

Dla młodzieży info. Shabad Shabad Posłuchaj wszystkich śpiewaków shabad gurbani. Oglądaj Shabad Gurbani Kirtan Nitnem, pendżabskie pieśni i muzykę oddania. Ten shabad gurbani to słowo używane w religii sikhijskiej, shabad.

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Shabad has managed seamlessly to integrate the psychoanalytic and the existential.


Shabad is a word meaning hymn, sacred song, sound, verse, voice, or word. It is not the book, paper, ink, binding or cover which is considered as the Guru, rather it is the shabad, the sacred songs of Gurbani, and the enlightening emanating brilliance which is present when the shabad is seen, spoken, or sung, and its meaning reflected on, which is the actual Guru of the Sikhs. The shabads or hymns of Guru Granth Sahib are known as Gurbani or the Guru's word and are written in the Gurmukhi script and composed in raag , a musical score. The main focus of any Sikh worship service is kirtan , or singing the sacred shabads of Gurbani. Shabads may be sung by kirtanis , individual singers, or ragis , professional singers versed in Gurbani accompanied by sangat members of the Sikh congregation. Pronunciation: A has the sound of u as in shut or bud and may be pronounced as sabd or shabd. Alternate Spellings: Sabad, sabd, and shabd. Use limited data to select advertising. Create profiles for personalised advertising.


Here, you will find phonetic translations of Shabads, allowing you to connect with the profound teachings of Sikhism. These verses hold deep spiritual significance and serve as a guiding light for Sikhs around the world. The entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is beautifully written with a meticulous arrangement of Ragas, musical notes that evoke specific emotions. Sikhs engage in Keertan, the devotional singing of these Shabads, to experience a divine connection.

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Another series of meanings includes word, utterance, speech. In distinctive Sikli usage shabad means a hymn or sacred work from the Guru Granth Sahib. In the Guru Granth Sahib it is spelt as sabad with its inflectional variations sabadu, sabadi and sabade.

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