sexify imdb

Sexify imdb

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Sign In. Sexify —. Hide Spoilers. MartynGryphon 3 May What does one do on a boring Bank Holiday weekend in the UK? The answer is to plumb the depths of Netflix looking for a series to binge watch.

Sexify imdb

Sign In. Edit Sexify —. Series Directed by Kalina Alabrudzinska Natalia Dumala 16 episodes, Maria Sobocinska Paulina Malinowska 16 episodes, Sandra Drzymalska Monika Nowicka 16 episodes, Jan Wieteska Adam 16 episodes, Alex Rose Wiesel Monika 15 episodes, Kamil Wodka Rafal Paluch 'Kripol' 13 episodes, Wojciech Solarz Krynicki 13 episodes, Sebastian Stankiewicz Grzegorz 12 episodes, Magda Graziowska Lilith 11 episodes, Piotr Pacek Mariusz 10 episodes, Bartosz Gelner

Patrycja 1 episode, Mother of Maksym 1 episode, Roman Skorovskiy Bileterka 1 episode,

To build an innovative sex app and win a tech competition, a sexually inexperienced student and her friends must explore the daunting world of intimacy. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Comedy Drama.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. When a professor gives Natalia some troubling news about the app she's building for a tech competition, she's forced to pivot to a new idea.

Sexify imdb

Sign In. Edit Sexify —. Series Directed by Kalina Alabrudzinska Natalia Dumala 16 episodes, Maria Sobocinska Paulina Malinowska 16 episodes, Sandra Drzymalska Monika Nowicka 16 episodes, Jan Wieteska Adam 16 episodes, Alex Rose Wiesel Monika 15 episodes, Kamil Wodka

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Ruda 2 episodes, Marek's lawyer 1 episode, Karolina Sabala Receptionist 1 episode, So again high five to the producers, you created a series with a charming cast. AnnaPagrati 27 August Runtime 51 minutes. Wysoka 2 episodes, Leonardo Marques Kobieta 1 1 episode, Michal Wierzbicki Mezczyzna w Hotelu 1 episode, Damian Krajczyk Penis 1 1 episode, Delfina Wilkonska Hockey Player on the Reserve Bench 1 episode, Panel journalist 1 episode, Hoa Tran Thuy But after realizing she's clueless about it, she turns to Paulina and Monika for help. New Customer? Going back to the drawing board and influenced by the behaviour of her spoilt and promiscuous dorm neighbour Monika, Sandra Drzymalska , she instead creates an app called Sexify, in order to help women achieve the ultimate orgasm, convinced that the app will have a genuine human benefit for females all over the world rather than just being another smutty sex app.

They're trained in creating high-quality parenting advice based on best practices in child development.

Monika's idea for gathering data is a hit, but Natalia isn't happy with the results. Show all titles. Academic House Manager 2 episodes, I liked it very much. Bar Girl 1 episode, Andrzej Kostrzewa Jan Wieteska Adam. Dancer 1 episode, Pawel Jagiello Priest 2 episodes, Prowadzaca 1 episode, Robert Majewski Yes, the music is amazing. Sprzedawca na Stacji 1 episode, Michal Surosz I believe that women are much more than theses stereotypes ; Thank's for this refreshing series. Create account. Courier 1 episode, Witold Oleksiak

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