

He is a twisted sociopathic criminal, with a brilliant mind and super-speedthat was born in thawne 25th Century and travels through time to do battle with his most hated enemy, thawne. He has also been a member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains.

Letscher played the character's original likeness, while Cavanagh portrayed him in the form of Harrison Wells. Thawne is introduced and featured most prominently in the television series The Flash , though he has also appeared in spin-off shows and crossover events set in the shared fictional universe. He originally idolized the Flash and replicated the accident that gave him his powers, but became obsessed with ruining his life upon learning that he was destined to become his greatest enemy—the Reverse-Flash. After traveling back in time , Thawne inadvertently strands himself in the 21st century and is forced to orchestrate the Flash's creation to return to his own time period. He has since returned to torment the Flash numerous times, which has brought him into conflict with other heroes, including Green Arrow , Supergirl and the Legends. Born in the year , Professor Eobard Thawne idolized a superhero speedster known as the Flash. The Reverse-Flash and the Flash battled each other for many years, with neither of them ever prevailing.


Professor Eobard Thawne c. He continued to experiment with the Speed Force and learned various ways to become the fastest man alive. However, when Thawne was about to make his grand entrance and be hailed as a hero, the Flash beat him to it and upstaged him in his greatest moment, making his fan feel humiliated. Therefore, he decided to embrace his inescapable destiny and become the greatest arch-nemesis he ever had, prove his superiority as the Reverse-Flash and becoming the opposite of his former idol and defeat him. This rage and determination to destroy Barry Allen attracted the negative version of the Speed Force to possess him, using negative energy and exercising his raw emotions, which he thought he created himself and used to travel through time without the Flash being able to detect him. Since then, the two speedsters battled each other for many years, but neither of them was strong or fast enough to defeat the other. After learning the Flash's secret identity, Eobard traveled back in time to kill Barry as a child to erase his foe from existence but was thwarted by the Flash of who brought the younger Barry to safety. The enraged Eobard then killed Nora Allen and framed Henry Allen for the crime instead, being known as the Man in Yellow after the incident. However, Eobard's connection to the Negative Speed Force began fluctuating, trapping him in the early twenty-first century. Realizing that Barry was the only way to return to his time, Eobard killed a man in order to assume the identity of Dr. Harrison Wells as the director of S. Labs , and to push through for the creation of a particle accelerator to ensure that Barry would become the Flash.

After learning the Flash's secret identity, Eobard traveled back in time to kill Barry as a child to erase his foe from existence but thawne thwarted by the Flash of who brought the younger Barry to safety, thawne.

In the year of , Eobard Thwane inherited a virtuous amount of wealth from his family; this would help fulfill his life long dream to be a Flash. One day, Thawne passed an antique shop and saw the Cosmic Treadmill. Instantly recognizing it, he bought it immediately and tried to duplicate an accident that would turn him into the Flash. However, the planned accident didn't go as planned and left him scarred and mentally unstable. At the chance of having his face rebuilt, he has it look exactly like Barry Allen , his idol of his entire life, and the hospital expenses cost him the rest of his fortune. This did not matter as he now had a chance to be his revered idol's partner.

He is a twisted sociopathic criminal, with a brilliant mind and super-speed , that was born in the 25th Century and travels through time to do battle with his most hated enemy. He has also been a member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. Eobard Thawne was born in His parents genetically engineered him to be highly intelligent and to have a particular appearance. However, as he grew up, they become concerned about his lack of social skills and tendency to daydream, which was frowned upon in their very regimented society. Hoping that caring for a sibling would help Eobard adjust, his parents had a second son, Robern. However, Eobard struggled to manage his little brother, and he would frequently be berated by his parents for his periodic outbursts against Robern and neglected in favor of him. Eobard spent so much time in social bonding sessions and psychological analyses with Robern that he fell far behind in his studies. As a result, his application to study the Speed Force at the Flash Museum was rejected.


Malcolm Thawne is the lost twin brother of Barry Allen. On the stormy night of May 13, two pregnant women came to the office of Fallville, Iowa 's Dr. However, the doctor had been drinking, and he had sent his nurse home. The child of one of the women, Charlene Thawne , had been strangled on its own umbilical cord, and Gilmore was too intoxicated to save the poor baby. However, luckily for Gilmore, lightning causes a blackout in the hospital, Gilmore quickly enters the room where the other woman, Nora Allen , will give birth. Gilmore, to cover up the death of Charlene's baby, in the darkness quickly removes the first baby and closes the baby's mouth so as not to cry.

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After conversing for a long time, and having fun, they connected in a very deep way. Though he assured Cisco it wasn't anyone's fault, Thawne expressed annoyance towards the two for not informing him of Ronnie's survival, but assures Caitlin that they'll find Ronnie. The Reverse-Flash later went to a newspaper publisher and attacks Mason for writing an article implicating Wells Thawne to Stagg's murder and Eiling's disappearance. The Reverse-Flash tells XS that the Flash will always vanish due to the Crisis of before declaring that that's his nemesis's legacy. March 10, Thawne then disappears Into the future. Road to Flashpoint For more information see: Flashpoint Professor Zoom reveals himself Professor Zoom appears to be impersonating a young boy who the police mistakenly believe to be a witness to the mysterious murderer who can drastically aged anyone. Barry discovered that the man could turn into gas and inhaled some of the toxic gasses before racing back to S. The Reverse-Flash then constantly travelled back in time to do battle with his nemesis, eventually coming into conflict with many other superheroes as well. Unlike original Speed Force users, Thawne has the ability to travel through and manipulate time, being able to drastically alter history and completely erase people from existence other speedsters cannot change the past without dramatic consequences. Labs where the team painfully extracted the poisonous gas. Thawne agreed and taunted the Flash by wondering what face he'd wear the next time they'd meet. Arriving back in time to take his speed mirage's place, Thawne gets tended to by Caitlin while Cisco profusely apologizes for the force-field failing.

Nicknamed " Detective Pretty Boy ", he was one of the first police officers in the CCPD to discover of the existence of meta-humans - second only to Joe - and eventually learned of Barry's secret identity as the Flash.

Cisco then revealed to Thawne that he killed his surrogate son in an erased timeline. Make sure this is what you intended. However, he is enraged when people rebel against him in the Flash's name. Alternate Realities Batman Beyond In the mini series comic, it is revealed that Eobard has an ancestor living in the future. Caitlin replied back to Thawne's provocations, remarking of hating him for 8 years due to Thawne being responsible for Ronnie's death. Cisco also revealed that Eobard would help build the very prison he was incarcerated in, leaving Eobard puzzled to learn of his future actions and developed an almost instant fascination with Cisco. Afterward, Thawne transformed himself into "a new kind of speedster" revealing himself to be the mysterious murderer from the beginning of the story and created his negative speed force to contaminate Barry and the other heroic speedsters. He underwent a Plastomorph operation to make himself look like Barry. As Thawne addressed his hologram, the force-field appeared to fail to stabilize but actually nobody was inside , and Thawne rushed into the force-field so fast to make it look like the Reverse-Flash pulled him into the field to trap himself inside. When the Flash went after Peek-a-Boo, he reminded the Flash that Peek-a-Boo can't teleport if the woman couldn't see, resulting to the Flash busting out all the lights in the tunnel and Baez's imprisonment in the pipeline. Returning to the present, the Flashes tossed him in the device that had been built to sever Barry's connection to Speed Force.

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