

Here you'll find a bunch of different subreddit ranking lists.

Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy. Just sign up on one site, and you'll be able to join and interact with communities on any other Lemmy site. Choosing which Lemmy site to sign up to is a bit like choosing your email provider - e. The reason there are multiple sites is because anyone can create their own Lemmy instance - so no single person or company controls the ' fediverse '. Just choose a popular and reputable one like lemmy. Note 2 : You can use lemmyverse.


I'm a default twoxchromosomes mod. I would love to see better moderation tools. Our AutoModerator shadowban list and our ban list is so ridiculously long I can barely scroll it. It'd be amazing if we didn't have to rely on a bunch of other tools toolbox, RES, AutoModerator or consider building our own tools subreddit history scraper. I would also love to see a better take on Reddit too. Some of this is inevitable but it's pretty annoying that there isn't much we can do here either other than deleting things after the fact. I don't think that those two alone will improve the site significantly, but it would be a burden lifted for default mods, and that might help clean up parts of the front page. I don't even want to think about how much time we spend on everything from figuring out trolls to writing warning notes for each other, to discussing some idiot user trying to dox one of the mods. It'd be time we can spend doing other things for the subreddit. That would be nice. There's no practical educational solution here. The volume of new users and the labor of understanding all these rules is huge and its impractical to expect people to digest it all, especially for a topic most users, being male, aren't into. Lets also not be ignorant of the massive feminist thought that dominates subs like 2x.

The top comments tend to be half-assed efforts usually ending in a joke or even a reddit in-joke because the guy who posts something silly immediately will dominate while the guy still working on his story and posts after an hour of writing ends up being comment 78 twoxchromosomes no one scrolls that far down to read, twoxchromosomes, twoxchromosomes.


Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Historically, it was thought that the number of X chromosomes plays little role in causing sex differences in traits. Recently, selected mouse models have been used increasingly to compare mice with the same type of gonad but with one versus two copies of the X chromosome. Study of these models demonstrates that mice with one X chromosome can be strikingly different from those with two X chromosomes, when the differences are not attributable to confounding group differences in gonadal hormones.


Men, on average, tend to be the stronger sex, when it comes to lifting and carrying, thanks to their bigger muscles. But according to physician and geneticist Dr. Sharon Moalem when it comes to health and long term survival, women are the stronger sex. Women are also better at surviving cancer. They're less likely to suffer from developmental disabilities.

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As far as I can tell, who gets to moderate powerful subreddits comes down the the accident of history of who happened to think of it first. I'm just somewhat puzzled that twox is a default. For example, one problem that happens very often is that image macros and other "lighetweight" content get more votes than longer articles. Here they are. I think most people do as well. It's giving the mods way too much power. If you want a job in IT, study math and science instead of art, keep learning and gaining experience over the years to become better so you can get a job. If so then can reddit be changed radically to accomplish this yet through small enough iterations as to not result in an exodus? The only subs that are actually good are the heavily moderated subs. The mod tools were really written for a much smaller site, and hopefully this infusion of cash will let them hire devs who can make it their mission to make the mod tools useful. That they can opt out does not mean they can opt in. Considering what types of people call themselves feminist, it could mean anything from sane person to misandrist.

It hardly seems worth an argument: It is. The thriving social news site is a community where a legitimate female rape victim is met with skepticism, but a fake male cancer victim is accepted without question.

That they can opt out does not mean they can opt in. Spam and hateful comments fall pretty fast anyway, but that doesn't mean that it should stay there. And then there are comments that are really unpopular but they aren't hateful or spam, and even if it's buried we don't remove those. When "libertarian" came to mean "we need paramilitary thugs patrolling our borders to keep those illegals out" to the majority of people, it was time for me to opt out completely from using that label not to mention the idiotic positions on climate change many self-identified libertarians take. If you cannot communicate with others effectively and keep using the terms mansplaining when something is over your head and you need help with, it isn't going to help the team and make you look bad. Both services "speak the same language" that language is called 'ActivityPub' , so you can view and interact with Mastodon content from Lemmy, and vice versa. That would be nice. Which is likely the major flaw in Reddit. As it is, the perception to the vast majority of people is such that I find it more effective to avoid the word and simply advance the equal rights part. Note 1 : People are sometimes confused by the fact that there are multiple Lemmy websites like lemmy.

3 thoughts on “Twoxchromosomes

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