the vaults of erowid

The vaults of erowid

Erowid, also called Erowid Center, is a c 3 non-profit educational organization that provides information about the vaults of erowid plants and chemicals as well as activities and technologies that can produce altered states of consciousness such as meditation, lucid dreaming, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and electroceuticals, the vaults of erowid. Erowid documents legal and illegal substances, including their intended and adverse effects. Information on Erowid's website is gathered from diverse sources including published literature, experts in related fields, and the experiences of the general public.

With an accout for my. Erowid is a small non-commercial organization founded in April ; the web site was first made public six months later. It is committed to protecting the privacy of contributors and attempts to provide information about psychoactive drugs non-judgmentally. Although its primary focus is on the web site, they also provide research and data for other harm reduction , health, and educational organizations. Erowid can also refer to Fire Erowid and Earth Erowid , the pseudonyms of the two creators of the site. Both work full-time on the website, along with appearing at conventions, producing original research, and contributing to entheogenic research.

The vaults of erowid

Full Substance List. Health Problems. General First Times. Absinthe - see also Wormwood. Difficult Experiences. Acacia maidenii - A. General Combinations. What Was in That? Acacia phlebophylla - A. First Times. Acetaminophen - Paracetamol. Acetylfentanyl - acetyl fentanyl, see also Pharms - Fentanyl.

Catnip - Nepeta cataria. E-mail address.

Erowid , also called Erowid Center , is a non-profit educational organization that provides information about psychoactive plants and chemicals. Erowid documents legal and illegal substances, including their intended and adverse effects. Information on Erowid's website is gathered from diverse sources including published literature, experts in related fields, and the experiences of the general public. Erowid acts as a publisher of new information as well as a library for the collection of documents and images published elsewhere. Erowid was founded in April as a small business; their website appeared six months later.

Erowid's Experience Vaults are an attempt to collect, catalog, and publish the wide variety of experiences people have with psychoactive plants and chemicals, as well as experiences with endogenous non-drug mystical experiences, drug testing, police interactions, meditation, mind machines, etc. Huge differences occur in intensity and character of reactions even within a single individual at consistent dosages. Within a large population containing many different biochemistries, psychologies, personal histories, pharmacological baselines, varying dosages, quality of materials, and idiosyncratic reactions, the picture becomes extraordinarily complex. Our intention is to help illuminate this complex picture by documenting how and why people are using psychoactives and what people report their experiences to be. We are working to create a comprehensive system that simplifies the submission of reports, incorporates reviews of reports by trusted members with expertise in the field, and makes sorting, searching and accessing of reports as easy as possible.

The vaults of erowid

Generations of Drug Reporter editors have delved deep into its vaults of drug-related knowledge in successful search for fodder. Erowid is an invaluable resource, not just or even mostly for drug journalists, but also for would-be experimenters, experience chroniclers and even emergency room doctors. Want to learn about about strange drug experiences such as tripping on peyote, ketamine or LSD? Want to read of drug-induced cosmic ecstasies, or the flip-side—nightmarish and sometimes dangerous drug experiences? Erowid, the website that bills itself as "Documenting the Complex Relationship Between Humans and Psychoactives" is probably the place to be.

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Six days later, Fire tweeted that the vault had opened. Etizolam - Etilaam; Sedekopan; Pasaden; Depas. Due to the subject matter presented on Erowid. Pentazocine - Talwin. Pharms - Albuterol - Albuterol Inhaler. View Times: 1. John's Wort - Hypericum perforatum. Aconitum napellus - Aconite; Monkshood; Delfinium; Wolfsbane. Methoxpropamine - MXPr. Using estimates mentioned in the reports, and after chatting with users on drug forums, Fire settled on a tentative dosage table, sending it out to a group of Erowid volunteers for comment. But the site does not unequivocally advise against taking opioids or any other drug, no matter how dangerous or addictive. Earth does most of the cooking; Fire is the sous chef and the dicer of garlic. Syrian Rue - Peganum harmala. Catuaba - Erythroxylum catuaba. Furanylfentanyl - Fu-F, see also Pharms - Fentanyl.

Full Substance List. Health Problems.

During my visit, Earth and Fire would wake up at noon and work until 4 A. Erowid Center's mission is to provide and facilitate access to objective, accurate, and non-judgmental information about psychoactive plants, chemicals, technologies, and related issues. AMT - IT Pharms - Pregabalin - Lyrica. Erowid also runs DrugsData formerly EcstasyData , an independent laboratory drug checking program co-sponsored by IsomerDesign and DanceSafe , which monitors the quality of American street ecstasy. Lady's Slipper - Cypripedium spp. HDMP - methylnaphthidate. According to the National Survey of Drug Use and Health, nearly half of Americans over twelve have tried an illicit drug. Picralima nitida - Akuamma. The library contains over 40, documents related to psychoactives, including images, research summaries and abstracts, media articles, experience reports, information on chemistry, dosage, effects, law, health, traditional and spiritual use , and drug testing. Pharms - Methylphenidate - Ritalin; Concerta. Lactuca spp. Read what you need to know about our industry portal bionity. My watch list My saved searches My saved topics My newsletter Register free of charge. Pharms - Memantine - Namenda.

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