video of cameron robbins

Video of cameron robbins

Eighteen-year-old high school graduate Cameron Robbins was on a trip with friends in the Bahamas when he jumped off the cruise ship May 24 after what reports say was a dare. According to witnesses, video of cameron robbins, Robbins reportedly jumped off the ship into the water around p.

A video has begun circulating on social media that allegedly shows missing U. The video , which has so far been viewed more than 10 million times on Twitter , is being scrutinized, with some indicating the video allegedly shows the exact moment Robbins is pulled underneath the water by a shark after jumping off a cruise ship near Nassau, Bahamas. The incident happened on Wednesday, May 24 and at around P. Robbins reportedly jumped off the Blackbeard's Revenge sunset cruise ship. A search party was was initially launched but on May 27, the United States Coast Guard, who had been assisting the Royal Bahamas Defence Force in the search, confirmed that the search had been concluded.

Video of cameron robbins

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Grainy cellphone footage shows recent Louisiana high school graduate Cameron Robbins swimming in Bahamian waters at night, but as the camera pans left for a second, he disappears — never to be seen again. Some claim the video appears to show a shark closing in on the year-old, but longtime scuba and marine search-and-rescue experts explain to The Post how several other outcomes need to be considered and explain why they think his body has yet to be recovered two weeks later. Wednesday will mark two weeks since Robbins, a high school athlete, disappeared, leaving his grieving family without answers. He was funny and kind-hearted, but also intense and driven. The haunting video footage shows Robbins swimming away from a rescue buoy as onlookers shout for him to grab the device. Butch Hendrick, president and founder of public safety dive training company Lifeguard Systems, has spent decades familiarizing himself with the Caribbean waters, including off the Bahamas. He noted that boats such as the one Robbins and his classmates had been on often serve food that is then dumped or spilled into the water, which can attract marine life, such as sharks. But the behavior of the object seen in the water with Robbins was not indicative of a shark. That could be enough to cause him to drown right there.

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Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission. Grainy cellphone footage shows recent Louisiana high school graduate Cameron Robbins swimming in Bahamian waters at night, but as the camera pans left for a second, he disappears — never to be seen again. Some claim the video appears to show a shark closing in on the year-old, but longtime scuba and marine search-and-rescue experts explain to The Post how several other outcomes need to be considered and explain why they think his body has yet to be recovered two weeks later. Wednesday will mark two weeks since Robbins, a high school athlete, disappeared, leaving his grieving family without answers. He was funny and kind-hearted, but also intense and driven. The haunting video footage shows Robbins swimming away from a rescue buoy as onlookers shout for him to grab the device. Butch Hendrick, president and founder of public safety dive training company Lifeguard Systems, has spent decades familiarizing himself with the Caribbean waters, including off the Bahamas. He noted that boats such as the one Robbins and his classmates had been on often serve food that is then dumped or spilled into the water, which can attract marine life, such as sharks. But the behavior of the object seen in the water with Robbins was not indicative of a shark.

Video of cameron robbins

A video has begun circulating on social media that allegedly shows missing U. The video , which has so far been viewed more than 10 million times on Twitter , is being scrutinized, with some indicating the video allegedly shows the exact moment Robbins is pulled underneath the water by a shark after jumping off a cruise ship near Nassau, Bahamas. The incident happened on Wednesday, May 24 and at around P.

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Israel at War. Wednesday will mark two weeks since Robbins, a high school athlete, disappeared, leaving his grieving family without answers. But Hendricks, whose rescue and recovery training company is one of the oldest in the nation, also wondered whether Robbins could have lost his breath after jumping from the boat. But others say there is something in the video footage that shows another potential danger — a shark. Cristina Zenato, a longtime diver and Bahamas-based shark and ocean conservationist, told The Post she was not involved in the case at all, but suspected Robbins could have suffered hypothermia, then drowned. Search and rescue officials scoured the water for any sign of Cameron Robbins. A search party was was initially launched but on May 27, the United States Coast Guard, who had been assisting the Royal Bahamas Defence Force in the search, confirmed that the search had been concluded. According to witnesses, Robbins reportedly jumped off the ship into the water around p. King said: "I have a patrol unit, as they patrol that area they will continue to look for possible remains. The haunting video footage shows Robbins swimming away from a rescue buoy as onlookers shout for him to grab the device.

Cameron Robbins of Louisiana was celebrating his high school graduation when he was reportedly dared to jump overboard on a cruise.

Some claim the video appears to show a shark closing in on the year-old, but longtime scuba and marine search-and-rescue experts explain to The Post how several other outcomes need to be considered and explain why they think his body has yet to be recovered two weeks later. Cristina Zenato, a longtime diver and Bahamas-based shark and ocean conservationist, told The Post she was not involved in the case at all, but suspected Robbins could have suffered hypothermia, then drowned. Email required. Cameron Robbins disappeared after swimming in Bahamian waters at night. This is the highest figure in the region, with Cuba in second with 13 and Puerto Rico in third with At one point, the person in the water appears to turn and swim in the opposite direction of the lifesaver ring that was thrown overboard. Let me know what you are thinking! Premium Subscription. He noted that boats such as the one Robbins and his classmates had been on often serve food that is then dumped or spilled into the water, which can attract marine life, such as sharks. On YouTube, a channel dedicated to solving crimes shared the same video posted on social media of Robbins in the water, seemingly swimming away from the ship. Israel at War Tuesdays and Thursdays. Better Planet Mondays. King said: "I have a patrol unit, as they patrol that area they will continue to look for possible remains. View this post on Instagram.

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