sockie norris real name

Sockie norris real name

National Today. Cirrus Jaye Norris, popularly known as Sockie, was born on February 13, Also an athlete with a passion for cooking, Norris continues to gain popularity, and it seems like the future has several good things in store for her.

Sockie Norris was born on 13 February Sockie Norris is 17 years old. Sockie Norris is 17 years 24 days old. Total 6, days old now. Sockie Norris is a popular YouTube star and a member of the famous Australian family of the Norrises.

Sockie norris real name

The others are just way too out there for me. These would be cute twins. But Disco? They are a really cute family, and hearing them call each other their names in such a regular way is super normalizing. I feel the same! They seem like such a fun and light-hearted family. All props to them, honestly. Actually, Coda is a guilty pleasure name of mine. Most of these names are not for me, though— too out there for my personal taste. Well I think the names they used are okay. Some I like more than others, but all seem wearable to the right person imo. Greyblue Yes! They did consider Ripple which is super cute! SparkleNinja18 Ha!

I believe the youngest two were both named by the older siblings. Sockie Norris is 17 years old. Blog Blog Home.


National Today. Cirrus Jaye Norris, popularly known as Sockie, was born on February 13, Also an athlete with a passion for cooking, Norris continues to gain popularity, and it seems like the future has several good things in store for her. We are sure she is having a fantastic time with her amazing family on her special day, so we also decided to join the celebration from over here! Sockie Norris has found a place for everyone to shine on YouTube. Norris was born on February 13, , in Newcastle, Australia. Her zodiac sign is Aquarius and her ethnicity is Australian. She took up surfing and skateboarding at a very young age, inspired by her dad, who won a bronze medal in swimming at the Summer Olympics.

Sockie norris real name

She is the second eldest child of the Norris family. Their main YouTube channel has over 3. Apart from her YouTube fame, Sockie is equally popular on Instagram. She has already racked up over k followers on Instagram. How old is Sockie Norris? How tall is Sockie Norris? How much is her net worth?

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She took up surfing and skateboarding at a very young age, inspired by her dad, who won a bronze medal in swimming at the Summer Olympics. Gifts Reviews and Gift Guides. These would be cute twins. Relationship Status: Single. Actually, Coda is a guilty pleasure name of mine. They are a really cute family, and hearing them call each other their names in such a regular way is super normalizing. Background Sockie Norris has found a place for everyone to shine on YouTube. The others are just way too out there for me. Cirrus's Social Media:. The world of makeup tutorials owes a lot to this iconic YouTuber and businesswoman. Cirrus Jaye Norris, popularly known as Sockie, was born on February 13, Today, we celebrate her! My nephews love their YouTube channel!

She is the second child of Justin and Brooke Norris. She was raised with her siblings Sabre , Biggy , Naz, Charm and Disco Norris, who are all featured on the family channel. The family channel has accrued more than 4.

Background Sockie Norris has found a place for everyone to shine on YouTube. Please tell your friends:. But Disco…?! Gifts Reviews and Gift Guides. I believe the youngest two were both named by the older siblings. About National Today We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. View all February holidays. Please keep up with us:. The world of makeup tutorials owes a lot to this iconic YouTuber and businesswoman. She also kayaks Aside from skateboarding and surfing, Norris also enjoys kayaking. Cirrus's Social Media:. She dreams big While Norris enjoys her projects with her family massively, she has her sights set on a few goals. Some of them ate a bit too much.

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