sexy mamma love spaghetti menu

Sexy mamma love spaghetti menu

The popular Hockley pasta specialist is opening a second branch in Tudor Square, near Trent Bridge cricket ground, in summer Owner Edin Gondzic, who has a penchant for arresting restaurant names, will provide good-value Italian cooking in a friendly atmosphere.

They are serving up some excellent classic small plates of Cicchetti style food think Italian Tapas and are well worth a visit. I suppose that this is just a little bit of a rebrand following on with the theme of his locally acclaimed Sexy Mama Loves Spaghetti just around the corner on Heathcote Street. The Last time I came here when it was called Edins Natural Kitchen we had a lovely lunch read more here , so when I saw the new name on the boards outside I was quite intrigued to come in and see what was going on. I really cannot walk past a menu chalkboard without taking a look. In this case I could not walk past one without then going inside! However it was lunchtime we just wanted a snack so it looked like the Cocchit ti was going to be the way to go.

Sexy mamma love spaghetti menu

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Sexy Mamma is the third opening in pretty much three neighbouring streets by chef and owner Edin Gondzic, whose patisserie is already a Great Food Club-recommended venue. His new Sexy Mamma venture may be quirky, with its hand-painted fascia and almost no presence on the internet or social media, but the food is out of this world. We had the veal escalopes in a Parmesan crust with a Milanese risotto, wild mushroom and Italian sausage ragu with penne, and the rhubarb panacotta. All were superb. Our starter of wild game minestrone soup was one of the best soups we have eaten. Sexy Mamma is small, with only 20 or so seats upstairs and downstairs and a few outside, so you would need to talk to the staff if you wanted to bring in a larger group. But with the Italian music drifting from the radio, the olive boughs in the window and Chef Gondzic providing a warm and enthusiastic welcome, this charming place is well worth a visit.

The rustic exterior of Sexy Mamma Love Spaghetti is enough to entice anyone in with tables spilling outdoors from the dusky interior, wild creeping vines and just a handwritten chalkboard to tell you more. Indeed, the flavours and textures of Sexy Mamma's daily menu are clearly chosen and executed with care. W ild mushroom and shin of beef gnocchi , penne with roasted hazelnut and Italian fennel sausage ragu and king scallop linguine are just a taster of what you can expect from your visit. Hearty and indulgent desserts such as a classic homemade tiramisu or pear and ricotta torte promise to finish your meal on a high, too. The restaurant's modest size is in keeping with its homely yet ro mantic ambience but means tables can fill up quickly. Please note: the following represents a selection of the dishes available. Offers Save money on meals out with amazing discounts in your area. City Centre All the best restaurants for city centre dining.

Sexy mamma love spaghetti menu



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A little gem of a restaurant. Each slice of bread was packed with whole green olives just in case you had forgotten the name of the dish. This cookie is set by doubleclick. Near Intelligence Illustrations Most purposes explained in this notice rely on the storage or accessing of information from your device when you use an app or visit a website. Used to detect if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. Ratings and reviews Dinner was consumed. Data Retention Period : 1 days. It uses a new technology to deliver ads that are formatted for mobile devices and that are low-bandwidth, to improve their performance. Le Mistral Sherwood. Dentsu UK Limited

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