

The characters of the Inuyasha manga series were created by Rumiko Takahashi, sesshomaru.

En su forma humanoide posee rasgos atractivos; es bastante alto midiendo 1. Su kimono es mayormente blanco con una cresta de flor de cerezo roja y blanca en el cuello y las mangas, mostrando que es de nacimiento real. Lleva un sashinuki hakama que se recoge en los tobillos, produciendo un efecto de "globo". Su calzado consiste en botines negros blindados hasta los tobillos. Debido a esto, siempre estuvo sereno y confiado en su poder, mostrando una personalidad estoica, tranquila y calculadora en casi todo momento. En su viaje, Sesshomaru pasa por las llanuras de la provincia de Musashi, donde Jaken y la tribu de diablillos fueron atacados por un poderoso Yokai. Sesshomaru primero lo ignoraba, pero finalmente acepta la solicitud de Jaken de convertirse en su sirviente.


I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you. Despite the lack of interest towards the Shikon Jewel, he longed to end Naraku 's life due to personal reasons. He saw his father as the ultimate opponent, wishing to defeat him in combat and take his two legendary swords. Due to his father's will, he was given Tenseiga instead of the other two swords to eventually teach him compassion. He met Kujaku and Seiten that they told him to fight the Four War Gods from his father's last words, but he refused. After saving them, he was highly admired by Jaken who decided to leave the tribe and follow him. At first, Inuyasha didn't believe that the woman was his mother. The Unmother was a spirit of women who had their children killed by war. He grabbed Inuyasha and pulled a black pearl from Inuyasha's eye. He and the others jumped in, traveling to the world between the living and the netherworld.

After they are sent away by the Tree, sesshomaru, it then asks him whether he is fine with letting Rin stay asleep if he sesshomaru to forsake her, but he just walks away without answering.


Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's elder half-brother, and unlike Inuyasha is a very powerful full-blooded youkai. He initially appears in pursuit of the sword Tessaiga, which their father had created from his own fang and left for Inuyasha to inherit; although Sesshomaru also inherited a sword, Tenseiga, he feels he has no use for it since it is a healing sword which cannot wound anyone. However, the trials his father set for him would eventually lead him into the path where he would develop compassion. Absurdly Sharp Claws : Like Inuyasha, Sesshomaru's main form of offense when not wielding a sword in fact, more so than Inuyasha given that his main sword is near harmless for most of the series are his claws, which easily slice through youkai bodies on top of being poisonous. The Ace : One of the few yokai who doesn't explicitly come after the Shikon shards for their immense power, he doesn't need it, and he knows it, all he ever really seeks is the fullest of the power derived from his own family. Even among other highly powerful yokai in the series; his full yokai blood and heritage give him an incredibly varied moveset , he's only ever brought to mortal danger a handful of times through the entire run, and he's an Instant Expert with any weapon he touches. Action Dad : To Towa and Setsuna.


Sesshomaru is the son of Inu no Taishou. Sesshomaru wields the Tenseiga. Sesshomara doesn't show emotion and when he does it scares his followers. He doesn't understand why his father, a great demon, would love a mere human. Sesshomaru inherited his father's Tenseiga, a sword which that raise people back from the dead with a single swing. At first Sesshomaru coveted InuYasha 's inheritance, the powerful Tetsusaiga with the ability to destroy demons with one strike. Although he knew that he could not touch the sword, Sesshomaru still desired to strip Inuyasha of it. He fought with Inuyasha in their father's grave and by chance, Inuyasha transformed the blade and hacked off Sesshomaru's left arm. He has since lost the desire to obtain Tetsusaiga. Sesshomaru's followers include Jaken , an imp who serves as Sesshomaru's retainer and usually wields his Staff of Two Heads for him.

Christian longo

Renkotsu then rebuilds Ginkotsu into a tank-like body. In the sequel series, after her mother passed away, Shiori established a haven for half-demon children to live in peace with Setsuna one of her students. But the Infant and Hakudoshi conspired to destroy Naraku while making themselves the dominant aspect of his being, only for the former and a fully aware Moryomaru to be absorbed by Naraku. When that failed, four years later, Zero recruits an evil mountain kami named Homura to destroy the forest Towa and Setsuna were in before the twins were separated in the chaos. But Naraku instead orchestrated Kikyo's death and Inuyasha's imprisonment, biding his time until the Shikon Jewel resurfaced in the Feudal Era. In his first appearance, he was possessed by a demon worm charmer hired by Naraku to kill Miroku, but was saved by Inuyasha. At first, Inuyasha didn't believe that the woman was his mother. Like Inuyasha, his canines are fangs although they usually weren't visible unless he transformed and his fingers are tipped with claws, although unlike Inuyasha his could secrete a corrosive poison. Hosenki II visit Riku to gave him the green Rainbow Pearl, later visit Kagome and Inuyasha at their house in Kaede's village as he heard that Inuyasha inherited his father's powers with the Tetsusaiga: the Adamant Barrage. Al concluir la historia del Manga no tenia pareja ni descendencia conocida. Attempting to push past the barrier severely burns the entity in question. Afterwards, while he would still strike Jaken whenever he annoyed him and would force Jaken to accompany him even during dangerous situations, he would tell Jaken to stay back when facing an enemy that would endanger Jaken if he was too close. Koga once saved her from the Birds of Paradise and promised to marry her when she got older.

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She can also use her feather hair-ornaments as transportation, enlarging them to ride in the wind. Are you disappointed that I'm not Naraku? Debido a esto, siempre estuvo sereno y confiado en su poder, mostrando una personalidad estoica, tranquila y calculadora en casi todo momento. He later sensed that she was fighting and left the Sacred Tree of Ages' sanctuary to assist his half-niece. However, Kagome refused, and threatened that she would cut him with the sword. When he runs away, he can lay down a smoke screen to deceive enemies. Thus, he could be insulting while retaining the dignified speech pattern of a lord, as opposed to the rougher speech used by Inuyasha. He was initially going to ignore her, but the image of her smile flashed in his mind, he unsheathed Tenseiga and it began to pulsate. She helped grant Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga the useful ability to break through demon barriers, and even Naraku's for a time, after he saves her from her grandfather's grip. Her sorrow at losing him is what created the seven Rainbow Pearls containing her demonic powers and emotions. He stopped the demonic Inuyasha's wildness by controlling his power, and he looked at him like an older brother reprimanding a younger brother, though he claimed he would kill Inuyasha, despite his actions showing the opposite. She gave the Purple Rainbow Pearl to Yotsume, the four-eyed owl demon to find weaknesses in the minds of the Half-Demon Princesses via the dream-gazing spell. He encounters her just after the birth of his twin daughters.

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