sunny 1996 wwf

Sunny 1996 wwf

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Tamara Lynn Sytch born December 7, , commonly known by her ring name Sunny , is an American former professional wrestling personality. Sytch was introduced to the professional industry by her longtime boyfriend Chris Candido , and debuted in the Smoky Mountain Wrestling SMW territory in the early s. WWE widely considers Sunny as their first Diva , [3] [4] [5] and America Online named her the most downloaded celebrity on the internet in After Candido's death, Sytch was active on the independent circuit until she retired in Since , Sytch has been arrested and incarcerated several times , including multiple arrests for driving under the influence.

Sunny 1996 wwf


After six months, the couple quit the promotion and headed back to the States. Bob Orton Jr.


Her post-WWF career has proven difficult. Ask any male who watched the WWF in the 90s who they had the biggest crush on. The guys in their 20s who are most familiar with the Attitude-era might say Sable. The over crowd who grew up watching Hogan feud with Savage might say Miss Elizabeth. But an overwhelming number of them will land on a different lady of wrestling.

Sunny 1996 wwf

Tamara "Tammy" Lynn Sytch December 7, is an American professional wrestling manager , personality, and occasional wrestler. She achieved her greatest success under the ring name Sunny within the World Wrestling Federation WWF during the s, and is widely considered as one of the first Divas. Sytch grew up in a strict family with a father who was retired from the United States Navy. She attended the same high school as her long-time boyfriend Chris Candido. Upon entering Smoky Mountain wrestling in , a kayfabe claim was made that she had come from studying pre-law at Wellesley College in Massachusetts.

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Since , Sytch has been arrested and incarcerated several times , including multiple arrests for driving under the influence. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tammy Lynn Sytch. Archived from the original on User reviews 2 Review. Download as PDF Printable version. Featured review. A mediocre episode, as nobody believed that the Smoking Gunns had a chance to win those singles titles. Top cast Edit. Sytch has claimed that, in , Playboy had approached her and offered a six-figure sum to pose nude for the magazine. Kashika's 5 Picks for February. In other projects. Categories : births 21st-century American women 21st-century American criminals American color commentators American female adult models American female criminals American female professional wrestlers American people convicted of burglary American people convicted of manslaughter American pornographic film actresses American prisoners and detainees Criminals from New Jersey Fugitives Living people American people of Russian descent OnlyFans creators People extradited within the United States People from Matawan, New Jersey Pornographic film actors from New Jersey Professional wrestlers from New Jersey Female professional wrestling announcers Professional wrestling managers and valets Prisoners and detainees of Connecticut Prisoners and detainees of Florida Prisoners and detainees of New Jersey Prisoners and detainees of Pennsylvania Road Warriors members WWE Hall of Fame inductees. They were interrupted by Danny Doring and Roadkill , but cleared them out of the ring. Hopper the wrestling plumber.

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February 17, The Miami Herald. In November , she was sentenced to seventeen and a half years in prison on DUI and manslaughter-related charges stemming from a March incident. Retrieved April 22, Wrestling Epicenter. Download as PDF Printable version. CanWest Books. October 14, Archived from the original on October 12, See production info at IMDbPro.

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