transformers dark energon

Transformers dark energon

You may wish to create or login to an account in transformers dark energon to have full editing access to this wiki. It is also known as the Blood of Unicron due to its origin as Unicron's life blood. Dark Energon is considered extremely dangerous, being able to reanimate dead Cybertronians as mindless Terrorcons and bring inert and inanimate machines to life.

As energon is the emanation of Primus , from which all Transformer life and power is formed, Dark Energon also known as the Sparks of Unicron , the Blood of Unicron , and the Anti-Spark is the polar opposite of energon and the emanation of Unicron , released after his first battle with the thirteen original Transformers. In sufficient quantities, Dark Energon can corrupt quantities of regular energon though it own effects can likewise be neutralized by sufficient quantities of energon. Dark Energon can be used for a number of deadly uses such as increasing one's power, reviving the dead, corrupting Transformers and even having an ambient weakening effect on them. The violet-glowing Dark Energon supercharges any Transformer who ingests it, making them stronger, faster, more powerful It turns pain into pleasure, rendering any blows inflicted on a user futile and heals their wounds as well. However, it also acts as a powerful narcotic, filling the user with thrilling, dark sensations and causing addiction.

Transformers dark energon

Dark Energon is a powerful, corrupted version of Energon which can be used as a violent weapon and explosive. As Energon is the emanation of Primus, from which all Transformer life and power is formed. Even the smallest particle of Dark Energon can corrupt any amount of regular energon. Long before the civil war, ancient Transformers began experimenting with Energon in an attempt to increase its yield and power. These experiments eventually produced results, creating an altered type far more powerful then normal Energon. This Energon, however was quickly found to be a mistake, the Energon was quickly shown to corrupt anything it touched, including Transformers, spreading like an infection that overwhelmed and altered the victim. Furthermore it was simply too powerful to be controlled by anyone. Because of this, it was called "Dark Energon", its creation was halted, and forbidden, with whatever remaining Dark Energon being destroyed. The files regarding its existence and how to create it were classified top secret and hidden. The last remaining Dark Energon, and facility capable of manufacturing it were locked away onboard an orbiting space station under heavy security, commanded for over a thousand years by Starscream , who was joined at some point with assistance from Jetfire, Thundercracker , and Skywarp. Rumors and legends spread about the Dark Energon, but were widely believed to be nothing more. During the events of the great war, Dark Energon had remained hidden and sealed away for most of the conflict.

TFW Seibertron. However, transformers dark energon, mixing with Synthetic Energon would create energon sucking Terrorcons and they cannot be controlled by the Dark Energon users normally due to Synthetic Energon corrupting Dark Energon.


Synthetic Energon , also known as Synth En , is a manufactured version of energon which tends to resemble a greenish liquid form of that fuel. Unrefined samples can provide greater energy efficiency, but it can also be addictive and corrupt the user's personality. So remember, kids, don't do drugs! Synthetic Energon supercharges any Cybertronian who uses it, making them stronger, faster, more powerful Also, some versions have the ill-effect of causing those who use it to burn through their natural Energon reserves too quickly. The normal effects of a properly refined Synthetic Energon formula have not yet been seen, though they are presumably the same, minus the added aggression. Knowledge on Synthetic Energon was one of many subjects recorded on Cybertronian data cylinders which were launched from Cybertron at the onset of the Great War to prevent the Decepticons getting hold of them. The cylinder containing the recorded data on making Synthetic Energon crashed on Earth , where its contents were beamed directly into the brain of Bulkhead. This information began to overwhelm his neural net, and he began painting the symbols of the Synthetic Energon chemical equation, which Ratchet recognised.

Transformers dark energon

You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. For different types of energon, please see here. Energon is a fuel and the main substance and valued resource used by all Cybertronians for food, medicine and for their own biology. It is the blood flowing inside and throughout their bodies. It is from the blood of their creator, Primus. It can be found in energon deposits sent from Cybertron or inside Cybertronians. Energon deposits are on Earth , but little are easily minable. It can be harmful to humans if made contact.

Curtin oasis

Megatron escaped from his own body into Bumblebee 's, and made him recover the Dark Energon crystal he had used to create the Terrorcon army during the battle with Optimus and Ratchet, thereby facilitating his own body's revival. If the core were to shut down, the planet would be able to heal and purge itself of the infection. During Knock Out's experiments with Synthetic Energon , Starscream had the bright idea of adding some Dark Energon into the mix, so that Megatron would be able to control the resulting troopers. When Megatron arrived, he confirmed his enemy's suspicions by using a Dark Energon crystal to revive the fallen warriors. Bulkhead infiltrated the Decepticons' Dark Energon mines to snatch away several Dark Energon shards before the Decepticons could use them to raise an army of Terrorcons. After the first test, Megatron fused Dark Energon into his body, making him more powerful than ever. Pieces of Cybertron infected by Dark Energon tend to turn purple and explode upward into twisted, sharp spikes and growths of metal. The infusion made him stronger, faster and a much deadlier foe than he was before. Out of His Head. Now back in a subordinate position, Starscream's previous opposition to using Dark Energon to raise an undead army vanished when he tried to raise Skyquake from the dead. Sci-fi Transformers. View history Talk 0. Thunderwing became a Herald of Unicron after the Lord of Chaos offered an endless supply of his own lifeblood to quench Thunderwing's thirst for angolmois energy. The Dark Energon that infected the planet would not be removed until millions of years later, during which the Transformers had to abandon their homeworld, migrating all over space, making Dark Energon partially responsible for all of the events that happened in the years after the civil war.

This article is a featured article , and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki. Energon sometimes spelled with a capital letter, sometimes not [1] is the preferred fuel of the Transformer race. It takes many forms, including ore, crystal, gas, and raw energy, but it is most commonly used by Transformers in its liquid state, which is stored in many different mediums, most famously the energon cube.

Facing many defenses and enemy Autobots , they managed to corrupt the central generator of the Energon Bridge. After learning the existence of this substance, Megatron took a fleet of cruisers to lay siege to the station, crashing his own ship into it to gain entrance. What's needed: Yokohama Decepticon Secret Base. If the craving is not satisfied, the user devolves to a beast-like state and eventually dies. As he sought the key to the planet's core, Megatron battled Omega Supreme, and through the use of Dark Energon corrupted his systems and defeated him, allowing him access to the core of their world. It destroyed one of Ratchet's tools and almost attacked Ratchet until Optimus Prime shot the sentient tool and stepped on it, thus killing it. When a user is killed, the energy acts like a sentient thing a worrying aspect for a force originating from Unicron and flies from their corpse to empower any other user nearby. Megatron escaped from his own body into Bumblebee 's, and made him recover the Dark Energon crystal he had used to create the Terrorcon army during the battle with Optimus and Ratchet, thereby facilitating his own body's revival. While on Earth hunting prisoners, Bumblebee made reference to Dark Energon saying it was far more dangerous than any escapees. Thunderwing bargained with the Decepticons to repair him, with the group indeed finding his missing parts within the Dark Energon, with the captive Ratchet fixing him. It is also known as the Blood of Unicron due to its origin as Unicron's life blood. The Evil Wiki Explore. Megatron also became plagued by visions of a dark figure and a volcanic site.

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