sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

Sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

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Declaration 2. Acknowledgement 3. Introduction - Need for water - Purification of water - Need for a stable purification technique 4. Theory - Bleaching powder and its preparation 5. Experiment - Aim - Requirements - Pre-requisite knowledge - Procedure 6. Observation 7. Result 8.

Sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

Read less. Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Sterlization of water using bleaching powder. Sterlization of water using bleaching powder Gaurav Sharma. Physics investigatory project for class Physics investigatory project for class 12 Kavita Kulkarni. Chemistry project for Class Chemistry project for Class 12 Shahban Ali. Investigatory project on physics. Investigatory project on physics anupkumarsen2. More Related Content What's hot chemistry investigatory project. Study of quantity of caesin present in different samples of milk. Study of quantity of caesin present in different samples of milk Neelanjyan Dutta.

But in Indust rial or large scale purificat ion of wate r t he wate r loss due to e vapora tio n will be quite high and the a m ount of purifie d wate r obta ine d will be ve ry le ss, sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf. Take m l of t he wate r sam ple in a m l stoppe re d conical flask a nd a dd it to 10m l of ble ching powde r solut ion.

The document describes an experiment to determine the dosage of bleaching powder required to sterilize different water samples. It includes a certificate of authenticity, acknowledgements, introduction on water purification techniques, theory on bleaching powder preparation, experimental procedure, observations, calculations and results. The key findings are that 0. Read less. AI-enhanced description.

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Harsh singodia. John Lisle. Andrea Dietrich. Veronica Blette. Matthieu Cordier. Katja Mikhailovich.

Sterilization of water using bleaching powder project pdf

Water is an important and essential ingredient in our quest for survival on this planet. It is very essential for carrying out various metabolic processes in our body and also to carry out Hemoglobin throughout the body. A daily average of 1 gallon per man is sufficient for drinking and cooking purposes.


Weigh accurately 2. Scheme-9 Lab Report. Bismi whose valuable guidance has been the one that helped me patch this project and make it full proof success. Investigatory Project - Sterilization of Water Document 7 pages. KV Physics investigatory project Khushal Mehta. L There are many methods for the purification of water. Oecologia Effects of humidity during diurnal courses on the CO2- and light-saturated rate of net CO2 uptake in the sclerophyllous leaves of Arbutus unedo. One major drawback of this purification process is that it cannot be used for removing foreign chemicals and impurities that are invisible in water. L Take ml of the water sample in a ml stoppered conical flask and add it to 10ml of bleching powder solution. Take about 1 gm of soluble starch and 10 ml of distilled water in a test tube. The outbreak seemed less severe in areas where sand filters were installed. Whe n use d with m ode rn wa te r filt rat ion m e t hods, chlorine is e ffe ctive a gainst virt ually all m icroorga nism s. Chemistry Investigatory Project Class


The solution now becomes blue in colour. Calcium Chloride And Sodium Carbonate. Thus, we get the amount required for disinfection and if bleaching powder is taken less than this amount, water will remain impure and if it is taken in excess than this , will be harmful as it will contain chloride. Chemistry Project for class 12 on a comparative study on different brands of L From the readings, the amount of chlorine and hence bleaching powder required for the disinfection of a given volume of the given sample of water can be calculated. The amount of residual chlorine is determined by adding excess potassium iodide solution and then titrating against standard sodium thiosulphate solution. Chemo myank Sterlization of water using bleaching powder Gaurav Sharma. There are many methods for the purification of water. Titration IV has minimum reading because of impurities and titration I has maximum reading because the sample was distilled water. Take 0. Take ml of water sample in a conical flask, add 20 ml of bleaching powder of solution in a stopper conical flask and add 20 ml of KI solution and stopper the flask. G , is my original work and interpretations drawn therein are based on material collected by myself.

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