spanking drawings

Spanking drawings

Looking for design inspiration? Browse our curated collections! Jindra Noewi.

A man wearing a wig flogging a youth; probably a fragment of a larger sheet. Satire on the ignorance of school-teachers set in a poor schoolroom in which the boys have been given the heads of monkeys and the girls those of cats. A large school master, with the head of an ass stands behi A broadside on the Popish Plot; with an engraving in twelve small scenes mocking the account given by Titus Oates and his associates of the death of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey. A Catholic priest administers commu Sir Elijah Impey, wearing a judge's wig, birches a young woman whom a boy holds on his back, grasping her wrists. The boy looks round with a grin, saying, "Tickle her well Dad its my turn next.

Spanking drawings

Photoshop has just celebrated its 20 th anniversary! In this website spanking is dealt with as an erotic practice. Practiced by aware and free adults. This website is against each form of punishment, institutional or domestic, practiced on children or minors or on people who are not aware. Ancient Rome Rama caput mundi " The hard life of slaves " some drawings are in low resolution Living in the past " The hard life of the common people " Authority was always imposed. Servants and Maids " The hard life of maids " the perverse pleasure of dominating Very close to slavery. Ninphe Only Women The secret world of women Sometimes very hard. Harem A Harem Made in Japan The charm of the East "the first sequence of drawings " some drawings are in low resolution Day after Day Daily life Realistic situations not too far away from dreams.

Art Media.


A collaborative project to collect information on Spanking in Arts, Movies and Literature. This wiki, started on May 8, , has currently 4, articles and 7, images. Newest images click the link Newest pages :. Punishment is the practice of imposing something unpleasant on a wrongdoer. It puts the wrongdoer in a state of physical, emotional, financial or otherwise discomfort. Punishments are used wherever a person or institution has authority to watch over other people's behavior and enforce rules and regulations, for example in jurisdiction , in the military , in parenting and in educational institutions. A punishment is generally given in reaction to an act of unacceptable forbidden behavior. Sometimes punishments are given after an inspection showed a major breach of an order or rule. The Latin proverb " quae nocent, docent " what pains us, trains us expresses the idea that a painful experience is teaching. The severity of punishment imposed, in relation to the offense , can vary greatly depending on the person in authority.

Spanking drawings

Barbara O'Toole is a probably professional artist who did monochrome and color drawings of highly realistic quality. Her works include child spanking art , adult spanking art all gender combinations , and femdom drawings. The latter, mainly featured on her pay site BitterSweet Pictures , showed adult men getting treated by dominant women as if they were little boys in need of maternal care , discipline and punishment ageplay. BitterSweet Pictures also featured a lot of artwork from the petticoat punishment genre forced cross-dressing and humiliation , see also sissy. Barbara O'Toole has done over pictures [1] in various styles. Her artwork is signed with a logo that looks like the "Intel inside" logo with the words "Intel inside" replaced by "Barb". In , someone who calls himself Christopher Payne, in a blog posting, claimed to be Barbara O'Toole's "long-time companion" and said "together, we were partners in producing the BitterSweet Pictures. She submits new art a few times a year, most recently in July [4]. Please enable JavaScript to pass antispam protection!

John alderton actor

Jan Klaassen is 'groot van neus en hoog van rug' en haalt veel kattekwaad uit. Made in Japan The charm of the East "the first sequence of drawings " some drawings are in low resolution Pamela Patch. Home Topics spanking in art spanking in art. Youth Apparel. Originals Original Artwork for Sale. Kathleen K Parker. Satirical etching from against the newly instituted censorship. Upper left: Roosevelt ridin Cat and kitten Figure, late 19th—early 20th century CH Gray, black, and white tabby cat standing on hind legs holds an upraised stick above a mewing kitten lying across its knee, as if in the act of spanking. Stationery Greeting Cards Notebooks Stickers. Steven Zimmer. View All Subjects. Entertainment magic lantern image. Photoshop has just celebrated its 20 th anniversary!

Then I want to spend time focusing on my personal ideas that I hope will still be enjoyed by those who like what I've been slooowly producing

Woman with leather tawse. Ninphe Only Women Fox left sits under a statue of Justice which is in an alcove above his head, a birch-rod in her right hand, in the left, her Living in the past " The hard life of the common people " Authority was always imposed. Jan Klaassen is 'groot van neus en hoog van rug' en haalt veel kattekwaad uit. Search Type Keywords. Youth Apparel. Sir Elijah Impey, wearing a judge's wig, birches a young woman whom a boy holds on his back, grasping her wrists. Home Decor. Spanking Art. The book of hours was probably made for an aristocratic lad

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