usmc mos 0231

Usmc mos 0231

Specialists are involved in nearly every aspect of the intelligence occupational field.

Marine Corps Intelligence Specialists MOS serve a critical function in a branch of the military that is more known for its muscle. A Marine Corps Intelligence Specialist provides critical intel to soldiers out in the field so they can make better-informed decisions about the enemy. Marine Corps Intelligence Specialists collect, record, analyze, process, and disseminate information about enemy targets and locations. Marines, including job duties and required training. The ability to collect this type of intelligence requires a special type of person with a diverse education and training. Therefore, a reasonable amount of time is spent with new Marine recruits preparing them for the role of MOS.

Usmc mos 0231


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Skip to main content Press Enter. They are involved in all facets of planning and conducting CI and human intelligence operations and activities. CI activities are concerned with identifying and counteracting the threat of friendly forces posed by hostile intelligence organizations, or by persons engaged in espionage, sabotage, subversion or terrorism. HUMINT activities are designed to obtain intelligence information using human beings as both sources and collectors, where the human being is the primary collection instrument. They conduct human intelligence operations to collect information of intelligence value for the commander. A specific percentage of s will undergo language training. In addition to knowing a foreign country's language, they are familiar with the area, the customs and traditions of its people, and the infrastructure of a foreign force.

Usmc mos 0231

Marine Corps Intelligence Specialists MOS serve a critical function in a branch of the military that is more known for its muscle. A Marine Corps Intelligence Specialist provides critical intel to soldiers out in the field so they can make better-informed decisions about the enemy. Marine Corps Intelligence Specialists collect, record, analyze, process, and disseminate information about enemy targets and locations. Marines, including job duties and required training. The ability to collect this type of intelligence requires a special type of person with a diverse education and training. Therefore, a reasonable amount of time is spent with new Marine recruits preparing them for the role of MOS. In the Marine Corps, each job, or military occupational specialty MOS and related jobs are classified within occupational fields OccFlds. The Intelligence OccFld covers a variety of jobs that are responsible for gathering, processing, and disseminating sensitive information. The U. Candidates that have a Defense Language Aptitude Battery score of or higher are also eligible to attend language training.

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The Department of Defense will look into your criminal record , perform a credit check, as well as interview friends and family. Notify me of new posts by email. The Intelligence Specialist may also supervise intelligence sections of commands up to and including the Marine Expeditionary Force MEF , depending on rank. Honor Grad Principles. However, you can find some relevant job reviews related to working Intelligence jobs in the Marine Corps on sites like Indeed. Additionally, depending on billet assignment, Intelligence Specialists duties may include collection requirements management, targeting, and target production related duties. Our Values. MOS Contracts. Intelligence Specialist. Staying in Touch. MOS School:. After successfully completing boot camp in the Marines you will begin to receive specialized training for your Military Occupational Specialty. The Rumor Mill. Reading Materials.


All new recruits must complete Marine Corps boot camp in order to continue service, regardless of whether they enter a combat or non-combat MOS. PT Plans. Requirements for Enlisting. What is it like to be a Poolee? Marine Corps Intelligence Specialists MOS collect, record, analyze, process, and disseminate information about enemy targets and locations. Is an Officer Career Right for You? How much does a Marine Intelligence Specialists make? Subscriber Plans. Notify me of new posts by email. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

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