sultanhanı caravanserai

Sultanhanı caravanserai

Sultanhan caravanserai is one of the most significant tourist attractions in central Anatoliasultanhanı caravanserai, also the largest and best preserved Seljuk caravanserai in Turkey. The site is located on the highway between Konya and Aksaray provinces; about kilometers 68 miles north-west of Konya and 45 kilometers 28 miles away from Aksaray, sultanhanı caravanserai. The Sultanhan caravanserai was built in by Seljuk sultan Alaeddin Keykubad I when Aksaray was an important stopover along the Silk Road that crossed through Anatolia. After suffering partial destruction in a fire, the building was restored and extended in under the reign sultanhanı caravanserai sultan Kaykhusraw III.

Sultanhani is a 13th-century caravanserai situated in the town of Sultanhani, Aksaray Province, just over 40 kilometers away from the city center on the way to Konya. This caravanserai is a fine example of Seljuk architecture in Turkey, covering an area of 4, square meters, and being the largest medieval caravanserai in the country. It is entered through an ornate portal gate measuring 13 meters in height, adorned with intricate muqarnas stalactites , rosettes, and interlacing. The pointed arch framing the gate features muqarnas corbels and geometrically patterned plaiting. Beyond the main gate is an open courtyard measuring 44 by 58 meters, which was used during summertime. On the far side of this courtyard, there is a similarly decorated archway leading to a covered courtyard iwan , which was used during winter.

Sultanhanı caravanserai

Sultan Han Aksaray, Turkey. The Sultanhani on the road between Konya and Aksaray is the largest caravanserai in Turkey, enclosing 4, square meters. As one of the Sultan's Han, the building is a caravanserai with palatial aspects. Incorporated into the plan is a large courtyard with a two- story masjid in the center, a monumental covered hall, and a hammam bath. The monumental pishtaq is 50 meters wide and projects out from the main wall of the khan. The single entrance is in an ornately carved recess surmounted by stalactite muqarnas. Once inside the caravanserai the masjid dominates the courtyard. The square stone building sits on carved arches, effectively lifting it off the ground. The prayer room is on the second floor, accessed by a twin stairway on the front. Surrounding the courtyards on the entrance wall and both sides are iwan arcades which served as stables on the ground level and accommodations above. Directly across the courtyard from the main entrance is another portal to the covered hall. The arched entrance is constructed with joggled voussoirs above which is a stalactite muqarnas niche set within a border of interlocking geometric carving.

The entrance to the sultanhanı caravanserai courtyard section is in line with the entrance to the covered section. After their stay at the Tuzhisar Sultan Han, sultanhanı caravanserai, the army changed direction once again to confuse the Mongols and headed south towards Elbistan and stopped at the Karatay Han.

The Seljuk Han of Anatolia. If you can only visit one han in Turkey, this should be the one. Important in view of its scale and the elaborate decoration of its crown door and kiosk mosque, it was built by the greatest of all the Seljuk sultans, Alaeddin Keykubad. All hail the Sultan Han of the Seljuk Empire! The town of Sultanhan is approximately 3 km south off the main highway. The han is visible from the modern highway, which passes nearby. The Aksaray Sultan Han lies at the heart of the main caravan road which formed the most important trade network of the age, and connected the ports of Antalya and Alanya to Iran and Georgia via Konya, Aksaray, Kayseri, Sivas, Erzincan and Erzurum.

Sultanhan caravanserai is one of the most significant tourist attractions in central Anatolia , also the largest and best preserved Seljuk caravanserai in Turkey. The site is located on the highway between Konya and Aksaray provinces; about kilometers 68 miles north-west of Konya and 45 kilometers 28 miles away from Aksaray. The Sultanhan caravanserai was built in by Seljuk sultan Alaeddin Keykubad I when Aksaray was an important stopover along the Silk Road that crossed through Anatolia. After suffering partial destruction in a fire, the building was restored and extended in under the reign of sultan Kaykhusraw III. The monumental caravanserai then became one of the best examples of Anatolian Seljuk architecture.

Sultanhanı caravanserai

It is one of the three monumental caravanserais in the neighbourhood of Aksaray and is located about 40 km 25 mi west of Aksaray on the road to Konya. This fortified structure was built in dated by inscription , during the reign of the Seljuk sultan Kayqubad I r. After it was partially destroyed by a fire, it was restored and extended in by the governor Seraceddin Ahmed Kerimeddin bin El Hasan during the reign of the sultan Kaykhusraw III. The caravanserai is considered one of the best examples of Seljuk architecture in Turkey. Covering an area of 4, square meters, it is the largest medieval caravanserai in Turkey. The khan is entered at the east, through a pishtaq , a m-high gate made from marble, which projects from the front wall itself 50 m wide.

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The decorative program for the crown doors of the courtyard, the covered section and the kiosk mosque are a testament to the level of artistry reached by the Seljuks. As one of the Sultan's Han, the building is a caravanserai with palatial aspects. Courtyard: The rectangular courtyard is wider than the covered section. Long live the Sultan of Hans! Sultan Han Aksaray, Turkey. Vast as a cathedral, the covered section comprises a central nave in the north-south direction, with a nave on each side of it. The borders constitute a frame around the entire door. Tschihatscheff, P. Sultanhani Caravanserai Sultanhani is a 13th-century caravanserai situated in the town of Sultanhani, Aksaray Province, just over 40 kilometers away from the city center on the way to Konya. Fully Inclusive Touring - All flights, transfers, hotels, meals, guides and visa. During the harsh weather conditions both merchants and their animals were staying indoors in order to stay warm. Covered section with open courtyard COC Covered section is smaller than the courtyard Covered section with a central aisle and 2 aisles on each side 9 cross vaults.

Sultan Han Aksaray, Turkey. The Sultanhani on the road between Konya and Aksaray is the largest caravanserai in Turkey, enclosing 4, square meters. As one of the Sultan's Han, the building is a caravanserai with palatial aspects.

They are covered with pointed barrel vaults in the north-south direction. Covered section:. The borders are connected by small columns with capital headings formed as sided cubes cut with prismatic triangles at the corners and parallel-edged triangles on six surfaces. Apparently there were several individual latrines along the channel, divided by wooden partitions. This han also saw some important military action. Photo by Erdmann Read our latest articles or travel inspiration, exciting news about our destinations and all things Wendy Wu Tours. This han is much admired by the local people. The door is surrounded by borders of various widths, decorated with motifs placed symmetrically on both sides and a hood formed by 12 rows of muqarnas. No part of this site may be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author. If you can only visit one han in Turkey, this should be the one. Fully Inclusive Touring - All flights, transfers, hotels, meals, guides and visa. This dome is of technical interest, for it is made of pieces of stone laid helically in the fashion of a snail's shell, achieved without a mold. Caravanserais in Turkey.

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