sparknotes celia a slave

Sparknotes celia a slave

In the yeara prosperous Missouri farmer named Robert Newsom buys a teenaged slave named Celia.

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Sparknotes celia a slave

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. It is , and a prosperous Missouri farmer named Robert Newsom buys a fourteen-year-old slave called Celia. Newsom is a typical Missouri farmer, with a huge family, and two daughters, Virginia and Mary, still living at home. Robert buys Celia because he is recently widowed and wants someone to sleep with; the first night that he buys her, he rapes her, and her life continues like this for many years. Celia has no way to defend herself against Robert because she is considered to be his property and she does not have any legal right to refuse him. Robert bought Celia at the peak of the discussion about slavery, and at the height of the abolitionist movement. Many northern politicians are opposed to slavery expanding into the western states that have been won in the Mexican-American war. Congress debates at length over these questions and eventually Missouri is admitted into the Union as a slave state. This is a terrible setback for the abolitionists, because it sets a precedent for accepting states that allow slavery into the Union in years to come. Celia has a lonely life on the farm, and a miserable one. She is considered a sexual predator by Robert's daughters, who believe that she has seduced their father in his time of grief. Her life changes when she meets George , another slave, and begins a relationship with him. When George finds out that Celia and Newsom are having sex, which he considers an affair, and when Celia discovers that she is pregnant she does not know if the father is her slave master or her boyfriend.

Instant PDF downloads. On October 10, a jury found Celia guilty of murder in the first degree and was eventually hung on December 21, Symbols All Symbols.

The book Celia, a slave, was written by Melton McLaurin to show the horrors of slavery in America during the slavery periods and thus, provide insight into the dark times of the slavery encouraging America of the time. In the book McLaurin expertly explores the topic of sexual exploitation of slaves by narrating the case of Celia, a slave that was convicted of the murder of her owner. Celia was only fourteen years old when she was bought as a slave for her owner who at the time had five other slaves. At the time owning of slaves was the apex of wealth, and her owner who happened to be rich by the standards of the time could afford to have five slaves. Robert Newsom, who bought Celia, started sexually abusing her on the day she was purchased …show more content…. The trial judge tried to be seen as being impartial by allowing Celia to access the best defense attorneys available and allowing the case to be determined by a jury.

These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. It is , and a prosperous Missouri farmer named Robert Newsom buys a fourteen-year-old slave called Celia. Newsom is a typical Missouri farmer, with a huge family, and two daughters, Virginia and Mary, still living at home. Robert buys Celia because he is recently widowed and wants someone to sleep with; the first night that he buys her, he rapes her, and her life continues like this for many years. Celia has no way to defend herself against Robert because she is considered to be his property and she does not have any legal right to refuse him. Robert bought Celia at the peak of the discussion about slavery, and at the height of the abolitionist movement. Many northern politicians are opposed to slavery expanding into the western states that have been won in the Mexican-American war. Congress debates at length over these questions and eventually Missouri is admitted into the Union as a slave state. This is a terrible setback for the abolitionists, because it sets a precedent for accepting states that allow slavery into the Union in years to come.

Sparknotes celia a slave

In the year , a prosperous Missouri farmer named Robert Newsom buys a teenaged slave named Celia. Robert Newsom is in many ways typical of his Missouri community. He has a large family, with many sons and daughters, two of whom, Virginia and Mary , still live with him. Robert buys Celia because his wife has died, and he wants a sexual partner. The same night that Robert buys Celia, he rapes her. This pattern continues for years.


Why was Celia on trial for murder and what legal issues did her defense team face during the trial? Refine any search. Robert Newsom emigrated to Missouri from Virginia with his wife and two young children sometime around An interactive data visualization of Celia, a Slave 's plot and themes. He is a religious man, with sympathy towards Celia and other women in her position, and he argues strongly that she has the right to defend herself against rape, even from her master. Instead, Judge Hall hands down the sentence of death. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. They knew Celia stood a chance to be acquitted or get a lenient sentence if they played to the sympathy of the jurist and the judge over her sexual harassment under her …show more content…. Lourdes stands nowhere in the world if she cannot show respect to her. In the defense of the case the attorneys wanted to prove the motive of the murder rather than try to claim innocence in the case. Appearance Versus Reality. Access Full Guide. The chapter details the early history of the state of Missouri—Callaway County in particular—as well as the prosperity and status that came with owning slaves.

The reader may be surprised to find that, despite its being an otherwise rigorous, nonfictional, and historical account of the experiences of a slave, Celia, A Slave contains a great deal of speculation about the events it depicts. On nearly every page, McLaurin encounters gaps in the historical record and attempts to fill them with educated guesswork.

Just days before her execution, Celia is freed from jail, for reasons that have been lost to history. The help by the people to enable Celia to wait for the decision of the Supreme Court on a case is an evidence of the good will that some people in the society had for her in her quest for justice. Essay Topics. All Symbols The Fireplace. Sign up! Important Quotes. Against this backdrop, Celia's trial begins. Busy guy. Explanations of Celia, a Slave 's symbols, and tracking of where they appear. At the time owning of slaves was the apex of wealth, and her owner who happened to be rich by the standards of the time could afford to have five slaves. When Robert ignores her, she strikes him with a heavy stick, and then, when he staggers back, she strikes him again, killing him. The chapter details the early history of the state of Missouri—Callaway County in particular—as well as the prosperity and status that came with owning slaves. With his two legal aides, Jameson proceeds to build a case for his client. June 23, ; Newsom sneaks into Celia's cabin but is met with a frigid reception. Celia portrayed an impactful role in plot multiple times throughout this book.

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