tng counselor troi

Tng counselor troi

Deanna was a half-human, half-Betazoid, which allowed her to read the emotions and intentions of others, both humans and alien species.

Between that and the focus on their relationship in the Star Trek: The Next Generation sequel films and Star Trek: Picard , it's easy to forget that she was always more than the first officer's romantic interest. When Star Trek returned to TV screens in with The Next Generation , the sequel series introduced a new position aboard Federation starships, along with its new cast of characters. Tasked with maintaining the crew's mental health, the ship's counselor served as an analyst to the crew and advisor to the captain on psychological matters. In the case of Deanna Troi, however, the role was expanded due to her training and unique talents. Between hostile alien races, hazardous spacial anomalies and millions of lightyears separating the crew from their various home worlds, mental health is paramount on a Starfleet vessel, especially aboard the Flagship of the Federation. With her advanced training in psychology, Counselor Deanna Troi had the necessary qualifications to care for the crew of the Enterprise-D , which would turn out to be instrumental in helping the crew to function.

Tng counselor troi

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Marina Sirtis Actress Producer Soundtrack. Play trailer A Thousand Little Cuts Her parents did not want her to become an actress. As soon as Marina completed high school, she secretly applied to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. After her graduation, she worked in musical theater, repertory and television. In , she moved to Los Angeles, California to boost her career. For six months, she auditioned for roles but was unsuccessful. In , Sirtis married rock guitarist Michael Lamper. She occasionally attends Star Trek conventions so that her loving fans can meet her, and she can meet the fans.

In this alternate universethe Borg had assimilated Earth before they could develop warp drive, and were systematically assimilating the Alpha Quadrant.

Grew U p Troi was b orn to a Betazoid mother and a human father, who died when she was seven. Like her father before her, Troi decided to enroll in Starfleet Academy and become a Starfleet officer. One hundred years after Captain James Kirk led a five-year mission of exploration, Captain Jean Luc Picard commands a whole new crew as they boldly go where no one has gone before. She sits beside him on the bridge to better aid with political negotiations and first contact with new alien races.

Half-human and half-Betazoid, Deanna had the ability to sense the emotions of those around her. Not only did this make her a better ship's counselor, but it also allowed her to help Captain Jean-Luc Picard Patrick Stewart assess potential threats. Troi's empathic powers proved useful on many occasions throughout TNG , as she could determine whether potential foes were hiding something. By the time Troi joined the USS Enterprise-D crew, she was already an accomplished counselor and Starfleet officer, who was granted a position on the bridge. Ian Troi passed away when Deanna was only seven years old, but she retained fond memories of her father into her adulthood. Deanna's ability to sense emotions proved vital during this mission, as she realized that the station was actually a large, shape-shifting lifeform that had been imprisoned. From that first mission onward, Troi was an invaluable member of the Enterprise-D crew, not only because of her empathic powers but also because of her compassionate counseling. Over the next several years, Deanna was nearly part of an arranged marriage, was impregnated by an alien entity, temporarily lost her Betazoid powers, and went undercover as a Romulan operative, just to name a few of her experiences. In , at the age of 34, Deanna took the Bridge Officer's Test and was promoted to the rank of Commander. Their daughter, Kestra Lulu Wilson , was born some years later.

Tng counselor troi

Troi is half-human, half- Betazoid , and has the psionic ability to sense emotions. Throughout most of the series, she holds the rank of lieutenant commander. In the seventh season, Troi takes the bridge officer's examination and is promoted to the rank of commander, but continues as counsellor. Troi appears in all four Next Generation theatrical films, and also made guest appearances on Voyager , Enterprise , Picard and Lower Decks. Her romantic interests, family and personal life are plot elements in many Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes. Ian Andrew Troi portrayed by Amick Byram. An older sister, Kestra, died in a drowning accident during Troi's infancy. Although Deanna Troi has little exposure to Earth culture, she attended Starfleet Academy from to , as well as the University of Betazed, and earned an advanced degree in psychology.

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While helping to investigate the situation, Troi demonstrated her knowledge of Romulan engineering principles, acquired during her time aboard the Khazara. See our picks. While Crusher was using the salon aboard the Enterprise -D, Troi arrived there and was surprised to find Beverly using the salon at the same time, as Crusher rarely visited the salon. Several species are resistant to the telepathy and empathy of Betazoids, such as the Ferengi , the Breen and the Ulians. And they didn't, fortunately. Troi appears in all four Next Generation theatrical films, and also made guest appearances on Voyager , Enterprise , Picard and Lower Decks. Troi was tearfully angry when Lieutenant Yar was frozen by Q during a trial ceremony at which he acted as judge, and she furiously shouted, " You barbarian! In a revision of the series bible dated 4 February , Troi was no longer referred to as a lieutenant, but as a lieutenant commander. When she meets with a man with whom she is having an affair at a hotel, she is caught in an explosion. There, she played an integral role in convincing Zefram Cochrane to fulfill his destiny and achieve first contact before returning to When Worf's son Alexander came to live with him on the Enterprise , Troi played a significant role in helping Alexander define and develop a relationship with his father, as well as assisting Worf's bond with his son. Star Trek: First Contact. The crisis was cut short when Riker destroyed the Son'a ship in the Briar Patch and Dougherty, along with Son'a leader Ru'afo , was killed in a conflict with Picard. When Tom Riker entered the gym and Beverly then decided to leave the two alone, Troi was initially shocked by Crusher's departure, but it led to Deanna becoming intimate with Tom. She later mentioned, however, that she could sense one of the Ferengi was hiding something.

Deanna Troi was a female Betazoid — Human hybrid Starfleet officer.

Rain of the Ghosts. While the filming of " Justice " — the eighth Season 1 outing — neared completion, the actress related, " This show's writers have given me a great deal to do. TNG : " The Emissary " She also heard stories from her maternal grandfather, who told them telepathically; something of a traditionalist, he rarely spoke, saying speech was for "offworlders and people who didn't know any better. Star Trek: Insurrection. Troi was serving aboard the Enterprise when Barclay contacted her from Jupiter Station. ISBN A wig believed to have been worn by Marina Sirtis or one of her doubles in the latter films was sold on the It's A Wrap! Retrieved July 12, James T. After the Borg attack, two teams of officers beamed to the surface of Earth, with Troi serving as a member of the second team. Deanna immediately told the captain the truth, as she felt it would be unethical to do otherwise. TNG : " Conundrum ".

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