sexy christian serratos

Sexy christian serratos

Hottest Pictures Of Christian Serratos. Christian Serratos is an out-of-the-world beauty. She is an American actress.

Absolute perfection if you ask me. Hell, even if you ask a zombie with only one semi-working eyeball! Alright, alright, enjoy the sizzling photos and try not to drool all over yourselves! Photo Credit: Instagram. Bonus Galleries :.

Sexy christian serratos


BTW, Ashley Greene totally stole the show. Notify me of new posts by email.


I might have to check my files on this, but I believe Christian Serratos is the first survivor of the zombie apocalypse to pose for Playboy. Survivors of the zombie apocalypse notwithstanding, I would have to imagine that zombies themselves have appeared in Playboy before. Of course, there never is any shortage of blood and dust on The Walking Dead, which wraps up its fifth season with a minute finale, Sunday, March 29 on AMC. In fact, there was one scene in last weekend's episode in which Serratos' character Rosita was in the forest with Sasha played by Sonequa Martin-Green and Michonne played by Danai Gurira , and the three of them were wasting zombies galore, guns blazing and knives stabbing. Those girls have really stepped up their game. Mobile users, click this link. Serratos joined the cast of The Walking Dead for a handful of episodes in season four before being promoted to a series regular for season five. When I suggested that the bump-up must have been a nice compliment, Serratos' first instinct was to deflect the credit. Then again, if the makers of The Walking Dead didn't like what Serratos was doing with the role, killing off anybody isn't exactly a chore in this show. And to know that the fans are happy, and the makers of the show are happy, it makes you feel as if you're doing well.

Sexy christian serratos

Pia Velasco is a New York-based beauty reporter with over 10 years in the industry. The character is a feisty survivor, and especially skilled when it comes to using firearms and knives. But off-screen, Serratos a lot more refined. And yes, we know there's not too much else to think about when you're trying to survive a zombie apocalypse, but we know a beauty girl when we see one. As many celebrities do, Serratos has dabbled between her natural dark hair and a platinum blonde in the past — and she loves a side part. So it goes without saying that her hair always makes a statement, whether it's up or down. But her beauty know-how goes beyond the crown of her head. Whether she's donning graphic liner, putting her hair into vintage-inspired curls, or doing something completely out of the ordinary, the American actress knows how to look good.

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Please enter your name here. That top photo, my peeps, is a rollercoaster of uber sexiness. Bad color lipstick on pouty lips is totally hot. Bonus Galleries :. Forgot your password? Ford Modelling Agency signed her at the age of 7. And her perfectly scrawny legs just add to the shwing-fest. Hot damn is it ever! You have entered an incorrect email address! Posted in Christian Serratos No Comments ». Brian - June 14, 0. Serratos was in the show for its entirety.

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Archive for the 'Christian Serratos' Category. Read the rest of this entry? Hot damn is it ever! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Rosita with even bigger breasts!?!? Privacy Policy. Ahem… enjoy the sizzling photos and enjoy The Walking Dead season premiere this Sunday! So, enjoy the photos many, many more after the jump and have a good weekend boys and girls! Ashley Greene :. And… oh hell, why am I still typing!? Silly rabbits. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse premiere was finally held last night, so that means this will be the last post featuring the doorknobs from the film for a while. Christian Serratos is an out-of-the-world beauty. Saturday, February 24,

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