virat kohli young pictures

Virat kohli young pictures

Some pictures of Kohli's school days, which are shared by his friend, are now getting viral on social media.

March 15, Image Courtesy: AFP. Image Courtesy: ABP. In this picture, you could seen king Kohli with his mother Saroj and his sister and the young Virat cutting the cake. Image Courtesy: Deccan Herald. Virat was born on 5 November in the Punjabi family in Delhi.

Virat kohli young pictures

Curated By: Cricketnext Staff. Last Updated: Virat Kohli's this rare and unseen childhood photo is going viral on social media Instagram. Virat Kohli with Rahul Dravid at an academy. Virat Kohli on a vacation. Kohli has shared this throwback picture after signing with Puma. Incidentally, he is holding a pair of Puma slippers in the photo Twitter. Another snap with his U teammates. India qualified for the World Cup semi-finals for the seventh time in the history of the tournament after they beat neighbours Bangladesh by 28 runs at Edgbaston on July 2, and present to cheer them on was a very special fan named Charulata Patel. After the match, Indian captain Virat Kohli went over to meet her and spend a little time with her. Image: Reuters. With her blessings, on to the next one. India skipper Virat Kohli added another feather to his cap as he became the fastest batsman to score 20, international runs when he reached 37 against the West Indies during their World Cup tie at the Old Trafford on Thursday. He also registered 9, runs batting at the number three spot.

Toddler Virat Kohli with his father, virat kohli young pictures. India qualified for the World Cup semi-finals for the seventh time in the history of the tournament after they beat neighbours Bangladesh by 28 runs at Edgbaston on July 2, and present to cheer them on was a very special fan named Charulata Patel.


Indian skipper Virat Kohli enjoys a massive fan following on social media and his fan groups are also quite active on various platforms. They often share his photos of the journey to the top of Indian cricket. On Saturday May 15 , Kohli's name once again became a topic of discussion on social media as his pics from his junior cricket days went viral. While a user had shared the pics in , the post has garnered much attention in the past 24 hours and has been hit on social media. In these pics, Kohli can be seen with his teammates from junior cricket. Kohli, who now lives in Mumbai, represented Delhi in junior and domestic cricket.

Virat kohli young pictures

Virat Kohli has been a big gift to Indian cricket as the Indian skipper is among the most consistent performer in world cricket and will be leading India to the maiden World Test Championship final against New Zealand in England next month. When tries to recollect a young image of Virat Kohli, the memory goes back to him leading India to U World Cup glory as team's captain in right ahead of the inaugural IPL and soon was picked up by Royal Challengers Bangalore in the auction and has been a loyal servant of the franchise ever since. However, post-Eid celebrations, some unseen rare photos of Virat Kohli emerged from his school days where he could be seen enjoying cricket with his friends while notching up accolades with his performances. Meanwhile, Kohli is now gearing up to leave for England in a three-month gruelling overseas series.

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Curated By: Cricketnext Staff. Surbhi Chandna shares romantic Please review and accept these changes below to continue using the website. Virat was born on 5 November in the Punjabi family in Delhi. Virat Kohli in a playful mood with a security dog during a practice session in Pune. France makes abortion a constitutional right, becomes first country to do so. Right-handed batsman Virat Kohli has scored a total of 22, runs in international cricket so far, including all three formats. Cricketer Virat Kohli during a practice session ahead in Indore. Following a superlative show with the bat in the third Test against England, Virat Kohli has reclaimed the No. Image Courtesy: AFP. Image Courtesy: Newsroom Post. Latest Blogs. Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli in joyous mood in Nagpur.

Curated By: Cricketnext Staff. Last Updated:

Let's take a look at some of these rare and unseen pictures of Virat Kohli. Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli in joyous mood in Nagpur. Latest News. Toddler Virat Kohli with his father. Virat Kohli has been an special talent since childhood and he is on course to set several records in batting before hanging his boots. Virat Kohli shares a laughs with teammate Manish Pandey before the start a match. In this picture, you could seen king Kohli with his mother Saroj and his sister and the young Virat cutting the cake. Virat Kohli's in this rare image and unseen childhood photo is going viral. Team India skipper Virat Kohli has been an important part of the Indian team since his under days and his stellar record is a testimony to this fact. We use cookies to ensure the best experience for you on our website. He is seen a joyous mood before the start of a match. In pics: Ranveer-Deepika shine

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