tolarian community college

Tolarian community college

Deck Box Report Card. Report Card. Angelarium Tokens.

With 30 years of history behind it, an immense library of cards to draw on for deck building, and perhaps one of the most rabidly faithful fanbases in the Trading Card Game industry, it can seem daunting and intense when a new player is first introduced to the world of Magic. What cards in this set are good? What cards are cool but functionally useless in competitive play? What should I do if I don't have the time or finances to compete at my local game store, but just want to be better at playing with my circle of friends? Enter The Professor. The Professor, a hapless Adjunct Teacher at the less prestigious but definitely more safe Tolarian Community College, produces YouTube videos weekly analyzing the value of new products and sets in Wizards of the Coast 's trading card game Magic: The Gathering , the viability of cards in formats like Standard, Modern, Commander and Pauper, Lore Analysis videos diving into the stories told through Magic's cards, editorial videos discussing what should and should not happen in future Magic sets, and sketch comedy interviewing Cosplayers of famous Planeswalkers in character.

Tolarian community college

Therefor, donators at this level get the reward of Ad-Block Absolution! Now, I know I have already said that I don't care if you use Ad-Block software, but you are such awesome people that I have heard time and time again that you feel guilty about using it none the less. You get access to the Patreon page and get to help vote to decide what the bonus videos are about. You also get invites to the Google Hangouts and all other Patron-only events. Signed card! I can't get cards signed by you! I pick the card, and I will try and make it a reflection of me and the college. Yes, I will send the card internationally. Make sure you enter your correct shipping address! At this level of contribution, at the end slate of each episode, when I say "Thanks to the support of viewers like you Well, your name. You will also get a signed card, and all other benefits from lower tiers signed card is a one time gift. COntinued support at this level means your name continues to appear on the endslate.

Their representative is a softspoken, snappily dressed lawyer who breaks into negotiations settling a legal dispute- either via mandatory sensitivity training or a Duel to the Death with either of his associates- muscular and bloodthirsty Gruul warriors wearing the stereotypical pelts and warpaint, tolarian community college. Wyrmwood Magnetic Dice Tower. Original Art Tokens.


Therefor, donators at this level get the reward of Ad-Block Absolution! Now, I know I have already said that I don't care if you use Ad-Block software, but you are such awesome people that I have heard time and time again that you feel guilty about using it none the less. You get access to the Patreon page and get to help vote to decide what the bonus videos are about. You also get invites to the Google Hangouts and all other Patron-only events. Signed card! I can't get cards signed by you!

Tolarian community college

Headmastered by Brian Lewis, a. The Professor, the channel recently turned ten years old. However, my introduction to MTG has been nothing but welcoming. I can thank three people for this. Then came our AP Physics teacher , who introduced us to the game. The Professor shot many, many videos in this store over the years. Additionally, a friend he met pre-YouTube also appeared as a guest, both at the shop and in his home. Mike has been our stalwart guide for over a decade, and we wanted to celebrate his 22nd year in business. Prof and I both came back to magic at AI for innistrad prerelease, and we owe who we are to that community pic.

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Khalsa Brain Playmat. The critiques alongside his grades are helpful in understanding what went wrong - or right - with this product and why a purchaser should steer clear or invest. It's Nissa. Ultimate Guard Land Series. Jace cannot, for the life of him, manage to use his mind magic to get out of the Professor chewing him out. Wyrmwood Leather Gaming Mat. Inked Gaming Playmat Bag. For context, there is a chance opening a Masterpiece. Monster Playmate Tube. Professor : "Skeletor is attacking the castle. You might like. Inked Playmats Playmat. Ultra Pro Gaming Case. Turn One Gaming Counters.

The Professor and Pleasant Kenobi discuss a wide range of MTG topics that cover whatever it is they are interesting in discussing that particular week. Hey look, it's Streets Of New Capenna, a Magic world set in a city ruled by gangsters, corruption, and valuing money, profit, and power over all else.

Evil is Petty : For the ultimate conclusion to Magic's past 10 years of story narrative, Wizards of the Coast sent the Professor a preview card to show his audience After building himself up on camera about all the wonderful possible cards he could be sent- he gets a junk common that wouldn't even be played in Pauper tournaments. Stable Time Loop At this level of contribution, at the end slate of each episode, when I say "Thanks to the support of viewers like you The "Lore" behind Tolarian Community College revolves around the fact that, while Urza's schools of Tolaria East and Tolaria West might be more memorable or prestigious in Magic as wizard schools, The Professor likes to note that his students don't regularly get killed in freak experiments. What cards are cool but functionally useless in competitive play? Show Spoilers. Get Known if you don't have an account. Kent Displays Inc. Writers Suck : Well, Poets Suck. The game inevitably ends with a dud box- which Prof uses to illustrate that buying Singles at your local game store is the best way to build a deck. Roughly one booster box in four has one Masterpiece and each is worth enough for an entire box all on its own. They Killed Kenny Again : The Professor's students have the unfortunate habit of killing him over and over again. Max Protection Playmat. Functional Addict : Jhoira comes off as one while describing her methods and suggestions for defeating Nicol Bolas. Wyrmwood Hero Vault.

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