Stratego instructions

Top quality exact replica watches with free shipping worldwide and world class customer service. On a lonely battlefield stratego instructions meet your opponent for a skirmish that will decide the fate of your army. You must plan the battle, advance your men, attack and capture the enemy Flag. Your Marshal is your strongest man, but vulnerable if not protected from the Spy, stratego instructions.

Read all of the rules for movement and attacking so you can better plan placement of your pieces. Ensure that all 40 squares on your side of the board are occupied with exactly one piece on each square. Pieces may not move diagonally or jump over other pieces. Only one piece may occupy a square at a time. You can also move Scouts one square at a time like other pieces do. Scouts can also move and attack on the same turn. Each player alternates turns, either moving or attacking.

Stratego instructions

Stratego game board is 10 by 10 squares representing a battlefield. There are two 2 by 2 areas in the center called "lakes". Each player has 40 pieces representing an army, which consists of 33 moveable and 7 non-moveable pieces. Moveable pieces, ranked from high to low, are: Marshal : 1 piece General : 1 piece Colonel : 2 pieces Major : 3 pieces Captain : 4 pieces Lieutenant : 4 pieces Sergeant : 4 pieces Miner : 5 pieces Scout : 8 pieces Spy : 1 piece Non-moveable unranked pieces are: Bomb : 6 pieces Flag : 1 piece. Place your pieces in the four back rows corresponding to your side of the board. The two middle rows are left unoccupied at the start of the game. Pieces are not visible for your opponent. Players alternate turns. Player 1 known as "red" moves first; player 2 "blue" follows. On your turn you must do one of the following: Move one of your pieces; or Attack an opponent piece. In the exceptional case that after an attack both pieces are captured and neither player can move any further, the game ends in a draw. A piece cannot move back and forth between the same two squares more than three consecutive times turns. This is regardless of the piece being just moved or also attacking an opponent piece in those squares.

Do not place any pieces on or near these spots when you set up the game.

Last Updated: October 4, To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed , times. Learn more Stratego is a two player game that requires memory and strategy skills. Get the game, learn the rules, and you will be all ready to start playing Stratego. To play Stratego, learn that the goal of the game is to capture your opponent's flag or all of their pieces.

Top quality exact replica watches with free shipping worldwide and world class customer service. On a lonely battlefield you meet your opponent for a skirmish that will decide the fate of your army. You must plan the battle, advance your men, attack and capture the enemy Flag. Your Marshal is your strongest man, but vulnerable if not protected from the Spy. Your Scouts are weak but mobile and effective in discovering your enemy's manpower. You need the skills of Miners to disarm enemy Bombs, so don't lose them all early in the battle. Plant your Bombs skillfully. They will protect the most precious piece on the gameboard, your Flag. Stratego is a game where skillful planning, clever deception and good memory work are used to defeat your opponent.

Stratego instructions

Each player controls 40 pieces representing individual officer and soldier ranks in an army. The pieces have Napoleonic insignia. The objective of the game is to either find and capture the opponent's Flag or to capture so many enemy pieces that the opponent cannot make any further moves. Stratego has simple enough rules for young children to play but a depth of strategy that is also appealing to adults. There are now two- and four-player versions, versions with 10, 30 or 40 pieces per player, and boards with smaller sizes number of spaces. There are also variant pieces and different rulesets.

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Then, declare the rank of your attacking piece. Your Marshal is your strongest man, but vulnerable if not protected from the Spy. Create an account. Every time you play the battle is different. All rights reserved. If this is not possible, they must surrender and opponent wins the game. The board is large enough to accommodate both players' armies plus non-moving pieces. Pieces may not move diagonally or jump over other pieces. But you may also win the game if your opponent reaches a point where he or she cannot make any more moves. Cookies make wikiHow better. Exception: see Special Scout Privilege, Rule 6. After you have set up your pieces, you are ready to play.

In the world of classic strategy board games, few titles match the intrigue and tactical depth of Stratego.

How To Attack: To attack on your turn, take your attacking piece and lightly tap your opponent's piece. They belong to their respective owners or their subsidiaries, licensors, licensees, suppliers, and accounts. Featured Articles How to. But place a Bomb or two elsewhere to confuse your opponent. Place your pieces on the gameboard with the notched end up. The piece with the lower rank and lower number is captured and removed from the board. Rated this article:. If the defending piece wins, it remains where it is. Doing so will help to keep them organized for future games. Try different arrangements every time you play the game to see what strategy works for you. If the Spy is attacked by the Marshal, then the Spy is captured instead. A Colonel Number 8 outranks a Major Number 7 and so on down to the Spy which is the lowest-ranking piece. You can also move Scouts one square at a time like other pieces do. Get the game, learn the rules, and you will be all ready to start playing Stratego. No account yet?

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