the flash memes

The flash memes

The Flash has just been renewed for yet another season on The flash memes CW and fans are already excited to see what kind of villains Barry will be facing, the flash memes. As season 8 comes to a close in just a few weeks, fans can re-watch their favourite episodes until season 9 begins later in the year.

The Flash is easily among the top ten most popular DC Comics heroes. Barry Allen made his debut way back in , assuming the mantle of the Flash from Jay Garrick and kicking off the Silver Age of comics. With nearly infinite speed powers, interesting adventures that span space and time and busy personal and professional lives that he struggles to balance with his costumed activities Barry Allen swiftly became one of DC's most popular new heroes. The fact that he was brought back as the Flash after being killed off in during the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover, speaks volumes about his popularity. The two recent live-action adaptations of the Scarlet Speedster both adapted the Barry Allen version of the character, even though some would argue that Wally West is the most popular Flash. The two Barrys are different, but also similar. However, most importantly, we think both are great and want to celebrate them with these 20 hilarious Flash vs.

The flash memes

For almost six years now, The Flash has been one of the biggest superhero shows on not just The CW, but of all time. With a show as big as The Flash, it has garnered a massive fandom that joins fans of the character in comics and beyond. As amazing as that world is, there are things that you can laugh at and with, in all good fun. With that said, these are ten of the most hilarious Flash memes of all time. Something that the show leaned too much on in the first two seasons was the evil speedster acting as an ally first. Some do it better than others, to say the least. For whatever reason, however, some heroes end up with long hair that has way too much hair-product in it. Depending on the property, some come with wigs that are, to put it nicely, barely acceptable. In an alternative timeline, Barry became a prisoner of that trope and it was a miracle that we only had to see that wig once in the whole series. Following Reverse-Flash, Savitar became the darkest evil speedster of all time.

Gustin was nothing but supportive and expressed excitement about Miller's take on the Scarlet Speedster. Barry loves a messed-up timeline.

Barry Allen's addiction to tampering with the timeline is getting out of control. The first time he traveled through time he saved the day but also erased his first kiss with Iris, while the consequences of his last and most dangerous time-traveling adventure are still outstanding. Upon returning to the original timeline, Barry found that things weren't exactly the same as he had left them. The Flash may have a knack for messing up the timeline, but his fans have a knack for messing with him. If you need something to brighten up your day, check out these 15 time-altering Flash memes.

The Flash has just been renewed for yet another season on The CW and fans are already excited to see what kind of villains Barry will be facing. As season 8 comes to a close in just a few weeks, fans can re-watch their favourite episodes until season 9 begins later in the year. In rewatching the older episodes, fans may come across some consistent themes in the show which the internet fandom has done its usual meme-treatment for. Iris claims that "We are The Flash," Barry's love of changing the timeline and, at times, his slightly inconsistent speed, there have been certain plot points throughout the show that have made fans laugh, question logic, and love the characters even more. As long as there are fans of The Flash TV show, they can expect to see more of these tropes from the show. Sadly, with each season, it is becoming more apparent how much fans dislike Iris West Allen as a character when compared to the earlier seasons of the show.

The flash memes

For almost six years now, The Flash has been one of the biggest superhero shows on not just The CW, but of all time. With a show as big as The Flash, it has garnered a massive fandom that joins fans of the character in comics and beyond. As amazing as that world is, there are things that you can laugh at and with, in all good fun. With that said, these are ten of the most hilarious Flash memes of all time. Something that the show leaned too much on in the first two seasons was the evil speedster acting as an ally first. Some do it better than others, to say the least. For whatever reason, however, some heroes end up with long hair that has way too much hair-product in it. Depending on the property, some come with wigs that are, to put it nicely, barely acceptable.

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The number of times Barry outed himself as The Flash to complete strangers has to be double-digits at this point. Another recurring theme of the show is the many Harrison Wells that have come and gone from the Multiverse. If he is lucky, maybe the Crisis crossover will retcon all those times he exposed himself. Some of the ariel shots of the city where fans can see Barry's lightning streak run through the city, have shown him dart around streets when he could have taken a far more direct route and saved time. So, run, Barry, run. Barry's constant reality-altering activities always seem to have a negative effect on reality, as it's impossible for him to think that any change, no matter how small it may be, will lead to a perfect outcome. In rewatching the older episodes, fans may come across some consistent themes in the show which the internet fandom has done its usual meme-treatment for. We keep hearing about the addictiveness of things like video games or social media, and it just goes to show that apparently anything can become an addiction if not exercised in moderation. Now, if only the writers would realize this that would be great. Every time Barry goes back in time he manages to make a complete mess. So, what does Barry do when everyone has a better costume than him, change the timeline of course. The quarrel about who makes a better Flash -- Grant or Ezra, caused a war among DC fans, which an internet comedian decided to sum up in the infamous Civil War meme. As amazing as that world is, there are things that you can laugh at and with, in all good fun. Be strong Barry.

With The Flash movie experiencing setbacks and drama, fans of the Scarlet Speedster are happy to rely on the CW show for their Flash content.

From all the way back in the show's first year when Barry created Flashpoint, the timeline and Barry's meddling have been brought up time and time again. Obviously, this has intrigued someone else too, since they decided to create this hilarious meme. Oh Iris, why are doing this to us, to yourself? While the show makes it seem like Barry has made the right decision every time and saved everyone using his heart, it always leads to another catastrophic event for Barry down the line. That being said, it is of course part of the show that Barry has to live with the decisions he makes. Thankfully, Barry has gotten a lot better with it, but early on, he was pretty much acting how this meme paints him. We should consider ourselves lucky to have two great versions of the Flash. While the heroes do fight formidable opponents and tackle difficult obstacles, every once in a while, you get an episode such as "Duet" in which Flash and Supergirl are transported into some kind of a virtual reality by an extra-dimensional being, who calls himself the Music Meister, in order to learn important lessons about love. The quarrel about who makes a better Flash -- Grant or Ezra, caused a war among DC fans, which an internet comedian decided to sum up in the infamous Civil War meme. As long as there are fans of The Flash TV show, they can expect to see more of these tropes from the show.

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