trinity trailer park boys

Trinity trailer park boys

She lives in the park with her mother most of the time. Trinity appears irregularly and she is portrayed as being a sometimes troubled child who is allowed to misbehave when it suits her. She seems to be given minimal, if any, discipline and this allows trinity trailer park boys the freedom to do as she wishes with no concept of consequences.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Jeanna Harrison Actress. She started acting at only 5 years old on the show Trailer Park Boys in the original black-and-white pilot program as Ricky's alleged daughter Trinity.

Trinity trailer park boys


And a four year old is brought in for the Christmas Special as it is supposed to take place in


Trailer Park Boys is a Canadian mockumentary sitcom television series created by Mike Clattenburg that began airing in as a continuation of his film bearing the same name. The show follows the misadventures of a group of trailer park residents, including two lead characters in and out of prison , living in the fictional "Sunnyvale Trailer Park" in Dartmouth , Nova Scotia. The series premiered on Showcase on April 20, , and originally ran for seven seasons before concluding with a one-hour special on December 7, In , Robb Wells , John Paul Tremblay , and Mike Smith , the actors who respectively portrayed Ricky , Julian , and Bubbles , purchased the rights to the show from the original producers and created their own internet streaming network, SwearNet. Starting in March , SwearNet co-produced new episodes of the show with the American streaming service Netflix , and the eighth season premiered on September 5,

Trinity trailer park boys

The following is a list of characters featured in the Canadian television series Trailer Park Boys. Julian "Jules" played by John Paul Tremblay is the eldest primary character in the series. He is responsible for hiring the camera crew that follows the characters around, originally meant to document his life. Like Ricky, Julian enjoys marijuana and alcoholic beverages , and he used to smoke cigarettes. In the original black-and-white movie Trailer Park Boys , Julian sold and used cocaine , and Ricky also indulged.

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Edit page. She lives with her mother Lucy where they stay at George Green 's house, and during this time Lucy and George are dating. Expand below. Jeanna Harrison Actress. Known for:. Contact info Agent info. Sign In Sign In. See our predictions. Trailer Park Wiki Explore. Start a Wiki.

She lives in the park with her mother most of the time. Trinity appears irregularly and she is portrayed as being a sometimes troubled child who is allowed to misbehave when it suits her.

She seems to be given minimal, if any, discipline and this allows her the freedom to do as she wishes with no concept of consequences. Known for:. Credits Edit. Self-verified on IMDbPro. Previous Create account. Related news. But due to Jacob messing up on the birth certificate application, the babies name is revealed to actually be "The Motel". Trailer Park Boys 7. Jeanna Harrison-Steinhart. Make your IMDb page stand out by adding a demo reel. Episodes Movies Specials. In the movie , Trinity was played by Lydia Lawson-Baird , and not Jeanna Harrison as in the series, though Harrison has returned for Season 8 and the rest of the series including the animated series. Sign In Register. She started acting at only 5 years old on the show Trailer Park Boys in the original black-and-white pilot program as Ricky's alleged daughter Trinity.

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