the bill female cast

The bill female cast

The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London.

Jack Meadows Episodes. Steve Loxton Episodes. Donna Harris Episodes. Polly Page Episodes. Dave Quinnan Episodes.

The bill female cast

Ackland episodes, Meadows episodes, Boyden episodes, Page episodes, Conway episodes, McCann episodes, Reid episodes, Roach episodes, Beech episodes, Mike Dashwood episodes,

Alfred Lines EpisodesD. Simon Ludders — 1 Episode.

A official book on the show, dedicating a large paragraph to each character, still manages to get to 20 pages for its character section. Yep, there's been that many. Oddly enough, most of them haven't died. Emphasis on most. You may start humming whichever version of "Overkill" you like best and please tell us how many you get through while reading this. Characters are placed in the location they spent most of their time- some moved between branches. Please note that female characters can only be referred to here as WPC if they were in the show entirely before

The daily lives of the men and women at Sun Hill Police Station as they fight crime on the streets of London. From bomb threats to armed robbery and drug raids to the routine demands of policing this ground-breaking series focuses as much on crime as it does on the personal lives of its characters. Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies.

The bill female cast

The Bill cast list, including photos of the actors when available. This list includes all of the The Bill main actors and actresses , so if they are an integral part of the show you'll find them below. You can various bits of trivia about these The Bill stars, such as where the actor was born and what their year of birth is. This cast list of actors from The Bill focuses primarily on the main characters, but there may be a few actors who played smaller roles on The Bill that are on here as well. If you are wondering, "Who are the actors from The Bill? Please Just Read the Phone Book. Who Is the Next Tom Hanks? Who Is the Next Meryl Streep? The Top Actors of All Time. History's Greatest Male Actors.

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Warner 7 episodes, They become genuine friends by the end of the show. James Warrior S. Roger Valentine Episodes Constance Chapman — 2 Episodes. Jane Wall. B Team Police Constable 1 Episode. Richard Swiveller 1 Episode. Archived from the original on 6 January Philip Whitchurch Ch. Laura Crossley Wendy 2 Episodes. Get Known if you don't have an account. Polly Irvin Dr.

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James Thornton — 2 Episodes. Reza Moradi. Samuel 1 Episode , Stephen Hickes 1 Episode. Given it was Jim, very likely a case of Booze-Based Buff. DI Burnside Episodes Andy Flint 1 Episode. Arthur White — 6 Episodes. Abigail Nixon 26 episodes, John McEnery — 1 Episode. Clare Higgins — 1 Episode. Philip Dowling — 1 Episode. Alex Avery Special Constable Knowles 4 episodes,

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