synonyme de mentionner

Synonyme de mentionner

Jan Huitema, rapporteur. Voor mij was het een enorme eer om deze onderhandelingen namens het Europees Parlement te mogen leiden.

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Synonyme de mentionner


These are good cars. Today we again call on the Member States to ratify the Istanbul Convention.


Translation of mentionner — French-English dictionary. Add to word list Add to word list. Veuillez mentionner vos hobbies sur la fiche ci-jointe. Examples of mentionner. The resolution neglects to mention this.

Synonyme de mentionner

Let me mention another source of great pride: the proclamation of the twenty-first of June, the longest day of the year, as National Aboriginal Day-a day to honour the First Peoples of this land. It is very strange that the government would mention the unique character of Quebec society and the diversity inherent in the federation and yet not mention equality. I regret the fact that time does not allow me to comment on all aspects of what I truly believe is an enlightened framework, but there are a few more points I would like to mention. They do not want to talk about the fact that in unemployment rates were I would like to mention some examples of this commitment, for instance a balanced budget no later than Unfortunately I will not have time to go through the whole folder today but I can promise members they will hear about it all over the coming weeks. The hon. I would like to congratulate all of last night's winners and nominees and make particular mention of two of my constituents. In the Speech from the Throne we talked about the surplus which now exists in the treasury but we did not hear about how it was brought about. Although I realize that so many numbers are difficult to follow they must be in the parliamentary record in fairness to future generations.

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But it is much better and much safer to have partners to support the change of the industry, to make clear legislation and achievable targets to make sure we still have a very strong economy while becoming green. Also to cyber violence, our proposal for a directive to combat violence against women and domestic violence includes a focus on this form of violence. Nun scheint man aber auf den letzten Metern zur Vernunft gekommen zu sein, und das ist auch ein Erfolg derer, die sich bisher gegen diese Verbotspolitik gestellt haben. Ik wil ook het volgende zeggen tegen de heer Roos, die terecht Joop den Uyl opvoert, die in Nederland aan een soort revival bezig is. Innovation and technology are the essential tools for our sustainable future. If it was any other issue, colleagues, we would be here jumping up and down with outrage at this wasteful cost to our economies and to the very lives of women. Und das ist auch ein Ergebnis der Politik der Konservativen in den letzten 20 Jahren. And visitation rights for children and needs to be addressed, as do the civil issues such as consequences of forced marriage. And I just want to remind my colleagues who are now complaining: in they all signed up to Climate Emergency, in they all signed up to a climate law where climate neutrality is enshrined in our law now. Niet belangrijk voor jullie. Vol prefabwoningen, vol migranten en vol windturbines. And this is why we have been pushing the agenda very hard. De cijfers laten zien dat onveiligheid van vrouwen toeneemt, en dat moeten we aanpakken. Und noch etwas: Emissionen im Verkehrssektor senken wir nicht allein durch Antriebswende.


You talk about the hopeful new government, but what is happening there is still a huge threat of secession, of foreign influence from Russia, the clear and blatant support and honouring of Mr Putin. E-Fuels sind ineffizient. All that is needed is political will. This is part of the general political criteria under the negotiating framework, part of the general principles. You have seen an immediate reaction from the government itself and the perpetrators have been arrested. Every decision which brings us further and closer to enlargement is a very precious one. As a matter of fact, every third woman in Czechia and in the EU experiences physical or sexual violence, often by their partners. Karima Delli, rapporteure pour avis de la commission des transports et du tourisme. Ik ben echt enorm verbaasd. With more than 14 million new workers involved in this industry and more than 2. During the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Swedish presidency will, together with the Commission, organise the EU high-level side event on the theme a gender-equal world with technologies, digitalisation and AI, which is a roadmap. So we have to strengthen our fight for a gender—responsive digital transformation at the CSW, especially equal access for women and girls to the STEM science, technology, engineering and mathematics sector and fight against cyber violence.

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