Spike my little pony

Spike the Dragonusually just referred to as Spikespike my little pony, affectionately referred to as " Spikey-Wikey " [1] [2] by some of his friends and sometimes formally referred to as " Mr. The Dragon " [3] is Twilight Sparkle 's number one assistant' and very best friend. The youngest of the heroes, Spike pines for Rarity 's heart and will do anything to help his friends, even if he can act mean-spirited spike my little pony abrasive at times.

His ability to magically deliver scolls to and from the princess named Princess Celestia with his fire-breath feature which is mostly seen at the end of the episodes. Spike is always a helpful dragon in Ponyville. He also has a crush on a female pony fashionista Rarity. Though the young unicorn was stressed because of the judges' high expectations, she still tried her hardest just to complete the test and impress her supervisors, but failed at doing so. Unknowingly, a mysterious explosion had awakened the young unicorn's dormant magic and was able to hatch the dragon egg with ease, though with the sudden increase in power, she had even evolved the young hatchling into a full grown dragon and turn her parents into plants.

Spike my little pony

Spike , also known as Spike the Dragon , [note 1] is a male "pre-teen" [5] [note 2] dragon and one of the seven [6] main characters [7] of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. He is Twilight Sparkle 's best friend and number one assistant. He has the ability to magically deliver scrolls to and from Princess Celestia with his fire breath, which features in many episodes , as does his crush on Rarity. In the season eight episode Molt Down , Spike gains a pair of wings after undergoing a developmental stage for dragons called the "molt". Spike's appearance is based on his Generation 1 incarnation more than his Generation 3 version, with a few modifications done by Lauren Faust. In G1, he was portrayed as a baby dragon with green spikes, and his body was pink. In his G3 incarnation, he was a 1,year old dragon with orange spikes, purple hair, and a blue body. He is the only main character who was taken from G1 other than Applejack. Dog Spike, as he is in the human world , is not human because, as stated by Meghan McCarthy , "1 It would be weird for Twilight to hide a small boy in her backpack. Lauren Faust said in an interview that she had to fight for Cathy Weseluck to be the voice of Spike, because Hasbro originally wanted him to sound rather gruff and scratchy, similar to Charlie Adler 's interpretation of the character in the G1 movies and TV series.

He attempts to sing the anthem after he fails to light the opening ceremony torch to the games when he learns it was lit with the help of Twilight. She struggles to produce traces of magic from her horn; however, the shock wave from Rainbow Dash 's sonic rainboom triggers an uncontrolled release of Twilight's latent power, not only hatching Spike but also enlarging him into the size of an adult dragon, and causing mayhem in the exam room. Later in the episode, when Spike returns to normal after growing into a monstrous dragon and he and Rarity plummet to the ground, Spike very nearly confesses his feelings for her, but Rarity stops him mid-sentence and gives a teary smile at him, and Spike smiles spike my little pony.


He is Twilight Sparkle's best friend and number one assistant. He has the ability to magically deliver scrolls to and from Princess Celestia with his green fire-breath, which is featured in many episodes, as is his crush on Rarity. Spike's appearance is based on his Generation 1 incarnation more than his Generation 3 version, with a few modifications done by Lauren Faust. In G1, he was portrayed as a baby dragon with green spikes, and his body was pink. In his G3 incarnation, he was a 1,year old dragon with orange spikes, purple hair, and a blue body. He is the only main character who was taken from G1 other than Applejack. Dog Spike, as he is in the human world, is not human because, as stated by Meghan McCarthy, "1 It would be weird for Twilight to hide a small boy in her backpack. Throughout the series he sends correspondence between Twilight and the Princess using his magical fire breath, helps organize and fetch books, reads and writes letters, keeps Twilight's checklists, and helps her practice magic.

Spike my little pony

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Retrieved on April 1. At the end of the episode, all the nachos are shown in the garbage can outside the library. He is Twilight Sparkle 's best friend and number one assistant. In Friendship is Magic, part 1 , Twilight says that Spike is a baby and needs to get his sleep despite Spike stating the contrary as an excuse to send Fluttershy away. His favorite comic book series was undoutably Power Ponies , which followed the adventures of the titular Power Ponies as they fought villains such as the Mane-Iac , Pharaoh Phetlock , Long Face and more. He also has a story role in several events, such as "The Power Ponies", where he teams up with Rarity and Pinkie Pie in an altered version of events from the My Little Pony Annual He continues this role in Suited For Success , where he emcees Rarity's fashion show. Spike was destined to outlive his friends and potential outlines of his future have been shown, with the most recent depiction of his adult self being the same good-natured and loving dragon with a strong sense of humor everypony has grown to love. Spike's "predecessor" in the My Little Pony movie plays the piano for one of the ponies' musical number as well. He attempts to sing the anthem after he fails to light the opening ceremony torch to the games when he learns it was lit with the help of Twilight. However, after belly-flopping hard into the lava pool, Spike is accepted into the group. Dog Spike, as he is in the human world , is not human because, as stated by Meghan McCarthy , "1 It would be weird for Twilight to hide a small boy in her backpack. Twilight endearingly calls Spike her "number one assistant" for his extreme loyalty and ability to recognize when Twilight needs help. Spike finds Twilight her old copy of Predictions and Prophecies , re-shelves Twilight's pile of books, and checks off items in her Summer Sun Celebration checklist in Friendship is Magic, part 1.

This is a gallery for Spike's different physical appearances, forms, and outfits in the series , films , IDW comics , and other official material. Article workshop Placeholder name polls Core wiki activity Project forums Wiki discussion Chat discussion Speculation. Wiki policies and guidelines How to contribute Tips and tricks Contact an administrator.

Spike has a vision in which Twilight sends him away forever, scaring him. It was a lesson he kept with him from that point onward. He's been her faithful sidekick ever since. For his faults, Spike was sometimes shown to go power-mad, such as when he became the fill-in princess for Twilight Sparkle. Spike magically matures through his greediness in Secret of My Excess. In Molt Down , Spike uses a massive burst of his fire breath to fend off a Roc. Spike stood by Twilight's side through thick and thin no matter what happened, and continued to do so after he hit puberty. Page tools Page tools. Spike also enjoyed creative and expressive work. Though he is all but defeated by the Diamond Dogs, he still tries to find ways to rescue Rarity, like using the gem she gave him earlier as bait. Cookies help us deliver our services. I translated this from a Dutch

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