south indian rape

South indian rape

Representational image. In February the actress was sexually abused in a moving car in Ernakulam district by south indian rape gang allegedly hired by Dileep, one of the top actors of the Malayalam film industry.

Actor and producer Dileep, 55, is accused of arranging the abduction and sexual assault of an actress in , while Franco Mulakkal, 57, the former bishop of the Jalandhar diocese in the northern state of Punjab, is at the centre of allegations that he raped a nun 13 times. The alleged victim in the first case is an actress who worked in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films. She was abducted in Kochi and assaulted in her car for two hours on Feb 17, Some of the 10 people subsequently accused of being connected with the case recorded the assault on video. A few months later, Mr Dileep was arrested for allegedly paying off those involved in the assault and for the video recording. He was detained for three months in July and is now out on bail. In the other case, the nun, aged around 45, filed a police complaint in June that the former bishop raped her repeatedly between to when he visited her Missionaries of Jesus congregation in Kottayam city in Kerala, which is part of his diocese.

South indian rape

Police in India said Tuesday they have now arrested eight people in connection with assault and gang rape of two Spanish travel bloggers late last week in eastern Jharkhand state. Police said the two looked as though they had been assaulted. When they were taken to a local hospital, the wife told the doctor she had been raped. Three people were initially arrested Saturday, and, at a news conference Monday, police announced they had arrested five more men in connection with the incident. Police Superintendent Pitamber Singh Kherawer told reporters police had taken confessions from the men and were preparing charges. The couple had been documenting their trip on the social media site Instagram, where they have more than , followers. On Saturday, the husband and wife posted a video detailing their account of the assault at knifepoint. The video has since been taken down. Experts suggest the actual figure is likely much higher due to the stigma connected with the crime as well as a lack of faith in police. The issue was brought into international attention following the gang rape and killing of a year-old student on a New Delhi bus. The attack sparked nationwide protests and prompted new laws and stronger penalties for rape. The Voice of America provides news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated weekly audience of over million people. Home United States U.

The unexpected verdict sparked a wave of condemnation, bringing supporters of both cases together and enraging many others. When Ayesha confronts her, Lily explains that for her survival supersedes the notion of social justice.

I contend that recent filmmakers have begun to arguably reframe the narratives of rape victim-survivors and disrupting the cultural of silence described above. They offer progressive and multi-faceted representations of these experiences, such that there is an opportunity for a dialogue within both private and public spheres. Instead, their characterisation shows that they have agency and autonomy, but at the same time struggle with the repercussions of speaking out against their perpetrators in a society that does not support them wholly. Shrivastava, N. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this work for both commercial and non-commercial purposes , subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors.

The woman in the Instagram video appeared shaken. Her face was swollen and bruised. Sitting beside her husband, she began recounting her ordeal. Her husband then said: "We were assaulted in the tent. We were beaten. They put a knife to our necks and she was raped by seven guys. In the video that has since been deleted, the woman said the assault on her and her Spanish partner — both travel bloggers — took place in a forest late Friday in eastern Jharkhand state's Dumka district in India where they were camping on their way to neighbouring Nepal. The couple, who had been documenting their trip for more than , followers on an Instagram account, were found by a police patrol van which took them to a hospital, where the woman told the doctor she had been raped.

South indian rape

India's Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected appeals of all four men involved in the New Delhi bus rape , confirming a sentence of death for the crime. The convicted men can still file a curative petition to the court, asking it to reexamine the decision. They can also plead for mercy from the Indian president. In , the brutal rape and murder of a year-old physiotherapy student grabbed international headlines and sparked embittered protests across India. The court's decision comes just weeks after another woman was set on fire and killed by a group of men , including two of her alleged rapists. The year-old girl in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh was on her way to a hearing of her rape case when a group of men assaulted her, doused her in gasoline before setting her on fire. Crimes against women have been on the rise in the South Asian country. In November, a year-old vet in the southern city of Hyderabad was raped and set on fire, sparking huge protests across the country. In January last year, an 8-year-old girl in Jammu and Kashmir was brutally raped and murdered.

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To sum up, it is important to recognise the power and value of these media texts and the resulting conversations they create. Previous Next. Child Sexual Abuse. The definition of rape Section IPC has been criticized for other reasons as well by the Indian and international women's and children organizations, who insist that including oral sex, sodomy, and penetration by foreign objects within the meaning of rape would not have been inconsistent with nay constitutional provisions, natural justice, or equity. As a consequence, the rape of a virgin was often a more serious crime than of a nonvirgin, even a wife or widow, and the rape of a prostitute or other unchaste woman was, in some laws, not a crime because her chastity was not harmed. The Supreme Court verdict of [ 24 ] says that the rape trials must end within 2 months as stipulated under law. Rani, on the other hand, faces pressure from the board committee members who want the issue to disappear. Rape in India is one of the most common crimes against women[ 3 ] and a serious national problem. In view of the recommendations of the Law Commission and the growing protest from the general public in response to gang-rape of a Delhi girl in December ,[ 34 ] the Indian Parliament introduced the Criminal Law Amendment Bill, , which was passed by both the houses in March and received President's assent in April Dumbarton: Dunbarton Oaks; Sharma and Sharma refers to the filmmakers who made the film Bulbul. In the s and s, rape victims were either depicted as archetypical poor, helpless, lower class women or as vigilantes who sought violent revenge for their trauma Gopalan, ; Karki, ; Virdi, Rape laws should be made gender neutral as custodial rape of young boys has been neglected by law. Released in March , Alankrita Shrivastava's Bombay Begums focuses on the MeToo movement and centers around narratives of ambitious women who have different struggles and desires as they come together to work at Royal Bank of Bombay. Several Malayalam film personalities such as Prithviraj Sukumaran, Manju Warrier and Rima Kallingal have spoken against the unfortunate incident.

Her face was swollen and bruised. Sitting beside her husband, she began recounting her ordeal. She said seven men held knives to their throats and took turns sexually assaulting her.

Each successive Report is an improvement over the prior one addressing the issue, however, many useful recommendations have not found their way into the Bills presented to Parliament. Ultimately, after another meeting with Deepak when she is out on a smoke with him, she is unable to keep the trauma in. Marriage, mental health and Indian legislation. The other accused persons are in prison pending trial. The accusation of rape against defender Varun Kumar poses a significant distraction for the men's hockey team, and India's chief coach, Craig Fulton, stated on Friday that Varun's absence from the FIH Pro League will be treated akin to an injury setback. Frequently asked questions. The actor escaped and reached a director's house in Kakkannad. In the other case, the nun, aged around 45, filed a police complaint in June that the former bishop raped her repeatedly between to when he visited her Missionaries of Jesus congregation in Kottayam city in Kerala, which is part of his diocese. This offence is cognizable and bailable. Apart from judicial awakening; what is primarily required is generation of awareness. Nambi S. Religion and Security in South and Central Asia; p. I wanted success at any cost.

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