seven african powers prayer

Seven african powers prayer

In Spanish, the phrase translates to "Siete Potencias Africanas. Often depicted with their images linked together in a chain circling an image of the crucified Jesus, these deities represent all that is sacred and powerful in Santeria. Anyone can call upon the Seven African Powers, as they are spirit guides and everyone has access to these Orishas for their guidance. Carry a 7 African Powers medal with you on a necklace or in a mojo bag, seven african powers prayer.

Accompanied by enchanting music, the imagery represents these divine beings who hold a close connection to the divine Savior. Witness a prayer of great humility and deep reverence, seeking the intercession of these 7 African Powers. The prayer beseeches them to grant peace, prosperity, and the removal of any obstacles that have veered the supplicant from the path of beauty and harmony. With trust in the power of asking and receiving, the prayer concludes with the resounding affirmation, "Let it be so. The video serves as a mesmerizing tribute to these sacred entities, evoking a profound sense of awe and reverence for the 7 African Powers and their divine presence in the lives of believers.

Seven african powers prayer

The Prayer to the Seven African Powers enjoys incalculable power, because it not only invokes a deity, but 7 of them, considerably increasing its energetic force. It is for this reason that the devotees of these spiritualities, whose cult has spread widely in America, do not hesitate to use it when they need to solve their setbacks and face the vicissitudes. The energetic combination of the Orishas: Elegua, Oggun, Obatala, Orunmila, Oshun, Yemaya and Shango, makes a perfect balance capable of attracting, through a single prayer, the opening of the paths, protection, health, wisdom , love, spiritual strength and triumph in the face of adversity. Therefore, the following prayer to the Seven African Powers can be performed throughout the day, anywhere, and best of all, it can also be used as many times as necessary, being certain that the deities Your requests will materialize. In this moment and in this now I raise my prayer to the spiritual world, imploring with the deepest faith and humility that they heed my call. I beg you to listen to my prayers so that my needs may be met in the name of God, who in his wisdom entrusted you with the noble task of helping the beings that we find ourselves incarnated on this earthly plane of existence. So, here I am, crying out to the 7 black princes, one by one I invoke them so that their presence fills me with the purity of their spirituality. Give me the opening, glorious Elegua. May my paths be fresh and my steps appropriate. May my decisions be the right ones to open the doors of good fortune and prosperity.

Seven african powers prayer my protection forever, seven african powers prayer, in you I place my trust and my needs, with your influence all my worries and sorrows go away, because I am sure of the existence of your many miracles, of your works full of goodness and mercy, and of everything in which they have acted. Allow me to always have a good conversation so that my negotiations are positive, that my journey bears good fruit, my entrepreneurship is fresh and my plans are kept on the right track to get straight to success. I activate the energies of Heaven, Sea and Earth.


The 7 African powers They include those deities who head the cult of the Yoruba Pantheon, under the figure of the Orishas. The most powerful, who act as Guardian Angels, make up a group of 7 powers that can help us in the most difficult situations. For this reason, these 7 gods are the object of great worship and veneration in the Santeria , as the greatest protective beings of humanity, related to immense forces of nature. The faithful of the Yoruba religion seek shelter and protection, and ask for the help of the so-called seven African powers, and especially when the situation is very complicated, the energy of these deities protects those in need of their power. And it is that when the powers of the seven highest representatives of the Yoruba pantheon come together, it results in an immense force that can get us out of the most difficult predicament. Through powerful prayers we can ask for your help either individually or collectively, depending on the nature of our problem in question. The 7 powers come to our aid for the solution of problems associated with health, love, prosperity and many other issues and represent the combined forces of nature, such as the water of the seas, rivers, fire and land. We remember that any devotee of the Yoruba religion can request the help of the 7 powers, always bearing in mind that evil should not be asked for anyone and that we must be clear about our objectives when invoking these powerful gods.

Seven african powers prayer

In Spanish, the phrase translates to "Siete Potencias Africanas. Often depicted with their images linked together in a chain circling an image of the crucified Jesus, these deities represent all that is sacred and powerful in Santeria. Anyone can call upon the Seven African Powers, as they are spirit guides and everyone has access to these Orishas for their guidance.

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Intercede for me Chango, powerful king of the shining crown. Unlock the spiritual universe of Orisha Elekes and explore the colorful language of bead colors and their profound meanings. That in your company I do not lack good health, true love, prosperity and stability that money provides. Please remove all of the obstacles that cause me to stray from the Beauty Way. May the forces of nature and the 4 elements be activated in my favor, so that in the company of the seven powers I may forever enjoy good health, well-being, peace, love and prosperity. The energetic combination of the Orishas: Elegua, Oggun, Obatala, Orunmila, Oshun, Yemaya and Shango, makes a perfect balance capable of attracting, through a single prayer, the opening of the paths, protection, health, wisdom , love, spiritual strength and triumph in the face of adversity. Oya , a whirlwind of fierce energy, is the Orisha of communication between the living and the dead. Often seen as the Aphrodite of the Orishas, Oshun is called upon for guidance in love and desire. May say the name of the loved one come back as soon as possible, giving me back that love that I have lacked so much, and that being together we make a perfect, balanced union, with a home full of peace, an ideal family, full of endless love. He is known for his quick Full of humility and faith I come before you seven African powers to implore your effective help make request. You can read: Prayer to Shango for Prosperity.

Let us remember that as a result of syncretism and transculturation, Afro-Cuban culture is a mixture of African religions with Catholicism, therefore deities of both religions merge into a single cult.

Be my protection forever, in you I place my trust and my needs, with your influence all my worries and sorrows go away, because I am sure of the existence of your many miracles, of your works full of goodness and mercy, and of everything in which they have acted. Cover me with your white mantle filling me with health and your infinite love. When the candle is finished, the prepared pumpkin will be placed in a corner of the place, on a white plate, and it will be left there as long as it remains fresh. Save my name, email and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He is widely beloved and a beacon of strength and dignity. In this moment and in this now I raise my prayer to the spiritual world, imploring with the deepest faith and humility that they heed my call. The prayer beseeches them to grant peace, prosperity, and the removal of any obstacles that have veered the supplicant from the path of beauty and harmony. May your shelter always be with me, taking care of my four sides, north, south, east and west. I implore the 7 powers to help me return to my life the love that right now seems to have been lost. Anoint the bag with 7 African Powers oil , or wear the oil to invoke the energy of the Orishas.

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