top ten sith lords

Top ten sith lords

The Star Wars franchise presents one of the most iconic science fiction and top ten sith lords universes of all time. The classic light side vs. The lore dives deep into ancient Jedi Masters, alliances among planets and their civilizations, and, of course, the malicious Sith Lords. A question among the fandom is which Sith Lord in the Star Wars universe is the most powerful, and chat forums on Reddit have once again saved the day.

In the Star Wars galaxy and lore, wherever there exists Jedi, there must be those that oppose them. In most cases, those people are the Sith. The most powerful Jedi go up against the most powerful Sith in a seemingly never-ending battle for the fate of the Galaxy. As a future Emperor would say, the Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. These 15 characters tapped into those abilities better than anyone else, leading them to become the most powerful Sith to ever exist. Despite defeating numerous Jedi, he was eventually struck down in battle but found that if he called upon the power of the Dark Side and surrendered himself to a life of pain and agony, he would never die. By doing this, he would become one of the most powerful Sith of his era.

Top ten sith lords

The Sith Order has always been the ancient enemy of the Jedi Order , and that means that they were at war with one another for thousands of years until the Sith was finally destroyed in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Nevertheless, the Sith Order had some of the most powerful Force wielders to ever exist in the history of the galaxy because the Sith Lords craved power more than anything else. Nevertheless, the Sith Order has always been known to have incredibly powerful Force wielders that could take on multiple Jedi simultaneously. Darth Shaa was a Sith Lord who lived more than a thousand years before the events of the Skywalker Saga. Unlike most of the Sith Lords on this list, she is a canon Sith and was one of the many Sith Lords that existed before the Rule of Two. Shaa was a powerful Sith Lord with abilities unique to her, and she taught almost everything she knew to her apprentice, Darth Momin. Nevertheless, Shaa was still a capable Sith Lord during her time and was just as powerful on the dark side as any other Sith Lord. Darth Momin lived during an era that was decades before the Rule of Two, and that means that he existed alongside numerous other Sith Lords at that time. He was the apprentice of Darth Shaa, who taught him everything that he knew about the dark side of the Force. Even though Momin died more than a thousand years before the Skywalker Saga, he imprinted his soul into his mask. As such, he could live again during the time of the Empire. However, Momin was eventually killed and destroyed for good by Darth Vader.

Like his apprentice would as well, Plagueis was obsessed with finding a means to immortality.

The Jedi are a peaceful, mindful, and spiritual kind, who always aim to bring balance to the force. Contrast that with the vicious, power-hungry Sith, who aims to destroy and rule the galaxy, and you have a great tale of light vs. Throughout Star Wars lore, there have been numerous incredibly powerful, red lightsaber-bladed Sith that wreak havoc upon the galaxy. So, with that, here are the most powerful Sith lords in Star Wars history. Updated on September 20th, , by Nikole Finger: This article has been updated with additional content to keep the discussion fresh and relevant with even more information and new entries. Asajj Ventress was never officially granted the title of Sith Lord, which is why she isn't further up on the list.

In the Star Wars universe, the Sith are still behind everything, with the most powerful Sith lords working tirelessly in the shadows to rule the Galaxy and bring about an age of darkness. The entire franchise is about the light side versus the dark side, good versus evil, and the Sith are the ultimate evil in this world. From the franchise's greatest villain in Darth Vader to the most powerful in The Emperor, the Sith have always held the upper hand, forcing the good Jedi Warriors to fight an uphill battle every step of the way. The Star Wars canon is full of the most powerful Sith lords who are continually getting expanded on and who have their power displayed fantastically. Power gets displayed in many forms by the various Sith Lords. From incredible feats with the Force to vicious slashes of a lightsaber to sheer intelligence and influence, the Sith have a variety of ways to impose their evil in Star Wars. In many ways, Savage Opress is an underrated villain and not somebody people immediately associate with being a Sith Lord due to Sidious and Dooku carrying on the order's legacy at the time of the Clone Wars. Opress was, temporarily, a Sith Lord, though, and was not a total pushover. Under the teachings and leadership of his brother Maul, Opress became a Sith Apprentice for a short time and proved himself decently powerful through pure raw strength and animalistic tendencies. While he does not have the finesse, intelligence, training, or experience to touch other Sith in the canon, it is impressive that he managed to murder multiple Jedi in such a short span.

Top ten sith lords

An ancient Order with its own code and philosophies, the Sith Order has counted numerous members over the years. Each Sith Lord or Lady had their own specialty and unique connection with the Force, and all of them were feared and sometimes revered in different ways. Sith technology and Sith philosophy became incredibly sophisticated, meaning the Sith could study the Dark Side of the Force in depth. Updated on June 21, , by Gabrielle Huston: The Sith are a mysterious group that we learn a little more about with every appearance of a new Dark Lord or Lady. We've updated this article to make it easier to read and as clear as possible! Ventress escaped and enlisted Savage Opress to help her get revenge; after a final confrontation with her old master, she fled and went back to the Nightsisters. Ventress ultimately became a bounty hunter, making her time with the Sith short-lived.

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Although he and many of the Sith's stories on this list are no longer canon they've since started to slowly be reintroduced due to fan interest, Exar Kun's tale is an interesting one. He raised Darth Maul as his apprentice and then trained Darth Vader as well. Darth Bane. After he and Sion began their purge, a large gathering of Jedi met on the planet Katarr where Nihilus drained the planet of its Force energy. Dark Horse Comics. Although he was no match for Vader, Darth Momin was a Sith to be reckoned with. He was a master of using Force Lightning. Under the teachings and leadership of his brother Maul, Opress became a Sith Apprentice for a short time and proved himself decently powerful through pure raw strength and animalistic tendencies. His arc is also super similar to the next person on the list. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker took Palpatine's monologue about the Dark Side of the Force being a pathway to many abilities that are considered unnatural to heart. This boy was Darth Maul, whom Palpatine ordered to be physically abused as a young boy so that he would grow angrier. While he tried to make a comeback and overthrow Darth Vader and Palpatine, it didn't quite go according to plan. And the fact that her weapon was featured in the book indicates that Noctyss may be a canon character.

They are unquestionably one of the most loved sets of characters in Star Wars , and users of Ranker have ranked who they believe to be the very best.

Vader became more of a machine than a man, and that was how he lost the potential to become the strongest Force wielder of all time. He was also able to transfer his essence, which allowed him to survive his supposed demise by Darth Vader. His arc is also super similar to the next person on the list. Telekinesis, Force Sense, Force Lightning, lightsaber combat, etc. His combination of a keen mind, a pitiless personality, and overwhelmingly deadly Sith powers was too much even for the entire Jedi Order to stand against. Combine these skills with his knack for leadership and military strategy, and Bane was a Sith Lord powerful in such a wide range of situations, from 1v1 fights to full-scale battles. He was born as Galen Marek and was abducted by Darth Vader as a young boy to be trained in the ways of the Sith. Had Maul continued as Sidious' apprentice, he may very well have succeeded in taking his place. Not a lot of people are familiar with Darth Phobos. Darth Tenebrous was the master of Darth Plagueis, another Sith not seen on screen, but who has had a large impact on the story. Unfortunately, not powerful enough to match his uncle Luke Skywalker, nor his sister Jaina, who ultimately ended him.

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