T15 star wars
Could Luke really have swung on a rope while holding Princess Leia to escape the Stormtroopers? Could the Ewoks' primitive weapons really take down Darth Vader? The team also tests exploding stills with the Moonshiners and investigates mythical ways to avoid traffic jams. Share Android, t15 star wars.
An online community to discuss and share news about sixth-scale figures, with an emphasis on either custom or commercial articulated figures. Display results as : Posts Topics. Advanced Search. You are not connected. Please login or register. Message [Page 1 of 1 ].
T15 star wars
On top of being the voice behind the legendary Maul in the likes of The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series, Sam Witwer has also secretly made his presence felt in a number of other Star Wars projects. In fact, according to the actor himself when speaking at Star Wars Celebration , Witwer actually went out of his way to drop an incredibly easy to miss ongoing gag into this galaxy far, far away in Rogue One. After hearing the stormtroopers on the Death Star talking about a BT as Obi-Wan secretly shuts down the tractor beam in A New Hope, Witwer opted to add another reference to this sort of tech in the prequel story. Listen closely as a pair of trooper wander around Scarif and you'll hear Witwer mentioning how the Ts have been marked obsolete. And once you catch that, go and search for the many other subtle stormtrooper "T" conversation in the likes of The Rise of Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time Gareth Morgan Contributor.
Listen closely as a pair of trooper wander around Scarif and you'll hear Witwer mentioning how the Ts have been marked obsolete.
Stormtroopers in Star Wars are known for their casual chatter about the Empire's latest tech — whether praising the BT or lamenting the T — this conversational Easter egg has become a franchise staple. However, beyond classic Star Wars sayings like " May the Force be with you " and " I have a bad feeling about this, " the BT Stormtrooper Easter egg has much more nuance than other familiar audio callbacks. This routine exchange of dialogue is yet another memorable iteration of Lucasfilm's other clever noise-related Star Wars Easter eggs throughout canon content, adding to the reference-rich Star Wars lore. Even listeners with the keenest of ears may struggle to make out the exact make and model the Imperials are discussing, so a pivot to subtitles is a prudent choice to catch this sneaky Star Wars Easter egg. This list will cover each separate reference in order of release rather than chronological order.
To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! The T was used by the Galactic Empire until it was rendered obsolete. During the Mimban Campaign , a swamp trooper reported to another that the Ts were down, meaning they would have to walk. They implied when discussing this that they were looking forward to them being designated as such.
T15 star wars
Stormtroopers in Star Wars are known for their casual chatter about the Empire's latest tech — whether praising the BT or lamenting the T — this conversational Easter egg has become a franchise staple. However, beyond classic Star Wars sayings like " May the Force be with you " and " I have a bad feeling about this, " the BT Stormtrooper Easter egg has much more nuance than other familiar audio callbacks. This routine exchange of dialogue is yet another memorable iteration of Lucasfilm's other clever noise-related Star Wars Easter eggs throughout canon content, adding to the reference-rich Star Wars lore. Even listeners with the keenest of ears may struggle to make out the exact make and model the Imperials are discussing, so a pivot to subtitles is a prudent choice to catch this sneaky Star Wars Easter egg.
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In the words of the first Stormtrooper, " they say it's quite a thing to see. The MythBusters attempt to fire a bent-barreled shotgun, shoot a gun in space, drop a gun in a deep fryer and more to test five filmic firearm cliches. Canonically, Stormtroopers shouldn't have a genuine use for any iteration of the skyhoppers, but their continual inclusion across various forms of Star Wars media speaks to the charming interconnectivity that binds the universe together, even in the most minute ways. Although not even the Lucasfilm Story Group can conclusively discern the original line of dialogue regarding this Stormtrooper Easter egg in A New Hope , the consenting opinion is that the two troopers were discussing either the VT, BT, TC, or simply the T But believe me, they don't hold up ," the other trooper replied. Evidently, the Ts were not a significant improvement, as a little over a year after their introduction in 34 ABY in The Force Awakens , the Ts had already been manufactured. You are not connected. Stryker Founding Father. I'm starting with my Star Wars collection, I hope you enjoy them. I'm especially drawn to the Bossk, I would love to know how he got his flight suit. So while this was not a typical BT Easter egg in Star Wars canon, it is perhaps the most touching. This list will cover each separate reference in order of release rather than chronological order. They really made you wait for these figures While there is some discrepancy in the nomenclature, if indeed the two Stormtroopers were discussing the BT, it's no wonder they found it surprising.
Canonically, Stormtroopers shouldn't have a genuine use for any iteration of the skyhoppers, but their continual inclusion across various forms of Star Wars media speaks to the charming interconnectivity that binds the universe together, even in the most minute ways. GubernatorFan Founding Father. After departing the lift, the troopers mention checking on a T, a relevant edition of the skyhopper given Obi-Wan Kenobi 's place on the Star Wars timeline in 9 BBY. Evidently, the Ts were not a significant improvement, as a little over a year after their introduction in 34 ABY in The Force Awakens , the Ts had already been manufactured. Sponsored content. So while this was not a typical BT Easter egg in Star Wars canon, it is perhaps the most touching. The MythBusters test three impossible idioms: Can you herd cats? Pontiacivan wrote: Very nice collection! The MythBusters find out if an exploding moonshine still really could blow a house down and hooch could really be used as fuel for an unmodified car on a "moonshine run. Luke adores the model ship throughout his adolescence, making their relationship much more poignant. Star Wars! While there is some discrepancy in the nomenclature, if indeed the two Stormtroopers were discussing the BT, it's no wonder they found it surprising. However, unlike the desirable job post on the lush beaches of Scarif, Solo finds himself sentenced to the front lines as an Imperial Swamp Trooper on Mimban. With any luck, the wait will be worth it.
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