spongebob squarepants pets or pests

Spongebob squarepants pets or pests

In this episode, SpongeBob adopts a stray worm who gives birth to worm babies overnight. One day, SpongeBob and Patrick are playing leapfrog, when they land in a bush.

Pets or Pests: SpongeBob adopts a stray worm, and to his surprise, the worm gives birth to some worm babies overnight! But since Gary won't play nice, SpongeBob needs to find loving homes fo Read all Pets or Pests: SpongeBob adopts a stray worm, and to his surprise, the worm gives birth to some worm babies overnight! But since Gary won't play nice, SpongeBob needs to find loving homes for his new slimy, weird-looking friends. Kumputer Overload: Plankton is sick of Karen's cri

Spongebob squarepants pets or pests

SpongeBob adopts a stray worm who gives birth to baby worms overnight, but after Gary chases the mother away, he must find new homes for the babies. Fitting as snails and worms in this show are the undersea equivalents of cats and dogs respectively. Berserk Button : Gary is absolutely livid once SpongeBob brings a worm into the house. Big Ball of Violence : One occurs between Gary and the worm. Complexity Addiction : In the time it took SpongeBob to climb inside the truck and pull out the plugs to stop it from running over the baby worms, SpongeBob could've easily just ran out into the street, pick up the baby worms, and carry them out of danger. Continuity Nod : When Gary and the worm are fighting, a shoe can be seen in the fight cloud. Remember that Gary wears shoes. This was not the first time SpongeBob brought home a wild animal. Eats Babies : Larry was willing to take the baby worms off SpongeBob's hands until revealing that he wants to eat them, and SpongeBob has to tackle Larry before he does. Oh, Crap! Puff's doorbell long after she opened the door. Running Gags : Gary and the worm brawling each other.

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In this episode, SpongeBob adopts a stray worm who gives birth to worm babies overnight. One day, SpongeBob and Patrick are playing leapfrog, when they land in a bush. They destroy it, and the two find a worm that lived in the bush, and they name it Mr. SpongeBob takes it home and introduces him to Gary, who takes an immediate dislike to it. They fight, and SpongeBob pulls them apart.

Spongebob squarepants pets or pests

The SpongeBob Wiki has a guideline regarding the use of image galleries — collections of episode screenshots are no longer allowed on galleries due to potential fair use violations. SpongeBob and Patrick are playing leapfrog, when they fall down a cliff onto a bush. They find out a worm lived there and take it to SpongeBob's house. They try to greet the worm to Gary and make them get along, but they get angry at each other instead. For the night, SpongeBob makes Gary sleep on the guest newspaper while the worm sleeps with him.

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Director Vincent Waller. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. Krabs, in which he declines because the worms spit up on his face as well, and forces him to take the worms out of his restaurant. Create account. Puff when she sees the baby worms. Shout-Out : Mrs. View history Talk 0. When he returns with Patrick, they discover that "Mr. Wormsley Pet or Pests Mrs. Kumputer Overload: Plankton is sick of Karen's cri Mary Jo Catlett Mrs.

Pets or Pests: SpongeBob adopts a stray worm, and to his surprise, the worm gives birth to some worm babies overnight! But since Gary won't play nice, SpongeBob needs to find loving homes fo

Current Wiki. Continuity Nod : When Gary and the worm are fighting, a shoe can be seen in the fight cloud. He decides to take them, but only to eat them alive due to raw protein, in which SpongeBob knocks them out of Larry's hand. Krabs comes out, hearing how it is rare and they would bring a lot of money. Took a Level in Dumbass : Larry trying to eat the baby worms, most likely mistaking them for something edible. Wormsley, Gary is sent to the "guest newspaper" in the closet for the night while Mr. Wormsley is actually a Mrs. Wormsley howling in pain. Puff's doorbell long after she opened the door. Production music Original music List of songs. Mary Jo Catlett Mrs.

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