three of swords yes or no

Three of swords yes or no

Three of Swords Tarot Card, in its core, represents the major heartbreaks, betrayal, and cheating.

The Three of Swords represents heartache. You feel something may have come to an end and you are in the process of coming to terms with this. The Three of Swords is shown as a huge red heart in what appears to be the midst of a storm. Rain is lashing down from dark clouds, and three swords pierce the heart several times. The pain is almost palpable. Swords in general, correspond with emotions, and this is no exception.

Three of swords yes or no

Keywords: Heartbreak, trauma, healing, moving on, grief, separation, forgiveness, recovery, reconciliation Season: Spring Element: Air thoughts, ideas and communication. The Three of Swords is the third card within the suit of Swords and a minor arcana card within tarot. Its original art is quite famous and recognizable outside of tarot within the mainstream world. It features a bold red heart with 3 swords stabbed into it on a gray background with clouds and rain pouring down behind it. Its graphic yet vivid appearance and thick bold black lines collectively make it a very popular choice for tattoos and many classic and neoclassic tattoo designs are inspired by this art work even today. Most people will be somewhat aware that this card stands for heartache and healing. This is because the artwork very clearly describes the universal feeling we have all experienced. Regardless of our individual age, language or culture, we have all been through heartache at some point in our life and all the elements of this design clearly communicate this feeling. When upright the Three of Swords is highlighting the pain and trauma that we have experienced and it gives us a space to safely feel the affects of and in time learn to accept these feelings. There can be a lot of fear around tarot cards like this as Hollywood films and media often uses tarot as a plot device to foreshadow, meaning many people believe tarot is only used to predict the future. But in reality tarot is much more nuanced and the most popular way to read tarot is not to predict the future but actually to be mindful and introspective, to assess our internal landscape. When reversed the Three of Swords is an incredibly positive card. Upright it discusses themes of heartache and sadness but reversed it suggests we are healing from the negative past events we experienced.

Or if you have decided to accept a job opportunity over another, you may find that your seat is taken by someone with connections, etc. Once you have found the other half of you, hold on tight and get through the good and bad times together.

Key meanings Upright : Heartbreak, treachery, isolation, withdrawal, absence, division, depression, separation, unhappiness, upsetting, grieving, sorrow, upset, disorder, confusion, alienation, loss, and distraction. Key meanings Reversed : Letting go of hurt, overcoming despair, optimism, forgiving, overcoming grief sorrow and sadness, getting over heartbreak, reconciling, making compromises, communicating problems, getting through the worst, and suppressing emotions. This tarot card from the Minor Arcana deck depicts a floating heart pierced by three swords and serves as the representation of the tarot card face. A significant downpour and ominous clouds may be seen in the background. The heart stands for all that is noble in life, including warmth, love, and compassion. The three swords that pierce this heart stand for the sorrow, pain, and devastation that we all experience throughout our lowest points in life. The background artwork depicts the depressing atmosphere that comes from the unexpected arrival of negativity in one's life.

The Three of Swords is the third card in the Suit of Swords also known as the suit of blades and one of the fifty-six suit cards from the minor arcana. In divinatory tarot, the Suit of Swords is associated with thought, intellect, mental strength, and integrity. They can also represent conflict, hardship, and misfortune. Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. Understanding the meanings of each tarot card can help you sharpen your interpretative skills so you can get the most out of your readings. There is usually a painful situation or experience associated with the Three of Swords tarot card. The event that happened caused pain and heartbreak. This card bears the energy of both, logic and feelings. There is heartache but also overthinking and tension.

Three of swords yes or no

The Three of Swords Tarot card represents a period of emotional upheaval. When this card is drawn in a reading, you may know what it is referring to. The reading foretells that life will throw a curveball your way, and you will be caught off guard, resulting in heartbreak and hurt. This card also serves as a reminder to hold the things you care for dear to your heart. Hug your loved ones and tell them how you feel. Count your blessings and know that at the end of every storm comes a beautiful rainbow. You may get knocked down, but you overcome anything that comes your way. The Three of Swords indicates sudden emotional blows like loss, betrayal, or relationship end; though emotional pain is inevitable, brighter days will follow. Focus on your mental and emotional health.


It could also suggest that you will find out the truth about most situations or colleagues. You and your creditors may be reaching an agreement to settle a debt or they may both agree to a certain amount of debt forgiveness. The Cup Suits represent emotions, feelings, relationships, and contract-ships. Three of Swords In Love Receiving the Three of Swords card in relation to a love question is probably not at the top of the list of what any tarot reader wishes to see. It is recommended to find help, you can get through this. I like to view this in reverse as a YES card, but be mindful of what sits either side of it in a reading. This Minor Arcana card may represent the sorrow and loss brought on by an unexpected job loss or layoff. It usually indicates someone coming back in your life and making a plead. It usually indicates cheating, but it can also mean heartbreak as a result of expecting your loved ones to choose your side only because they have to when you refuse to accept your wrongdoings or the truth. When we see the Three of Swords regarding a career question we are being guided to process trauma or stress that we have encountered in the work place. Getting this tarot card upright in reading also indicates that the job search right now may make you feel bleak if you're seeking work or you recently lost your job. You will receive the appropriate response to your query.

Three of Swords Tarot card. The presence of the III of Swords in your spread suggests significant pain in your life. This pain is likely caused by or the result of conflict, perhaps due to disrupted partnership or friendship.

Three of Swords: One Card Pull When you need concise, to-the-point solutions, only one card is pulled. Free Kundli. Instead, you are focusing on the positive and letting go of the sadness and hurt that has ailed you for so long. It is nice to treat ourselves and enjoy lifes delicacies, but there comes a point where your health must come first. This pain may be part of a new beginning, but you must face your pain honestly to overcome it. Regardless of our individual age, language or culture, we have all been through heartache at some point in our life and all the elements of this design clearly communicate this feeling. Nine of Swords. When you need concise, to-the-point solutions, only one card is pulled. When we live and love to the fullest, we run the risk of losing that love from time to time. Negativity no longer rules you, and you have learned valuable lessons when it comes to emotional pain.

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