Unc email directory
An international leader in the area of nutrition, obesity, metabolism and cancer, his lab focuses on the molecular and metabolic mechanisms underlying obesity-cancer associations, and the impact of obesity- energy balance modulation eg, calorie restriction and exercise or pharmacologic agents on cancer development, progression, and responses to chemotherapy, unc email directory.
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Unc email directory
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Unc email directory
The changes will be reflected on the next update from ConnectCarolina. Akura Fontenot afontenot northcarolina. Allison A Stockweather aastockweather northcarolina. Andrea Ausby aausby pbsnc. Annalise Bocko abocko pbsnc. Alan Brown abrown pbsnc.
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Rose Wilson. Voruganti where her focus is to expand nutrition research into human clinical trials and focus on identifying nutritional and genetic factors that can aid in early disease detection and using the mechanisms of metabolomics for adjuvant therapy in cancer treatment. Michael Galgano. Jamie joined the NRI as the Property Security Officer in September , and is the person who welcomes our employees and visitors as they enter the building. Daniel S Harrison dsharrison northcarolina. William Y. She earned her Ph. Internal Audit. Danny J. Soler mlsoler northcarolina. She retired in Amy L. Yoshihiro Hayakawa. Global Studies.
Christina C Hawkins cchawkins northcarolina. Essie Torres. Jason Matthews jmatthews pbsnc. Risa Abney rabney pbsnc. She is now working as a Research Technician in the Hursting Lab and hopes to attend medical school in the future. Kait Littell kmlittell northcarolina. Benjamin E. Usman Khan ufkhan northcarolina. Gary N. Hazel B. Angela is co-mentored at NRI by Dr. Lawrence S. Alexander Sasha Kabanov. Brenda Jasso Vazquez. In her time with the NRI, she has had the pleasure of working with Dr.
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