shooter movie imdb

Shooter movie imdb

Sign In. Shooter I

Cowboy Michael Atherton intervenes on behalf of a prostitute, Wendy, who is being terrorized by a gang of thugs. He guns down the attackers and shepherds her to safety. Jerry Krants : Sounds like you're a brave war hero! Michael Atherton : It could be possible. Jerry Krants : It was time that we met.

Shooter movie imdb

Sign In. Mark Wahlberg Bob Lee Swagger. Danny Glover Colonel Isaac Johnson. Kate Mara Sarah Fenn. Elias Koteas Jack Payne. Rhona Mitra Alourdes Galindo. Jonathan Walker Louis Dobbler. Tate Donovan Russ Turner. Ned Beatty Senator Charles F. Lane Garrison Donnie Fenn. Zak Santiago Senior Agent. Michael-Ann Connor Junior Agent. Shawn Reis Underling. Brian Markinson Attorney General Russert. Michael St.

Throwing the car into reverse as the cops open fire on him, Swagger drives through a construction site and directly into the Delaware River. Cal Bartlett Sheriff.

The story of a group of combat photographers experience war first hand. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Shooter TV Movie 1h 40m. Action Drama.

A conspiracy thriller that follows the journey of Bob Lee Swagger, a highly-decorated veteran who is coerced back into action to prevent a plot to kill the President. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide.

Shooter movie imdb

Sign In. Edit Shooter I Directed by Antoine Fuqua Nick Memphis Danny Glover Colonel Isaac Johnson Kate Mara Sarah Fenn Elias Koteas Jack Payne Rhona Mitra

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Ryan Latshaw Darien. The two hours went by so fast, you will not even notice. It's cat and mouse as prey becomes hunter, and tries to exact justice and at the same time, to try and prove his innocence. You know what was really cool? Trailer See the full list. Think Jason Bourne as someone who remembers his past is really p. Quotes Max Bell : Foreplay's over, Justin. Swagger shoots Dobbler through the knee from under the floor, and shoots the guard to death from below. Wahlberg has proven he can play any role. The picture talks about a marksman Mark Wahlberg:Italian job,Perfect storm,Planet of Apes living into woods ,he's retired with solely company his dog.

A top Marine sniper, Bob Lee Swagger, leaves the military after a mission goes horribly awry and disappears, living in seclusion.

In front of him is his sniper rifle, and Swagger's hands are freed. Wahlberg as Donald J. Create a list ». Max Bell : Foreplay's over, Justin. Shooter R 2h 4m. Storyline Edit. If you haven't seen it and consider yourself an action buff, you're only cheating yourself two good hours of prime entertainment and pure joy. Police Officer uncredited Michael Wingate Jones Motel Owner David Bloom Recently viewed. They play on his patriotism and eventually he agrees.

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