subside sports

Subside sports

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In the Activewear Store category. Visit this website. Most relevant. Took only about a week and i recieved what i was hoping for…would recoment. Date of experience: February 07,

Subside sports


With a selection of league and national team jerseys from six continents, we are your one-stop source for great prices on both popular and hard to find soccer items. Dec 23, Never order subside sports this company I placed an order 4 weeks ago and have not received delivery and no one will answer my emails or messages, subside sports.


JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Home of the original Football Shirt of the Year competition, Subside Sports proudly brings you the very best in official football kits and thousands of player printing options. Remember the past, celebrate the future. With a selection of league and national team kits from six continents, we are your one stop source for great prices on both popular and hard to find football items.

Subside sports

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. All orders are processed on our secure server, so you can trust your personal information is protected.

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Plus discount codes provided didn't work and you spent 85 quid and delivery isn't free. Date of experience: March 25, Date of experience: October 05, I would strongly recommend that anyone reading this should use Subside ahead of the alternatives. Ordered it. Very happy. Having ordered a nike Barcelona football shirt from this company with official Messi printing I was annoyed to find part of the club badge was not stitched correctly. Borussia Dortmund. Products are genuine and are always high quality. Feb 7,

JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Founded in , Subside Sports is one of the oldest e-commerce football shirt specialists on the internet.

Excellent customer service from Subside sport. We also carry an extensive range of soccer balls as well as tees; from the latest adidas Bundesliga Champions Tee to the spirited Re-Take Tee designs, we've got 'em. Date of experience: June 30, When the order confirmation came, it said delivery on the 11th. I purchased the kit through the Swiss online store and was able to reach out to the Swiss distributor any time if there were any questions or uncertainties. I spoke with Sarah Webb who was fantastic, she understood what I needed and has made sure that extra checks of the shirt are made before it is sent out. Filter Sort: Most relevant. Mar 27, Our apologies again, the delay was unacceptable and regrettable, but we have already been in direct contact with you and already refunded in full. Shockingly run Shockingly run. Took only about a week and i recieved what i was hoping for…would recoment. All these whinging reviews which suspiciously start with the date of the order are the polar opposite to my excellent experience.

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