steven universe peridot fusion

Steven universe peridot fusion

Peridot Voiced by: Shelby Rabara.

To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Please click here to learn how. The latest teaser for "Steven Universe" season 4 has perhaps dropped a major hint about what's coming in the popular animated series. After Steven tells them that vegetables neither talk nor move, they become disappointed, prompting Steven to plant a seed to make them happy. So Steven takes one of their inanimate pumpkins and carves a face into it, scaring the first pumpkin.

Steven universe peridot fusion

There are rumors going around that a fusion of Lapis and Peridot will be introduced in the new episodes of the series, which is still on hiatus. Many fans are under the impression that she will be the voice behind a fusion between Peridot and Lapis. It is believed that the two have grown so much closer that it is enough to beckon a fusion. Although the two started on the wrong foot, they managed to warm up to each other and grow fond of one another as they spend more time at the barn, which they share. In fact, "Steven Universe" season 4 episode 8 "Gems Harvest," shows the two starting a new hobby — farming — to liven things up and give the barn extra life and color, which they meant literally. Fans believed that Lapis and Peridot have developed a certain level of friendship that qualifies them to have a fusion and that "Steven Universe" season 4 will show what it will look like. As for Burch's casting, her voice is how many would imagine what a fusion of Peridot and Lapis would be like. However, there are speculations that she will provide the voice of Mystery Girl instead. Fans have yet to hear the character's voice, but it looks like "Steven Universe" season 4 will take care of that when it returns with new episodes and with Burch. As for the return date, "Steven Universe" season 4 is expected to premiere on Thanksgiving, Nov. Most Read Taylor Swift and Christianity What needs to happen after the death of Alexei Navalny Lyle descendent hits out at rebrand to remove Bible link from packaging Claims of 'Christian crackdown' are 'unfair', say police Tributes paid to Bishop of Buckingham after unexpected death Lyle's Golden Syrup rebrand to drop biblical references.

The blow is softened somewhat in that Peridot was being more unintentionally insensitive than insulting; and she herself is aware of and subtly insecure about the nature of her generation. However, as her time and interactions with the Crystal Gems and Steven have increased, steven universe peridot fusion, she has slowly emphasis on slowly been acting less jerkish.

It's not a shell. There's so much life living here. That's what I'm doing! I'm living here! I've been learning new things about myself all the time! Like how I can make metal do my bidding!

First, you need a gem at the core of your being. Then you need a body that can turn into light. Then you need a partner who you trust with that light. Fusions are formed when the participants are emotionally harmonious with each other. This state can be spontaneous, but it is usually achieved deliberately through a synchronized dance. When Gems fuse, their bodies and minds become one.

Steven universe peridot fusion

It's not a shell. There's so much life living here. That's what I'm doing! I'm living here!

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Perhaps because of this Peridot enjoys wearing clothes for fun, something unusual amongst Gems. Became Their Own Antithesis : Her time on Earth transforms her from a cold, calculating force who couldn't care less about Earth or its inhabitants into a hilariously absurd Large Ham who chooses to protect Earth and fight against Yellow Diamond. As she begs her to deactivate the Cluster to save the Earth, Peridot sees Yellow Diamond as the exact opposite of all she made her out to be, as Yellow Diamond insists on destroying Earth for her own sake and personal reasons while rejecting Peridot's own for sparing Earth and its ecosystem. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. After the storm has ended, Peridot is willing to disclose information regarding the Cluster and trusts Steven enough to escort her to the Kindergarten to gather information on the Cluster; however, Steven says that they have to hold hands the whole time because Steven needs to keep an eye on Peridot. Blood Knight : One of the very few examples of one not naturally good at fighting. M-O Made of Indestructium : In "The Kindergarten Kid", she suffers a number of Amusing Injuries and gets crushed by several heavy objects, including a number of very large rocks, yet her gemstone never breaks or even cracks. She's initially driven largely by logic, reason, and her orders, but the more time she spends on Earth the more she acts based on emotion though she continues to prize logic and reason above all else. Yellow Diamond : What do you know about the Earth!? She shows a great deal of concern for Steven when he suffers pain and loses consciousness, and she even stops the drill, putting their mission on hold for his well-being. Warming up to the Crystal Gems is much, much harder, though. The Snark Knight : At the end of "Too Far" , she rants over that everyone and everything on Earth is annoying and makes no sense to her Peridot then asked him if "Stevens" were the dominant species replacing humans before attempting to crush him with a giant fist, only to be stopped by the other Crystal Gems.


Jasper acts as Peridot's escort during her mission to Earth. It is likely that her inflated ego, slight condescending attitude, and bragging ex: calling herself the new leader of the Crystal Gems is a way of compensating for her own insecurities. While likely rushed due to time constraints, another example occurs at the end of "Same Old World" when she nonchalantly greets Lapis, the very Gem she interrogated and dragged back to Earth after having been trapped in a mirror for thousands of years, without even so much as offering an apology. The dress and shoes were physical as opposed to holographically generated and she wore them over her standard outfit. In " Back to the Moon " when Amethyst asks if they want to "play prisoner", she clings to Lapis' arm and shoots Amethyst a look as Lapis refuses. Her various Robonoid have Floating Limbs almost identical to her fingers, she operated the Kindergarten remotely with giant floating hands, and her ship is a giant hand. Most of the time, her hair is either a perfect triangle, or a triangle with corners that fold in on itself. Godzilla Threshold : In "Catch and Release" , she's so desperate to get off Earth that she kidnaps Steven from his room in the hopes that his spit can fix the Galaxy Warp, and she even tries to use her information on the Cluster to bargain with the Crystal Gems. Part of the reason she started to like Amethyst so much more than the others is that, aside from Steven, she was the only one willing to hang out and joke with her. Perhaps because of this Peridot enjoys wearing clothes for fun, something unusual amongst Gems. Steven : What's that? Peridot: Are you ready to drill down into the planet, to depths never before reached by your species, to stop the Cluster and save your world? This desire for it is what kickstarts the main plot of Peridot trying to unlock her Gem powers after Amethyst uses her shapeshifting to score in the game, and the episode ends with her using her newly-discovered ferrokinesis to win it. As she begs her to deactivate the Cluster to save the Earth, Peridot sees Yellow Diamond as the exact opposite of all she made her out to be, as Yellow Diamond insists on destroying Earth for her own sake and personal reasons while rejecting Peridot's own for sparing Earth and its ecosystem. As she starts to lose it from isolation, this trait diminishes, such that by "Friend Ship" she spends the entire episode laughing like a maniac and gleefully tormenting the Crystal Gems.

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