

The retail investors were motivated by a desire to take on the hedge funds and other institutional investors, whom they perceived as part of an entrenched financial establishment manipulating the markets. The sudden superstonk in superstonk prices of these stocks caused significant losses for the short sellers and created a media frenzy as the story unfolded, superstonk, superstonk.

Can't remember why it was banned from WSB. Something to do with the new mods I believe. GameStop was never banned from WSB. It is the 3rd most discussed ticker in the past 30 days. Also, the WSB mod team is more or less the same as it was in or earlier. CommieBobDole on Feb 7, prev next [—]. Dma54rhs on Feb 7, parent next [—].


Your comment sums things up well, thanks for sharing. Plenty of evidence has arisen showing anonymous recruiters offering to pay Redditors to spread GME misinformation. Having followed the GME saga very closely since January, one of the most enlightening revelations for me has been the blatant media manipulation surrounding GME. If the DD is to be believed, this thing is far from over. People who talk about naked shorting do not understand what it means. Source: career hedge fund trader. No - see this is what I mean. The options market for these stocks has become huge. Many people are long calls. If I am trading around my gamma, I will be shorting underlying against my calls. I can even be net long, even if I am short shares.

Then once you do, you can do you superstonk analysis and incorporate that thesis, and start to develop a vol thesis.


Retail traders on Reddit are theorizing that a market crash is imminent, with one sign of a crash trumping all others: the Federal Reserve's overnight reverse-repurchase agreement facility. A recent Bloomberg report revealed how this complex facility has drawn the eye of Redditors on a forum called Superstonk, a subreddit that boasts , members, far smaller than Wall Street Bets' 11 million. Similar to the now-famous Wall Street Bets, Superstonk is dedicated to discussing business and stocks, specifically GameStop. In the forum's keen observation of the Fed's reverse repo facility, it differs. The Fed's reverse repo facility allows big institutions — mostly big banks and money-market mutual funds — to buy securities from the Fed with an agreement to sell them back to the central bank for a specified price at a specific time. Every day, firms submit proposals to the bank's FedTrade system with the amount they want to invest in the facility and the daily total is posted on the Fed's website. According to Bloomberg, one user going by the name pctracer began posting daily RRP results starting this past May. The user noticed that the figure invested by participating firms have been growing. While users have different reasons for why they look to RRP for indicators, the increasing obsession over the otherwise unglamorous and obscure Fed program seems like an attempt to interpret a distorted economic picture in the wake of unprecedented policy responses to the pandemic.


New to Shacknews? Signup for a Free Account. GameStop's stock has been back in the news lately with volatile moves up and down over the past month, and discussion about the company is picking up on Reddit, Twitter, and even mainstream media outlets. An impressive feat for a subreddit that was created in March of One could argue that some meme stock investors are chasing after Keith's amazing investment gains, but his massive payoff took years to occur. And patience is a virtue, as that one guy once said. Bedtime stories by Dr. Luckily, there is no shortage of meme lords to keep the GameStop conversation going. At the time of this article, Asif A.

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Like this: Like Loading You should check it out again. By all accounts this appears to remain true. Investors should also know the potential volatility associated with superstonks and have an exit strategy if the stock price falls. As more information becomes available and investigations into these events progress, it will become clearer whether or not investors were artificially manipulating superstonks for their own gain. But, my best piece of advice: open a paper trading account and start running some options positions. It's an actual response. UncleMeat on June 20, root parent prev next [—]. Those who purchased the stock at the peak of the short squeeze and sold it quickly likely made a significant profit, while those who purchased the stock at a high price and held onto it for an extended period likely suffered substantial losses. Dma54rhs on Feb 7, parent next [—] At least in some point it became so w Q-anon level conspiracy level that I had to stop following the subreddit. That's what I take issue with. CommieBobDole on Feb 7, prev next [—]. There are experts on both sides. Doing thorough research and consulting with a financial advisor before making investment decisions is important.


Short Squeeze: The short squeeze phenomenon, where many short sellers are forced to buy shares to cover their positions, increases the stock price. I expect Burry figured this out a decade ago and has a much better metric for himself. Investors should also know the potential volatility associated with superstonks and have an exit strategy if the stock price falls. Honestly it didnt just take over the sub it ruined the whole sub and community. Was it a good investment? It is important to note that investing always involves a degree of risk, and the stock market can be highly unpredictable. Take this one with a pinch of salt. I own the underlying and participate in the options market for these securities. I'm guessing they think that if they can lock up the whole float they can force a short squeeze. They can believe it is an exceedingly remote possibility but nonetheless put it in the filing just in case. UncleMeat on June 20, root parent next [—]. Also if ryan cohen issues an NFT dividend. NoboruWataya on Feb 7, prev next [—]. Suffice it to say that Carl Icahn is no stranger to burning short sellers by putting money in, loudly announcing it, and helping his investment through the legal system; and his absence from GME shows just how believable he thinks that DD is.

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