crisis—a clumsy expansion, then a sharp contraction of credit—indicated its weakness, not its strength.


John Marshall. McCulloch v. Maryland is known for shaping the relationship between the United States and individual states by ruling Congress had the authority to establish a national bank, states did not have the power to tax the Federal Government, and Constitutional Sovereignty came from the people. The bank refused to pay the tax and the state sued the cashier, James W. McCulloch, who claimed Mayland did not have the authority to tax the bank. A state court ruled Second Bank of the United States was unconstitutional, and an appeals court upheld the decision. Maryland is important to United States history because it led the Supreme Court to define the relationship between the Federal Government and states and determine the Second Bank of the United States was constitutional. Madison , which established the authority of the Supreme Court. Maryland is famous for:.

Second bank of the united states apush

The Bank of the United States was a central bank proposed by Alexander Hamilton and established in Among other functions, the private bank issued paper money, completed commercial transactions, and collected government tax revenues as well as lent money to the government. After the Revolutionary War, America suffered widespread economic instability. In order to stabilize the economy, Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury, proposed an ambitious financial plan that would establish a national bank, create a federal mint, and impose excise taxes. At the time it was opened, the bank was the largest financial institution and corporation in America. It opened branches in major port cities, establishing a vast financial network across the country. Its banknotes were widely accepted and gave the country a stable national currency. Although not intended to regulate the banking system, by accumulating state banknotes it could control the flow of money and credit, thus helping control inflation. Despite its success, the First Bank of the United States faced much criticism, and in its charter was allowed to expire.

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About Quizzes. Wilburn, Jean Alexander Meyers, Marvin Spring Remini, Robert V. The east and west sides of the first large room are each pierced by a large arched fan window. Knodell, Jane Ellen Congressional efforts to override the veto fell short. This section needs additional citations for verification. Hofstadter, Richard Construction lasted from to

The Essex Junto was a group of Federalist political leaders. They opposed the War of , leading them to participate in the secessionist Hartford Convention.

The Second Bank was a national bank. They will be required for the accommodation of the government in the collection and distribution of its revenue, as well as for the uses of commerce, agriculture, manufactures, and the arts, throughout the Union. It is not to be confused with the First Bank of the United States , the early 20th-century corporation the Bank of the United States , or the modern corporation Bank of America. Gales and Seaton. Hammond, Bray Feller, Daniel. Interpreting his wide margin as a mandate, Jackson moved against the Second Bank of the United States. JSTOR Jefferson believed that it was unconstitutional for the federal government to establish a corporation. Clay urged the Bank to submit an early application for Congressional renewal; the request was made in , and the expiration date was not to occur until Temin, Peter. Tools Tools.

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