viktor krum quidditch world cup

Viktor krum quidditch world cup

In quidditch, viktor krum quidditch world cup, the Seeker pursues the Golden Snitch and, if caught, ensures that their team is awarded points and effectively ends the game. During the final, the Bulgarians found themselves down by against Ireland. At this stage of the match, even with the rules being what they are, Viktor still pursued the snitch and managed to capture it. In sports, there are dignified defeats and there are total blowouts.

At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened. As such, spoilers will be present within the article. The Quidditch World Cup was an international Quidditch sporting event occurring in organised by the International Quidditch Association. It was the nd edition of the World Cup. The stadium built for the nd World Cup took a Ministry of Magic task force a year to construct, and could hold one hundred thousand spectators.

Viktor krum quidditch world cup

It may be nerdy but I absolutely loved the books and the movie series. If you're still confused, Quidditch is a wizarding sport played on broomsticks. It's the magical equivalent of futbol and rugby. The object of the game was to score more points than your opponents. You have mini goalposts with a goalie and these large quaffles and bulger balls. Each goal was worth ten points and catching the Golden Snitch is worth and ends the game. The Golden Snitch is this little gold ball with wings that pops up randomly and runs around the vicinity of the field. The game can go on for days until the snitch is captured, which is why captains mutually agree when to close out. You catch the snitch, you end the game. If you need more insight, check out the official rules.

The fans received velvet-covered, tasselled programmes when they showed their large parchment tickets. They levitatedtormented, and humiliated Mr and Mrs Roberts. Ana de Lebron.

Part of the charm of the Harry Potter universe over the years has been the glimpses into the lives of witches and wizards that never learned at Hogwarts, whether it be students who learned to use magic without wands in Uagadou School of Magic or wizards in the US attending Ilvermorny. That said, one of the best ways that fans learned about the other magical schools was in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire during the Triwizard Tournament. Though the tournament was meant to be friendly, it was revealed to be a part of a plot to resurrect Lord Voldemort. Sadly, this led to Viktor Krum, whose headmaster was a Death Eater , being hexed to aid in their attempts. In a way, this became a blemish on the impressive feat of being chosen for the tournament.

In quidditch, the Seeker pursues the Golden Snitch and, if caught, ensures that their team is awarded points and effectively ends the game. During the final, the Bulgarians found themselves down by against Ireland. At this stage of the match, even with the rules being what they are, Viktor still pursued the snitch and managed to capture it. In sports, there are dignified defeats and there are total blowouts. No one likes to see a team they root for, or play for, lose so badly and even less so in a championship game. A player as knowledgeable and skilled as Viktor would not pursue the snitch at that point in the match unless he had a very good reason. The Bulgarians were being routed and the Irish Seeker had begun to make a play for the snitch himself.

Viktor krum quidditch world cup

Weasley , Winky , the Malfoys , and various important guests. The veela sing and dance and the flying, lantern-carrying leprechauns make formations in the air, and both their antics escalate as the games goes on. The veela prove to be particularly distracting to the referee , Hassan Mostafa , first compelling him to try to impress them and later causing his broomstick to catch fire GF8. The Irish team — especially the Chasers — work seamlessly together, but Krum is a remarkable flyer, successfully employing the Wronski Feint and then completing essentially the same maneuver again to actually catch the Snitch. The date given here for the Quidditch World Cup final is derived from the actual calendar for August, Therefore it's not canon, but a reasonable assumption of when these events took place based on canon. As for the time, we know that the match started after dark. The sun set at pm on Dartmoor on that date in The fans didn't start making their way to the stadium through the woods until it was dark, so that was probably around

How many days till august 26

When the Death Eaters spotted the Dark Mark in the sky, they fled, [5] something Lord Voldemort scorned them for upon his return in the following year. Irish Chaser , Troy scored the first goal of the match. Now, Viktor had two choices: risk the game ending with a final score in an embarrassing defeat, or go for the snitch himself and lose with a much more dignified score of The trio, the Weasleys , and the Diggorys arrive to the moor via portkey. That said, it would be over a decade before his dream would become a reality. Beyond it, Harry Potter was able to make out the ghostly shapes of hundreds and hundreds of tents. Viktor Krum as a POP! The field looked smooth as velvet from their lofty position. Viktor entered the maze behind Harry and Cedric, and began searching for the Triwizard Cup. Surly and moody, Viktor usually kept his own company and rarely spoke unless he needed to.

At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Spoilers will be present within the article.

Despite his offer, Hermione never visited Viktor in Bulgaria, but the two continued to correspond through letters. As such, one or the other source is estimating as he cannot have been 38 by April and still be 18 in late May While at the reception, Viktor greeted Hermione enthusiastically, commenting that she looked wonderful. Kenneth Hastings. He received a runners-up medal along with the rest of the Bulgarian team following the conclusion of the match. He then commented to a disguised Harry that Ginny Weasley was very pretty. Ve have just four floors, and the fires are lit only for magical purposes. After another two Irish goals, Ivanova registered Bulgaria's opening score. The final score was Clara Ivanova. The stadium was huge — Harry Potter thought that ten cathedrals would fit comfortably inside it — and it seated , people.

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