timeline of elder scrolls

Timeline of elder scrolls

Elder Scrolls timeline of elder scrolls a series that spans countless years and has a rich back story. To give players some perspective on where Elder Scrolls Online falls into that timeline, we have built this table with some of the most notable events in Elder Scrolls history such as the first era of King Epleartimeline of elder scrolls, the Aldmeri Dominion 's attack on the Cryodiil empire, Thalmor 's rise to power, the Akaviri's attack on Tamrieland the disappearance of the Elder Scrolls from Imperial City. The timeline is broken up into Eras.

Sure, every Elder Scrolls game features recurring ideas such as the races, guilds, and demonic Daedra, but other than that, there are not many obvious links between them. Recurring characters are few and far between, and, since the franchise lets players make countless choices to affect the stories, the events of one game almost never factor into subsequent entries. Despite all of that, there is technically an Elder Scrolls timeline that allows us to list the games in chronological order. Ad — content continues below. Even though The Elder Scrolls Online is the latest entry in the franchise, it takes place before any other entry in the franchise.

Timeline of elder scrolls

The Elder Scrolls series has a long history, both as a gaming franchise and within its lore. Since it first burst onto the scene in , the franchise has generated thousands of years of detailed, often pretty bonkers history to absorb throughout the main game series - all of it having some kind of impact on the world. But with the five main games and numerous spin-offs now in the library, the sheer volume of lore is staggering. Ever wondered why the Empire seems to jump between giant imposing supernation and nervous Roman cosplayers? Or what the deal is with the secret underground robot raves in every single game? The answers are out there sort of. With the help of this handy timeline, you'll find out the key events and eras that link the Elder Scrolls games together, and understand why everyone wants to stab each other, no matter which game you play. The Elder Scrolls timeline starts, like most things, with the creation of the universe. The spirits of creation and chaos, Anu and Padomay, kick off the creation of the 12 planes of existence. Time doesn't really exist at this point, until the beginning of what is called the Merethic Era. Little is known about the Merethic Era, except that prehistoric beastmen and dragons roamed the earth, the Falmer were still a thriving kingdom and the Ayleid Empire was sprawling across the continent. Rather than men, Elves were the number one.

The Thalmor take over the Valenwood. What starts as a simple favor quickly becomes a grand quest to save Cyrodil and beyond, as mysterious demonic gates appear around the realm and the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, begins a full-scale invasion.

The timeline page is a record of all notable events known to occur in The Elder Scrolls universe. The various historical periods throughout the existence of Aurbis are differentiated into various 'eras', each of arbitrary length according to the conclusions of significant political occurrences such as the end of a monarchic dynasty see the Second Era and the Fourth Era or the conquering and unification of societies into a single governmental sovereignty see the First Era and Third Era. The five past eras as well as the current can be separated into prehistoric and modern eras according to when civilizations began to record and document significant events. Exact dates of events that occurred in the Dawn Era and the Merethic Era cannot be known as such information does not exist due partly to a lack of record keeping by the then extant societies and mostly due to the partial absence of established chronological systems calendars, periods, etc. Thus, such eras are prehistoric and the occurrence of events during these eras can only be approximated with various degrees of uncertainty. Thus, such eras are modern. Due to the nature of history itself, sometimes dates and events come into conflict.

The Elder Scrolls series has a long history, both as a gaming franchise and within its lore. Since it first burst onto the scene in , the franchise has generated thousands of years of detailed, often pretty bonkers history to absorb throughout the main game series - all of it having some kind of impact on the world. But with the five main games and numerous spin-offs now in the library, the sheer volume of lore is staggering. Ever wondered why the Empire seems to jump between giant imposing supernation and nervous Roman cosplayers? Or what the deal is with the secret underground robot raves in every single game? The answers are out there sort of. With the help of this handy timeline, you'll find out the key events and eras that link the Elder Scrolls games together, and understand why everyone wants to stab each other, no matter which game you play. The Elder Scrolls timeline starts, like most things, with the creation of the universe. The spirits of creation and chaos, Anu and Padomay, kick off the creation of the 12 planes of existence.

Timeline of elder scrolls

The Elder Scrolls series is undoubtedly one of the most popular and influential RPG franchises ever to exist. Arena was originally envisioned as a sort of gladiatorial combat game, as implied by the name. However, along the way, the developers decided to take the project in another direction, focusing less on closed combat scenarios and more on quests taking place in an open world. However, these were not the hand-crafted worlds of Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim. Not only that, but the use of fast travel was also a must due to the massive distances between towns.

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Invasion of the Battlespire. Following years of internal strife within the Alessian Order 's bloated priesthood and territorial movements to curtail or outlaw the Order's religion, the War of Righteousness broke out. Conflict was simultaneously a mere ideological difference of opinion and a manifest war. With the help of this handy timeline, you'll find out the key events and eras that link the Elder Scrolls games together, and understand why everyone wants to stab each other, no matter which game you play. The Elder Scrolls franchise has lived most of its life as a PC-oriented experience. Free to roam once more, Celemaril cursed the land and destroyed the town, leaving it in ruins. It took a hero simply known as the Agent , later known as The Hero of Daggerfall, to stop it. Tharn's actions led to a decade of chaos and unrest in the Empire, with multiple false Emperors vying for power. Please improve this article however you can and remove this notice once finished. While that expansion introduces a new story, location, and enemies, it is also noteworthy for bringing back long-forgotten Daedra such as Dark Seducers and Golden Saints. With the Planemeld commencing, we meet the player character: a warrior known as the Vestige.

Sure, every Elder Scrolls game features recurring ideas such as the races, guilds, and demonic Daedra, but other than that, there are not many obvious links between them. Recurring characters are few and far between, and, since the franchise lets players make countless choices to affect the stories, the events of one game almost never factor into subsequent entries. Despite all of that, there is technically an Elder Scrolls timeline that allows us to list the games in chronological order.

The phone that looked like a taco. Interestingly, that plot point helps explain one of the bigger side conflicts in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. One year later, Tharn secretly imprisons the emperor and takes his place on the throne in CE The Dawn Era lacks any sense of time at all and the Merethic Era has few specific dates. As they work to rebuild their home, they soon discover the tomb of an ancient sorcerer. The Oblivion Crisis was a catastrophic event that marked the end of the Third Era. Hoping to stop the demonic god, the Vestige teams up with new allies in an effort to end his monstrous ambitions. The Dawn Era , also known as the Beginning Times , [3] was a highly magical period during which time followed an incomprehensible, non-linear path and the very laws of nature remained unset, making a timeline an artificial fabrication. Shortly after escaping execution, the player realizes they are the last in a mythical line of warriors known as the Dragonborn. The eruption of Red Mountain in Morrowind led to significant changes in the region, causing a massive exodus of Dunmer refugees to Skyrim and other provinces. It took a hero simply known as the Agent , later known as The Hero of Daggerfall, to stop it. The geopolitical effects of the Interregnum were both far-reaching and varied. The Knights of the Nine are disbanded.

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